Question really for the ladies :-) sorry guys to TMI for you

merew19 Posts: 21
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello there,

So I've been exercising and dieting or shall I say changing my way of eating for the last 6 weeks. I've lost 6 lbs so far, but feel quite a bit different and better with more energy and all. I also had a miscarriage 2 1/2 months ago and since m/c am down 13 lbs - I didn't gain with pregnancy because I was only about 8 wks when I miscarried. ANYWAY...I finally got my period yesterday after being 7 days late, and strangly enough it's practically gone today (questions I already addressed with doctor) ANYWAY my question really is - i know you gain weight before your periods - but wouldn't you think that I would be down in weight after my period (of course if I was eating and exercising properly still?) Last week before I got it, I lost 2 lbs, so then when I got it yesterday I thought for sure I would be down even more this morning when I weighed, but instead I was up by almost 1 1/2 lbs and I didn't have a bad weekend of eating and I exercised and all - so I'm really blown away by the gain.

Do any of you gain while on it and then lose it after your off? I've never tracked my weight during my cycles like this so I guess I don't know really when your supposed to gain for your period and when you should lose.

Thanks for your imput!!!


  • Heatherbledsoe
    Heatherbledsoe Posts: 106 Member
    not really =/ it always takes like the day after for the weight to drop, and its always liek 2lbs, lol. Besides, womens weight fluctuates more and easier, so you know, keep at it!
  • candiigraham
    candiigraham Posts: 53 Member
    I have gained and loss DURING my cycle. Just depends on how much sodium I have/am consuming. My weight will go back to the amount of pre=period. So, If I weighed 175 day before period I would be up to 178 depending on sodium or water rentention during period and then back down to 175 after period.
  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    I gain a couple of pounds in the days leading up to TOM and hold on to those (plus a few more, usually) for the first couple of days. Once TOM is gone, I drop the water weight plus whatever I've lost during TOM.
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    Just keep in mind your weight can fluctuate around 2 pounds throughout the day depending on water retention, food eaten and still in your stomach, time of day you weigh etc.
    I don't think you should worry so much about the number. See if your skinny clothes still fit, and if they do, viola! Carry on and concentrate on loosing MASS, not WEIGHT.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Yea, no worries. I feel heavier, and get heavier, when I am on it. But no matter what, it always goes back down when I get off. I keep my normal food routine, except giving into occasional cravings, and I try my best to stay on track. My weight during that time will change anywhere from 0-2 pounds.
  • vicky_unni
    vicky_unni Posts: 24
    I know that with me I fluctuate a lot as well. It can change all the time, nothing to be really worried about. But, part of it could be your body adjusting from the miscarriage and the stress of it all. When you were pregnant, even though you didn't gain, you did have extra weight from the fluids and placenta, your body could have just flushed that all out when you started again. I'm sorry for your lose.
  • Mother4Jesus
    Mother4Jesus Posts: 38 Member
    Ummm...when you say your cycle is gone after one day...that's not normal.
    Could it be that you've experienced implantation bleeding and perhaps that is why you have not lost?
    I do agree wit the other posters that we fluctuate 2lbs through out the day.
  • MichelleFirestone
    MichelleFirestone Posts: 212 Member
    yes, I usually gain 2-4lbs while I have mine. and then after its finished, its goes back down. sometimes even less since I continued to exercise. I'm not sure the reason. I just always assumed your body retained water while you have it.
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Water retention is a normal symptom of your menses. A little weight gain is normal. (I know from experience and research).
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Unfortunately when we have our cycle, we retain water to make sure we have enough fluid to remove all the sluff. Give it a couple days and you should start to see a difference. That water can stay up to a week after your period. Sorry to give you such bad news.
    I am also sorry for your loss. I wish you well in the future. You can talk to your dr about a diuretic to help remove some of the extra water weight, but you are better off decreasing your salt intake for a couple of days and make sure you are getting enough water.
  • kim824
    kim824 Posts: 68 Member
    Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I know how devastating that is. Don't worry so much about the day to day fluctuations. There are so many variables- TOM, water, salt- that the only thing for sure is that nothing is for sure. One month and the next can be totally different. Don't sweat it. Take care and heal yourself.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Ummm...when you say your cycle is gone after one day...that's not normal.
    Could it be that you've experienced implantation bleeding and perhaps that is why you have not lost?
    I do agree wit the other posters that we fluctuate 2lbs through out the day.

    You have an excellent point, it may be a good idea to take a pregnancy test.
  • Usually the weight gain that women experience on their period is water weight. Which goes away pretty quickly after a period. This is part of the reason why most women feel bloated during their period as well.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Just keep doing what you have been. Sometimes it takes my body a day or two to lose all the water weight. Drink lots of water today and try to get in some exercise. The scale should be down by tomorrow or the next day. Good Luck......
  • well seeing how you said your period was only 1 day basically i woulnt worry too much about not loosing any weight after. as far as loosing 2 pounds to pretty much get it back a day or so later well that happens with everyone - the "experts" say that you should only be weighing yourself once a week, and doing more you will see it fluctuate more. i wouldn't worry about it you are still down in the overall picture and like you said you feel better and have more energy which is great! good luck
  • ladyrhees
    ladyrhees Posts: 26
    Honestly, your body is still in the process of returning to your own personal regular programming after your miscarriage. I myself experienced one last Sept at the stage of 9 weeks and it took several months to even out. Your hormones could very well be responsible for your fluctuations and there can be "normal" variations in a month's time due to your body's levels changing for your period, esp after coming off your pregnancy. (I have an 18 yo and remember it took a while for things to settle.) You also might not have the same cycle as before and it may vary until it normalizes for you. My condolences on your loss and my best on reaching your goal. :flowerforyou:

    edit: for posters that believe a 1 day period isn't normal after a m/c....mine for a few months lasted maybe all of a day to 36ish hrs at best after I m/c'd. My dr assured me it wasn't unheard of and unless I experienced any abnormal symptoms (swelling, pain, nausea) that I would eventually even out, and I did before I went on birth control.
  • Yeah, I think it's normal to gain on your period. Afterwards it should go back to normal, though.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    my weight is lowest a week or 2 after.
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    I too would suggest a pregnancy test, just in case. But - anyway - it's nearly TOM here and I am hating myself! Bloating, extra pounds and pimples like I'm 14 again. Gah. It should go down !
  • merew19
    merew19 Posts: 21
    Ummm...when you say your cycle is gone after one day...that's not normal.
    Could it be that you've experienced implantation bleeding and perhaps that is why you have not lost?
    I do agree wit the other posters that we fluctuate 2lbs through out the day.

    You have an excellent point, it may be a good idea to take a pregnancy test.

    Thanks ladies, yeah I actually took a pregnancy test on Friday because I was 5 days late and wanted to know if I was or not. And it was negative. I usually don't have heavy cycles anyway's about 3-4 days max. But I did email my doctor this morning and told them that the last 2 cycles since m/c are only a day or 2 max. So I'll wait to see if that's normal after miscarriage or what. But I do feel better about the weight gain for sure! :)
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