Need Some Advice considering making a big routine change! P

Well, this is the start of my fourth week on my weight loss journey and since I started I did the treadmil for a half hour and then the elliptical for a half hour (or so). My burn is so much higher on the elliptical, I LOVE the elliptical, I am to the point where I almost want to run on it, and don't feel the same about the treadmil. I think I sweat a little more on the treadmil initially but both give great workouts. This weekend I did 60 min on the elliptical. 1st 30 was a custom workout that extended the resistence as I went on all the way up to the highest, and then lower as the workout completed. Then I did 30 minutes on med intensity I got an hour exercise and loved it.

The elliptical is not as hard on my knees, ankles, and I just like it. So, I really am considering as of today cutting the tread out all together, but I'm kind of leary. The tread has a lower burn rate, and is harsher, but I'm not sure if it is giving me something I'm not noticing and by eliminating it I'll lose something. I don't know, what do you all think? I'm thinking of trying elliptical only for a week and seeing if my weightloss, endurance, and body structure continues to change, or stops changing, but I'm scared b/c I'm doing so well and I don't want anything to stop that, but at the same time I dread the stupid treadmil, it does not bring me joy at all. I could literally get on the elliptical for an hour and come back later on that evening and be happy to do another half hour. Help please.


  • hillyhilly
    hillyhilly Posts: 20
    I think that to do any exercise long term, you've got to be enjoying it so for me that would be ditch the treadmill. That said, variety is also a good thing, could you replace the tread with anything else - swimming burns cals off really well.
  • Peekadoo
    Peekadoo Posts: 29 Member
    The "dreadmill" is a drudgery, but if you can keep doing it, keep doing it because there is no better exercise than walking. If you really hate it, walk outside. Many neighborhood parks have walking trails for that purpose.
  • mialsya
    mialsya Posts: 188 Member
    You're right when you say the elliptical gives you a better burn and a better workout. If you can do the elliptical and cut out the treadmill, then do it. The elliptical was designed to mimic your walking movements in exaggeration but without the impact, hence why it's not as harsh on your joints and knees. Now, this is not a movement you will get naturally, so if you use the elliptical exclusively and then quit, you may see some initial weight gain, but once you reincrease your activity level again, it will go away. Unless you're wheelchair bound, which I doubt, you're always going to walk, so cutting out the treadmill for the elliptical is not a bad thing. It's easier on your joints and gives you a more complete full-body workout.
  • mrs_joshica
    mrs_joshica Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I already swim, walk, weight train, etc. But my main daily routine is 30-tread 30-elliptical. Heck I've noticed dancing around the house (tracked w/ NOOM) for 12 minutes gives me .6 miles. So, anything I do outside of my 30/30 is "extra". I love the fact that I can practically get to a sprinting point on the elliptical whereas the tread w/ a lower burn makes it more difficult b/c it's just to harsh on the joints. I am going to try the elliptical strictly for this full week and I'll let you guys know what changes have occured. I love the way she called it "dreadmil" because that is exactly what that feels like. Natural walking doesn't feel like that, I don't know what it is, but I was on the elliptical yesterday staring at the tread going, "Oh Lord, I have to get on that tomorrow!" LOL
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I am an elliptical fan - I attribute my weight loss to MFP and to my elliptical! I was walking before, but I never really lost any weight, even at a higher intensity walk. Since starting on the elliptical, the weight seemed to come off more easily. And, I didn't have to work out as long to get the higher calorie burn!

    Good luck!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    We've got an elliptical and a treadmill but recently the motor on the treadmill has been dying out, so now just using the elliptical. I like the elliptical because it is lower impact and I feel like my upper body is getting more of a workout because of the reach and resistance. Doing more runs and walks outside is more enjoyable than the treadmill anyway. If you enjoy the elliptical then focus on it for awhile!
  • mrs_joshica
    mrs_joshica Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks! You know after an hour on the elliptical, I KNOW already I'm done w/ the tread for a while. 1 hour, 60 minutes, 1400 + burn, feel awesome, sweat pouring off me like I'm running away 'cause I stole something, lol rotf! And, after all that, I KNOW I'll want to do a low impact, low resistance night cap by 6. So, yea, I'm lovign this already.
  • katevonr
    katevonr Posts: 27
    My personal recommendation is to continue using both machines for variety. You want to mix up your workouts on a schedule to work and rest the various muscle groups. Otherwise, you'll plateau. If you do choose to give up the treadmill, be sure to incorporate other workouts (machine or weights) to break up the muscle monotony!

    I recently went to buy an elliptical and ended up getting a treadmill instead, even though I prefer the elliptical. My reasons - (1) I couldn't find a home elliptical in my price range that I liked, and (2) I work out on my lunch breaks at the gym in my building. 90% of those workouts are on the elliptical, with some strength training later at home... I wanted a machine at home that would force me to vary my routine.
  • mrs_joshica
    mrs_joshica Posts: 275 Member
    My personal recommendation is to continue using both machines for variety. You want to mix up your workouts on a schedule to work and rest the various muscle groups. Otherwise, you'll plateau. If you do choose to give up the treadmill, be sure to incorporate other workouts (machine or weights) to break up the muscle monotony!

    I recently went to buy an elliptical and ended up getting a treadmill instead, even though I prefer the elliptical. My reasons - (1) I couldn't find a home elliptical in my price range that I liked, and (2) I work out on my lunch breaks at the gym in my building. 90% of those workouts are on the elliptical, with some strength training later at home... I wanted a machine at home that would force me to vary my routine.

    Def understand that. I do weight training every Monday and Thursday, which reminds me I didn't do my weights today, so I will do them tonight when I do my other 30 minutes. I do other things throughout the day that calls on other muscle groups, but I do feel abs, legs, arms, butt, hips, and an overall workout on the elliptical. I'll do it this week and see how I like it. I think I'll use my leisurely activities that don't burn as many calories to break up the workout.Plus, I do think that if I plateau it will be good to use the cycle or the tread at that point with more weight loss so the tread is not so harsh on my legs. Thanks for all the advice. Good stuff! :)
  • xtina1982
    xtina1982 Posts: 37
    if the elliptical is working for you - girl, stick with it! it sounds like you love it and that's so critical in making this a lifestyle change - if you look forward to it, it's so much easier to continue.

    that said...if you're working out at home (and it sounds like you are), you do plateau more easily on an elliptical than a treadmill, so keep some other stuff on hand to mix it up. you mentioned dancing, which is awesome - i do it all the time and it's amazing how it positively affects my mood and outlook...i like the leslie sansone Walk At Home programs, tae bo, pilates, or i'll use My Fitness Coach on the wii - anything to shake it up and keep it fresh. it's taken me a long, long time to build up a collection diverse enough that i DON'T get bored, but it's so important.

    you totally inspired me though - i just finished a 4-mile walk, but now i want to go to the gym! LOL