Change of Plans...

I initially wanted to lose weight and had a set goal of going from 155lbs to 135lbs.. 20 lbs down and after a couple of years... I finally did it :D but, it could've been done much sooner. Going out with friends, drinking many nights a week in excess :( carb loading the day after with no intention of training or doing anything remotely productive... I derailed my efforts often. So, now that the weight is off, the diet is clean, and my self sabatoging days are behind me I've set a new goal... Gains!! :p I wanted to be skinny, but now I want to be fit!!! (5'4" and 134lbs from 158 at my highest, from 32% body fat to 23%... Want that last 3% down!!)lyh4n07lzkbk.jpeg


  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    you look terrific! Very good!
  • jbatinker
    jbatinker Posts: 313 Member
    Great job!
  • DanerTee
    DanerTee Posts: 263 Member
    You're a rockstar! I saw a woman at the gym last night who could have been your twin and she was just killing it and I thought "Man, I want to BE her!" Very inspiring, thank you!
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    Nicely done!
  • roxyyrainy123
    roxyyrainy123 Posts: 44 Member
    @DanerTee there's beauty in strength I'm starting to realize!! I was so obsessed with the number on the scale I missed out on how invigorating losing weight can be with exercise instead of constant dieting!!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    you're looking great. I know how it is - trying to juggle losing with enjoying yourself. I'm 20lbs down and the motivation to lose the weight isn't quite there now for the last 10lbs but I too have discovered how much fun being fitter can be. As I've lost weight it appears to have made my body straight up and down and I've lost my bum.

    So the next few weeks are all about strength and getting curves - and that all important butt!!!
  • roxyyrainy123
    roxyyrainy123 Posts: 44 Member
    edited September 2016
    @girlinahat I HEAR YOU!!! :# This happened to me as well and it initially was infuriating because I have some body fat I still want to lose YET need to gain my butt back (boobs never came :D ever in life lol) but, a trainer said to set my MPF goals at maintain and to start increasing weights every 4-5 weeks and I'll get the booty back even better and fat loss will occur as well. Deadlifts, squats, lunges, and glute bridges are gonna be our new best friends!! Don't get discouraged we have to see the beauty in the process <3
  • Tisa76
    Tisa76 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm in that same self-sabotage boat, changing that is hard work but seeing results helps keep me motivated. You've done a wonderful job breaking the cycle, you look great! Best of luck with your new "gain" plan! :)
  • roxyyrainy123
    roxyyrainy123 Posts: 44 Member
    edited September 2016
    @Tisa76 ahhhh the self sabotaging boat is a gnarly ride. It sounds kooky but this app really helped..nuala4u5cs5s.png

    Sometimes you need the mental boost to keep you going!! (I used the free one lol). It got my mindset focused on not making this journey a punishment.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    Hey, you got it done living your life and getting back on track toward your goal. You look great..congrats for reaching your goal!
  • Nightmare_Queen88
    Nightmare_Queen88 Posts: 304 Member
    Congratulations you look amazing. :)
  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 357 Member
    edited September 2016
    That is so awesome! You look amazing. That is such great progress and accomplishment! It's so hard, but just be patient to get that last body fat % to drop where you want it. The lower you go, the harder it seems to be. But you can do it!! Make sure you are eating enough that your body is using those calories to power and fuel your workouts instead of storing as fat. Keep lifting heavy. Drink lots of water. Sleep! You already look awesome, but you will definitely get to where you want to be.

    It's okay that you were living your life! Or else what's the point of any of this? I don't know if this helps at all, but I was very similar in that I started off just wanting to drop weight and be thin. But then my goals started shifting into "I want to be jacked!" Strong. Fit. And then having that focus is motivating to eat well. Like the more your body performs for you, the more motivating it is to fuel it, nourish it, get optimal rest.

    And I really think building muscle is the key to sustainable weight loss. I had an inbody analysis thing done - body composition thing. My weight stayed exactly the same - but body fat % went down and muscle mass went up. It shows the BMR - how many calories you burn at rest a day just existing - and I am burning more NOW at a smaller size than I was a year ago when I weighed more - because my muscle mass is so much higher. My meal portion sizes are bigger than ever. I went from 41% body fat in Feb 2015 to 29% June 2015 to 24% August 2015 to about 18.2% right now. I'm 5'5, similar to you. So keep at took time and patience (which is not my strong point), but it happened!

    And you look so bad *kitten*, very Olivia Pope gorg. ;)
  • LyiannaTameka
    LyiannaTameka Posts: 34 Member
    Omg, I want to be you, you remind me of myself. I'm 5'5 and my high weight was 160lbs. I wanted to lose 40lbs in 4 months but it never happened. I'm still trying to get to my goal weight of 120lbs. Before I wanted to be skinny, but now I want to be healthy and fit. I want to be able to run for 10 minutes without feeling like I'm gonna have an asthma attack. I want to be fit and strong. You're my inspiration. How did you do it? You look bomb by the way ❤️.
  • enuffexcuses
    enuffexcuses Posts: 3 Member
    You look great! Congratulations on all the hard work.
  • Krystasfocused25
    Krystasfocused25 Posts: 34 Member
  • roxyyrainy123
    roxyyrainy123 Posts: 44 Member
    @leaninsc this helps so much!!! This last 5% of body fat is so hard to get rid of. It's going to take time and patience but I would be over the moon if I could get to where your at!!! Is maintenance tedious at 18.5% or easier??
  • roxyyrainy123
    roxyyrainy123 Posts: 44 Member
    @LyiannaTameka thank you for the love!! <3 you'll be able to run 10 minutes with no prob soon enough!! Download a free app called C25k and it'll get you running and your endurance up quickly and painlessly lol. And I was eating around 1300-1400 calories a day and with under or right around 100g of carbs. I exercise daily though. In the morning I do strength training (weights, machines, core exercises). And in the evening after work jog 5-6 miles. I didn't eat back my exercise calories fully. The most would be 1/4 of them. And just cut junk out. Instead of ice cream frozen bananas and melted dark chocolate drizzled on, instead of fast food I'd eat a protein bar until my next meal. I'm rarely unprepared. Always have nuts, and a piece of fruit, and string cheese on me so I don't cave lol. You'll get there!!
  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 357 Member
    edited October 2016
    @roxyyrainy123 I know, that last 5% is sooo frustrating, but it will definitely come. Just keep doing exactly what you are doing. Maintenance has been fine. My body fat hasn't gone up at all. If anything, I think it is easier because my portion sizes are so much bigger now. I eat a lot of food! The right kind of nutrients, but good size portions. I feel like I am in fat burn mode all the time. I have a metabolism now, it seems more ramped up than ever, so I am hungry all the time, but I eat! Muscle, muscle, muscle, it is all about building that muscle.

    I tweaked my nutrition a bit in that last phase trying to get down. I started adding in a bit more fat in the morning (2 full eggs along with my 3/4 cup egg whites & 3/4 cup oats) and with my dinner. More protein. More good kind of carbs (portioned oats, sweet potatos, rice, pasta, etc.) to help fuel my workouts. A lot of strength training and HIIT. Increasing protein, adding back more of the right carbs, adding in more healthy fats - I was scared I was going to be eating too much, but that's actually when my fat started going down more.

    Now I am trying to gain a few more pounds - muscle only. It's challenging to lose body fat % without sacrificing muscle mass, but that is exactly why you want to do it slowly and the right way. So you can preserve that muscle as much as possible or build it. That's what keeps those calories burning at rest, that's what allows you to eat, enjoy, and feel so good! I kinda like the discipline of it at this point so I think that has helped with maintaining as well. Like you invest so much time and efforts on those gains, you want to protect that investment the other hours of the day.

    If anything, you know what the hardest part is now? Needing new goals. It's like you drop the weight... get the body fat % down... improve your mile time or whatever... and then it's like... ok now what? It's almost easier when you have a goal and a new challenge. So enjoy the journey to get there!
  • Tisa76
    Tisa76 Posts: 86 Member
    @roxyrainy123 Thank you so much for the app suggestion! Ironically, I was just looking into weight loss hypnosis CDs the other day. I know it's not a "cure" for my problems, but certainly another tool to help me get and keep my mind right through this journey! :)
  • jolive7
    jolive7 Posts: 283 Member
    You look great!!! I am with you - at 22.6% and ready to be at 20%!!
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