Binge ate today



  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    It's one a day out of the rest of your life. A little drop in the ocean. Get back to logging, it will be alright.

    This. One day will not harm you.
    If you can, log everything, and just go back to normal tomorrow. No need to do hardcore cardio or eat very little tomorrow, just eat and exercise as normal. It's not the failing/binge eating that makes us failures, it's not getting back to it that will do it. :) We are human and poop happens sometimes. Move on and forgive yourself.

    How many calories did you eat above your normal calories, and how many pounds a week did you choose to lose?

    I've been under 1200 the past 2 months & this last month under 900. Today was well over 2500

    Well, no wonder. Undereating causes binge eating!

    This. So much this. You starved your body for 3 months? Not good. :(

    You haven't answered how many pounds per week you set mfp to lose.
    How much have you got to lose?

    Most I lose is 2 1/2 to 3lbs a week. I have a very fast pace life so exercising is so hard to fit into my schedule. I maybe get to twice a week.

    You should be losing at maybe half that rate with your current weight. Please choose a less aggressive rate of loss, it will help you in the long run.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    A lot to reply to. My current weight as of this morning 169. My goal is 150. Sugar is very addictive to me. Thank you for the list of foods that I can try to add. Like right now today I've ate my cottage cheese with fruit & celery with light peanut butter. Lunch I haven't even thought of yet. So, I don't feel like I fell of the wagon as bad as I did. To me it was binge eating because it was all very unhealthy food. I do come from a family that has had history of eating disorders & I think that's why I've always stayed over weight because I never wanted to be so skinny & unhealthy like they were.

    You only have 19 pounds to go. Up those calorie goals to lose 1/2 pounds a week, which might give you between 1600-1700 calories without exercise.

    You have undoubtedly lost a lot of muscle mass with your fat, so now is the time to put on the brakes and prevent any further muscle loss.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    lissmayer wrote: »
    A lot to reply to. My current weight as of this morning 169. My goal is 150. Sugar is very addictive to me. Thank you for the list of foods that I can try to add. Like right now today I've ate my cottage cheese with fruit & celery with light peanut butter. Lunch I haven't even thought of yet. So, I don't feel like I fell of the wagon as bad as I did. To me it was binge eating because it was all very unhealthy food. I do come from a family that has had history of eating disorders & I think that's why I've always stayed over weight because I never wanted to be so skinny & unhealthy like they were.

    My tone is kind- not an attack. You need to get to the place where you can see that your chronic undereating is a component of your own disordered eating. I get that it is painful to acknowledge- but what you have described *is* the starvation/binge cycle- even if you don't *feel* like you are starving yourself.

    It's a long game, and finding a professional to help you work through that disordered eating could make a huge difference in your health. I urge you to reach out to someone for perspective- even if- especially if- your reaction to this is defensiveness. When we are raised by people with disordered eating, it becomes normalized for us- and getting help with that is no different from getting help for a broken bone.

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP I know you are feeling defensive, there isn't any need to. The people giving you advice are people who have been successful on this site, who have been here a long time, who have seen so many people like you who feel like losing weight has to be an extremely restrictive process, only to burn out or give up...

    First - with only 20 lbs to lose you should have your calorie goal set to lose 0.5 lbs/week. Losing weight at the rate you are is sacrificing lean body mass, and often can create the dreaded "skinny fat" look.

    Second, eating 1200 cals or under is not advisable as it is difficult to get adequate nutrition on such a low level, both from a total energy perspective (calories) to fuel your busy lifestyle as well as enough macro (carbs/fat/protein) and micro (all the other important vitamins and minerals) nutrient perspective.

    Third, 2500 cals isn't a binge. It's likely that as active as you are, that may not be much higher than your TDEE. It certainly wouldn't put you out of a calorie deficit for the week. Viewing foods in such negative connotation as eating more food than normal at a fun social event and calling it a binge, worrying that it derails your progress is not a healthy outlook on this process. For people that suffer from Binge Eating Disorder (and I'm not one but I have friends who do), that may be a little offensive to describe your day of indulgence as a Binge.

    Fourth, while sugary foods are tasty and people often have difficulty moderating them, there isn't actual any scientific evidence showing that sugar is chemically addictive. Cutting it out altogether can be challenging, some people find they need to go to that extreme if they can't moderate it, but events like you describe are always going to happen in life and so maybe learning how to consume those foods in moderation would be a helpful long term strategy for you.

    Lastly, for what it's worth, I'm 5'2 and also very busy and active. I lost most of my weight eating between 1600-1900 cals and am currently maintaining at about 2100 cals. You can/should certainly be eating more than 800-900 cals and still achieve your goal, while not being miserable in the process.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Op, do you have more than 75lbs to lose? If no, then your deficit is far to large. Losing over 2lb per week unless morbidly obese is not a safe way to lose weight.

    Eating below 1200 is under eating, though. It's not possible to get proper nutrition with low calories.

    No one is attacking. We are concerned.
    The most important thing is to completely avoid refined sugar right now- it is addictive so you need to stay away since you've just had some there will be cravings- fight them! Have fruit if you crave sweet.
    Not necessary. It is possible to have successful weight loss consume sugar and lose weight.

    Weight loss isn't about cutting out foods/food groups. it's all about a calorie deficit.
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    edited October 2016
    A lot to reply to. My current weight as of this morning 169. My goal is 150. Sugar is very addictive to me. Thank you for the list of foods that I can try to add. Like right now today I've ate my cottage cheese with fruit & celery with light peanut butter. Lunch I haven't even thought of yet. So, I don't feel like I fell of the wagon as bad as I did. To me it was binge eating because it was all very unhealthy food. I do come from a family that has had history of eating disorders & I think that's why I've always stayed over weight because I never wanted to be so skinny & unhealthy like they were.

    Being that you have 19 lbs left to lose, you need to set your goal to .5 lb per week and eat that. I started out just over 250 lbs and am 5'3". Even now at almost 40 lbs down I am losing comfortably at an average of 1500 calories (I wear a Fitbit and it depends on my activity level for the day). I have like 90 more lbs to lose though so that is why I even eat that little. If I changed the rate to 1 lb per week, I'd probably be able to eat 1800-1900 calories and lose just fine as well. You should not eat at less than 1200 because it is not good for your body. Think of your body as a car. You can't run it on empty constantly. Also, try to incorporate small treats in your diet so you are less likely to binge. I know you said that you binged because of the wedding, but if you eat at such a low rate all the time, as soon as you are around the food's you really like (wedding), you are more likely to binge. I lose just fine as long as I eat at my calorie goal and I eat treats almost every day. I just don't eat as much or as many as I used to. You have to make this something you can keep up with the rest of your life or you will be more likely to gain the weight back.