
Ok so' 4 pounds in almost a week is not bad but I know that must be all water weight. I'm starting to have cravingsssssss I love cookies, cakes, ice cream, all the really good but very bad thingsss!!! What sweets can I eat?!?!? I just ate 2 oatmeal cookies and I feel terrible!


  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    Sugar free popsicles are only 15 calories and takes care of my sweet tooth.
  • asmlpkg
    asmlpkg Posts: 4 Member
    The cookies may have fit in your calories for the day. You can have sweets. Check out the serving sizes and you'll be fine. If you want lots of ideas, do a search here as there are many low calorie options.
  • bunnyluv19
    bunnyluv19 Posts: 103 Member
    I usually have a couple of hard candies(50 cal) after supper_or a packaged rice crispy bar(90 cal) with a coffee :smile:
  • KristinHR01
    KristinHR01 Posts: 51 Member
    mrm1612 wrote: »
    Ok so' 4 pounds in almost a week is not bad but I know that must be all water weight. I'm starting to have cravingsssssss I love cookies, cakes, ice cream, all the really good but very bad thingsss!!! What sweets can I eat?!?!? I just ate 2 oatmeal cookies and I feel terrible!

    You are addicted to processed sugar. You just have to stop and quit cold turkey. Takes about 2 weeks for the cravings to go away, but trust me it's so worth it! Substitute those sugary foods with fruit or other foods with natural sugar like berries, yogurt.

    The problem with processed sugar is they fill you up fast, but don't keep you full. You'll eat more in the long run. Remember, in order to lose weight you must eat at a deficit (burn more calories than you consume.)
  • Dano74
    Dano74 Posts: 503 Member
    Overall, keep an eye on nutrition... but food guilt is overrated. If cravings fit your calories and you can... enjoy the cookie or cake you want. Those foods won't add fat. Eating too much beyond your calorie thresholds will.
  • SylviazSpirit
    SylviazSpirit Posts: 694 Member
    Fo me, I have ALWAYS had insane sweet cravings. However, in the last few months O have noticed that they have subsided a lot!!! I really feel like, for me, it is because I am making sure to eat more balanced. I closely monitor my macros and being more balanced seems to have really put the breaks on my cravings. On the days when I do have an urge to eat a sweet, I'll have some fruit, yogurt, or coffee with sugar. I also don't keep anything like cookies or ice cream in the house anymore so that I'm not just eating it just because it is there and I have to grab something better to curb a sweet tooth if or when it happens. But, a cookie here or there won't make or break you, just make sure it fits in your day. :)
  • zilkah
    zilkah Posts: 207 Member
    Halo top ice cream lol. 240 calories for the pint. I made a pint last a few days.

    I've found just cutting it mostly over time though has made me crave it less. Don't deprive yourself too much , just set aside 100 cals or so a day for a bad snack, that's what I do :P
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Nestle mini drumsticks are 110 calories. A Popsicle is 40. A fudge pop is under 100. A can of soda is 110-160. You can have whatever you like if it fits in your daily calorie goal.
  • mrm1612
    mrm1612 Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you all!!!
  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    Fit them into your calorie goals :) My protein bar is usually good enough for me. Best of luck!

    Also, something to consider. Stop labeling foods "good" and "bad". You shouldn't feel terrible after eating two cookies. :)
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    mrm1612 wrote: »
    Ok so' 4 pounds in almost a week is not bad but I know that must be all water weight. I'm starting to have cravingsssssss I love cookies, cakes, ice cream, all the really good but very bad thingsss!!! What sweets can I eat?!?!? I just ate 2 oatmeal cookies and I feel terrible!

    I have recently realized that when I start craving sweets, what I really need is more food in general. Your 4lb in one week weight loss suggests to me that you may be the same.

  • Red_Pill
    Red_Pill Posts: 300 Member
    Eat the damn thing and be done with it.
  • valerialeek
    valerialeek Posts: 65 Member
    I caved into my cravings last night: a pint of peanut butter ice cream and a whole pizza. Who cares
  • mrm1612
    mrm1612 Posts: 31 Member
    lol thats awesome
  • Kelbelb75
    Kelbelb75 Posts: 90 Member
    Cravings are hard for me. 2 days straight of 'graze eating' my cravings left me feeling disheartened. Last night I craved Maltesers but finally didn't give in...took over an hour to fight it off...*sigh*.