Help!!! Can't find motivation!!!

I'm so tired of yo yo ing!!! I'll log daily for about 2 weeks then give up!! Ugh!! So frustrated with myself!!!


  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    edited October 2016
    Why are u yo-yoing? Perhaps depression or? I agree with queenliz99 just take baby steps....1st log what u eat....don't worry about decreasing your calories, then when u have developed the habit of logging then look at decreasing your intake, then after doing that add in exercising.....take small steps to get to an obtainable can stay motivated, remember why you are doing's for U
  • buxs981
    buxs981 Posts: 19 Member
    Queen Liz, alot of it is just lack of.motivation, getting down on myself easily, and giving in to temptation!!! Ugh!!!
  • buxs981
    buxs981 Posts: 19 Member
    I appreciate all of the suggestions and support!! Hopefully I'm at least sick and tired enough that I'm.asking for help, suggestions, and support! I'm not ready to give up!! I can definitely be my own worst enemy!!!
  • buxs981
    buxs981 Posts: 19 Member
    Day one of doing .5 lbs loss vs 1lb loss. Gonna try that. Hoping to have the same focus tomorrow!!
  • buxs981
    buxs981 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for all your help/suggestions Teacurls! I have been.on.thos journey for years. At one point: I was a weight watchers success. Met my goal, became a lifetime member, and kept it off for over 1yr. It was hard keeping it off as I struggled to find that adjustment to higher points and not gaining. Then, of course, life happened, excuses happened, in and out of depression, and trying to find that stability in life. Now, a business owner, 74 miles around trip to work and back, always tired, no energy when I get home, and just lay around. Yes, absolutely most of this is in my control. I know I had success before and want it back again!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    buxs981 wrote: »
    update: I logged in everything yesterday and so far today. Also just came back from a 16 minute brisk walk, in between seeing clients!

    Rinse and repeat!
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    buxs981 wrote: »
    update: I logged in everything yesterday and so far today. Also just came back from a 16 minute brisk walk, in between seeing clients!

    Way to go! (I was just about to post I was looking forward to hearing about your successes.
  • seeing1111
    seeing1111 Posts: 13 Member
    Hang in there, lots of support in this group. <3
  • ScottinTX
    ScottinTX Posts: 7 Member
    My problem is excuses. I have a TON of them. I've actually gotten quite good at them (not bragging). I suffer from depression (hereditary) and just had my Dr. up my meds last week. I'm at the heaviest I have ever been right now (almost 400#) and that alone is enough to send me spiraling into an eating frenzy which of course perpetuates the problem (another excuse?). Either way my problem is that I need to get up and get moving. I sit behind a desk all day and then go home and am mentally exhausted. What I need to do is keep my big butt out of my recliner when I get home. Clean, get my bike fixed so I can ride it, walk the dogs, something. It's a matter of just doing it. When the time comes I don't.'s an endless cycle!
  • buxs981
    buxs981 Posts: 19 Member
    I totally get it ScottinTX!!
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    Looking forward to hearing how your day went.
  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    @ScottinTX - I am going to try to take a short walk at lunch today. Ditto on the mentally exhausted post-work.
  • buxs981
    buxs981 Posts: 19 Member
    The hard part is that some days by the time I get home, I start making dinner right away, then by the time I'm eating it's already 6-7pm! That's when I just so exhausted! Then I'm in bed by 9:45-10pm, just to be up around 6;30am again!