30 day shred

Nexxy Posts: 33
So im just wondering how this works... i see some people doing the same work out as me but we dont burn the same cals.. Like its saying i burned 490 cals and then the other person only did 200 somthing.. does anyone know why this is? i just dont want to be putting it in wrong and be eatting to much a day or somthing..


  • yusineddy
    yusineddy Posts: 457 Member
    Im no expert but I believe it has to do with the way the calories burned are measured, for instance, most people use a HRM which is more specific being that it takes in consideration your specific weight, heigt and age, therefore giving you a specific calorie burned per workout. Hope that helps some.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I use a HRM to track my calories and usually only get about 150-200 calories while doing 30DS.
  • Trezzy
    Trezzy Posts: 52 Member
    a HRM is the only real way of knowing. I've burned anywhere from 212 to 325 calories doing the same level depending how hard I work. Everyone is going to get a different burn.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I did the 30 DS and counted it as 25 min of circuit training. I'm 5'8" and 144lbs. It calculated out to around 200 calories. Depending on your fitness level and how much you weigh it can change the amount of calories you burn. Someone who weighs more might burn more calories than you do. You can do a few searches for programs that allow you to put in your height, weight, age and then use your heartrate to determine how many calories you are burning. That's basically all a HRM does for you, but it's more convenient. I don't use one.
  • Nexxy
    Nexxy Posts: 33
    Thanks everyone that helps alot :) ill try out the HRM!
  • tnaconde
    tnaconde Posts: 25
    I would still only eat your recommended amount of calories. dont eat more because you worked out.
  • Nexxy
    Nexxy Posts: 33
    Haha... thank you tnaconde for seeing it! i had put in 30 mins for the 30 day shred and i should have put 20 mins opps.. it seemed weired to me that i had burned so much! but now it looks right! :D
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