How do you keep the motivation with so much to lose?



  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Someone just posted this video in another thread (which I am currently trying to find so I can thank her for posting it). VERY inspirational!

    Also, every time I want to give up I remind myself " A year from now you will wish you had started today". That is my new motto!!!
  • frg4bama
    frg4bama Posts: 78 Member
    BTW this question inspired me to set up my own goals...thanks :)
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    It's so hard. Some days are easier than others, whereas some days are nothing but a struggle. I have over 100lbs to lose... I'm at 13. 13? 120 left. It's SO discouraging. I know it's not a race and it will come off slowly, but 133 lbs to lose is a lot....... I have an entire young woman to shed off of my body, and I dont know how to handle the mental aspect of this sometimes. It's so hard. Some days I'm completely dedicated, and I have the passion, drive and enthusiasm...... other days, are like today.....Any advice?

    I'm probably not going to add anything that hasn't been mentioned before. So, I'll just reiterate what has been said. Set small goals initially and give yourself a reward for reaching those goals. The rewards don't have to be expensive or even cost you anything. Examples might be to give yourself a mani/pedi at home, take a day to pamper yourself at home, get together with friends and have a makeover party, go to a few of your local thrift stores/consignment shops and pick up some pretty new (to you) clothes in smaller sizes (even if they don't quite fit yet) as incentive to continue on your path.

    When I first started in December, I wasn't sure what my goal weight was going to be so I started out with an initial goal weight that didn't seem so daunting. As I got closer to that goal I would add another 5-10 lbs to the goal and worked my way down from there. Initially started out wanting to lose at least 75lbs and currently I'm down nearly100 lbs and still going strong.

    Ideally, the motivation to continue will come from within and from your own desire to be the best you can be.
  • Jasmine_Moonstone
    Jasmine_Moonstone Posts: 80 Member
    It is a very hard road to go on. I myself have lost 32lbs, but it has taken me since January to loss that much. I still have 50lbs left to go. I set small goals for myself & award myself here & there with small things. I went to the thrift store with my mom Saturday & bought myself 2 new shirts b/c most of my nicer shirts are to big & starting to look rediculous on me, so I needed a couple of nice shirts to wear when I go off.

    I also look at the small picture. As long as the scale keeps moving down, I am happy. I also took a break for a short while. I also allow myself to have small treats along the way if I am really craving it. If I have a bad day, I just move on to the next day. If I get discouraged & want to give up I look back at where I was when I started & think about how much better I feel now & how much better I will continue to feel the more I loose.
  • RainyDayKelli
    RainyDayKelli Posts: 85 Member
    I know it's a lot to lose (I'm in the same boat). But think about how much 13 lbs is! Go to the grocery store and just pick up a 10lb bag of sugar or flour. Really hold it in your arms and think to yourself how awesome it is that you don't have to carry that around 24 hours a day anymore. I love doing things like that. I've lost 13 lbs now myself, with about 130 left to go. I use things like that as a good example. :)
  • goofynat
    goofynat Posts: 68 Member
    It's so hard. Some days are easier than others, whereas some days are nothing but a struggle. I have over 100lbs to lose... I'm at 13. 13? 120 left. It's SO discouraging. I know it's not a race and it will come off slowly, but 133 lbs to lose is a lot....... I have an entire young woman to shed off of my body, and I dont know how to handle the mental aspect of this sometimes. It's so hard. Some days I'm completely dedicated, and I have the passion, drive and enthusiasm...... other days, are like today.....Any advice?

    I'm right here with ya. It is both encouraging and daunting to see so many sucess stories on here and wondering if you too could be that storey someday. I have to remind myself each day that I matter, that this is for me, and life is for the get moving...even parking in the furthest away spot at the supermarket and walking the store inside 3 times on the outer aisles is more than I did 1 month ago. so celebrate the small victories as they matter. I kind of make my trips to the boxed stores as a mini work-out and walk with my full cart of food...3+ times around...that way noone knows what you are doing, you have the weight of the food, and it's kinda fun as you can still look at stuff...doesnt feel like excersizing...
    cheers ~ Nat :)
  • goofynat
    goofynat Posts: 68 Member
    I know it's a lot to lose (I'm in the same boat). But think about how much 13 lbs is! Go to the grocery store and just pick up a 10lb bag of sugar or flour. Really hold it in your arms and think to yourself how awesome it is that you don't have to carry that around 24 hours a day anymore. I love doing things like that. I've lost 13 lbs now myself, with about 130 left to go. I use things like that as a good example. :)

    I am so gonna do this...what a moral booster.
    cheers ~ Nat :)
  • goofynat
    goofynat Posts: 68 Member
    Yep, go with the small goals - it has helped me massively, I am aiming for 10 at a time, as it seems manageable. Then, when you have done that 10, start on the next 10 :smile:

    smart way to do it. I have been concentrating on the end steps seems more rewarding. thanks for the tip.
    cheers ~ Nat :)
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I know it's a lot to lose (I'm in the same boat). But think about how much 13 lbs is! Go to the grocery store and just pick up a 10lb bag of sugar or flour. Really hold it in your arms and think to yourself how awesome it is that you don't have to carry that around 24 hours a day anymore. I love doing things like that. I've lost 13 lbs now myself, with about 130 left to go. I use things like that as a good example. :)

    I am so gonna do this...what a moral booster.
    cheers ~ Nat :)

    No kidding! Every time I think I haven't lost a lot of weight I think of what my weight loss looks like in "real life" terms. I've lost 21 pounds - that's as much as my nephew weighs and really - after hauling him around for a while last weekend, I was glad to give someone else a chance! I also think of my weight loss in terms of packages of butter. 4 sticks = 1 the math. :) [Hm, I'm starting to see why I don't add butter to my food very often anymore! :laugh: ]
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    I've lost an entire adult man at 180lbs in 17 months. This might seem cliche but the old saying goes, "Do you know how to eat an elephant?" "One bite at a time". Changing your life is just like that. One day, one step, one choice every day. Some of the little things I started doing was not walking by things on the floor. I always stoop down to pick up anything on the floor instead of thinking my wife would get it when she vacuumed. Another helpful hint is always take stairs, never yell for the kids instead go to them and talk to them, always park farther than you need to for extra steps. Little things like these, have proven in my life to help me overcome the enormous goal of 237lbs I'm wanting to lose. I've got 58lbs to go. Honestly its still hard to believe and at the same time I can't believe its been that long. Hang in there you can do it! One step, One bend, One Change, One Pound at a time!
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    I have lost 13 lbs also and it it seems like nothing compared to what I have to lose, so I understand where you're coming from. Today couldn't have been a better day for you to post this topic, I thank you. What I have read above keeps me insipired. Gary-thats phenominal! Kudos to you. I also believe in the mini goals of 10lbs at a time and now that I think about it, I did not reward myself for acheiving that first goal. Hmpf, well I think its time to go shopping. Keep up the good work. Add as friend if you wish. Need all the help I can get !
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Instead of focusing on the weight, focus on your ACTIONS. Make goals for your actions - "this week I will stay in my net calorie goal 6/7 days, and work out 5 days for 45 minutes". You really can't control the amount of weight that comes off or how fast (to a degree), so no point in focusing everything on that. Focus on your fitness gains, and the weight will fall off at the pace your body will let it...
  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    Hey I am in the same boat. I have 130lbs to lose as well, and it is very hard, but I have set small goals for myself that I truly believe I can achieve. I am saying the same things everyone else, but know that you have taken the first step by being on this site and you can do it, it will be a long journey and there will be times when you want to just give up, but remember it did not come on over night and it will not come off over night. And just think what a stronger person you will be at the end of this journey!!!

    And it is ok if you have a bad day, just remmeber to get right back into it the next day. You can do it!!!! Add me as a friend if you would like and we can help eachother!!!
  • goofynat
    goofynat Posts: 68 Member
    I've lost an entire adult man at 180lbs in 17 months. Little things like these, have proven in my life to help me overcome the enormous goal of 237lbs I'm wanting to lose. I've got 58lbs to go.

    Gary --- way to go....inspirational
    cheers ~ Nat :)
  • I am in the same boat as you. I posted earlier about how all I want to do is sleep. I have no energy and motivation to get going. I agree with baby steps and smaller goals. I have my goals set at 10 lb increments. I do something little for myself at every 10 lb mark (usually just a hike longer than normal or take some me time and go somewhere and paint or write). And a bigger reward at 50 lb marks. Something else that I did is I made a motivation board. I have a wall in my room that is covered with motivation. I made these awhile back, but pulled them out and put them up yesterday. I found pictures on the internet and in magazines of women that I really admire and motivate me; in my case, Ali Vincent (The Biggest Loser) and Valerie Bertinelli. I am also on 3 websites here: myfitnesspal, sparkpeople, and I figure if I have to be accountable, I should do it at 3 places (I am more likely to stick to something this way) Good luck and hang in there!!
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