On WW New to MFP and may dump WW



  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    I did WW about 10 years ago, at age 45 lost 40lbs. Went to every meeting, not always online. My maintenance path became a path of eating whatever, and I gained the 40 lbs plus 50+ ....so looking to lose 100 lbs. I liked WW. I had never dieted before except to gain weight cause I was always this little skinny pole of a kid and young adult. I'm 5'10 and was wearing a size 0 then a 2, then a 4/5 until I got pregnant at 38. I took a birth control product, depro Provera and that was a mistake. Totally messed up my hormones. I breastfed for 2 years. I thought I could eat whatever I wanted cause I always had and breastfeed is supposed to take the pounds off too. My body didn't get that copy of the memo. Soooo....I did WW and as I needed the constant attention via weekly meetings to keep me honest, and congrats I got from the other participants. I did not go back cause the cost is outside my budget right now. So MFP it is. I do enjoy tweaking my food intake cause I'm low sodium and low sugar right now, for health reasons, or rather to prevent bad health reasons...lol. And I LOVE reading the success stories with pictures. So inspiring.

    The thing about WW it's a little harder to quit cause you are paying monthly fee and you have to go through all the red tape. It does make you think twice about quitting. So, you have to be a little more firm in what you want to do here. The first days are gonna sting a little cause your cravings are gonna be screaming around day 3 or 4, at least for me it did. Once past that, it's been easier and easier.

    So, welcome to MFP!
  • lauractemple85
    lauractemple85 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi! I'm currently doing a WW + MFP hybrid. I use MFP to log in calories & excersize, but I go to the weekly meetings to hold me accountable. It's working so far! I personally don't find the point system to be helpful. It seems like a "middle man" for calories...just cut out the middle man and count the calories :wink:
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I think the advent of MFP has rung the death knell of WW. Calorie counting is so easy now using this tool that there is no point to paying for a process that needlessly complicates matters with a point system.

    Good for you and welcome aboard!
  • jozette1395
    jozette1395 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a 46-year-old woman seeking help to lose weight my starting weight was 322 years ago and it now at 290 I've been off here for about maybe six months to year I'm getting back on track and trying to do me try to do better for myself for my life but need motivation don't have much help here at the home and looking for somebody just to talk to email him change information the hell were doing I never done weight watchers I know some of you have a but I do like this app I do like how it works and how I'm able to track everything it does help and I'm here to lose pounds I want to get down to wait at maybe 170 and I'll be happy