Am I doing it wrong?



  • corazombie
    corazombie Posts: 84 Member
    Sounds good. Its just nice to see the calorie burning in text form, sometimes..

    I wrote down all the new info, gonna work more protein into my diet.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    This thread rocks

    Good on you felt the fear and did it anyway

    Now you get addicted to free weights :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    corazombie wrote: »
    i cant shake the feeling of not having done enough though... i dont feel like i really deserve a rest from strength training tomorrow... im still gonna take rest day, but is it normal to feel this way?

    anything you're doing that's more than what your body was used to doing is a step on the right path. you're trying to teach your system growth is going to be expected from it as a regular thing, not just scare it into doing a single growth/recovery spurt. consistency counts for a lot, but it's hard to trust that when you're just starting out.

    i made up this compound-interest metaphor at one point to keep myself from going back when i was supposed to be on a rest day. something about investing some of the interest in the workouts and letting the rest just pile up. not exactly sure how it went anymore, but that was the basic idea :tongue:
  • corazombie
    corazombie Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks @Seud0nim

    Everyones is so helpful here, I love it.

    I know yesterday I said I didnt need the rest... But today, Im starting to think Im going to need more than one rest day, haha. I feel sore, but a different kind of sore. I can see now why free weights are a better choice over machines.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    corazombie wrote: »
    Thanks @Seud0nim

    Everyones is so helpful here, I love it.

    I know yesterday I said I didnt need the rest... But today, Im starting to think Im going to need more than one rest day, haha. I feel sore, but a different kind of sore. I can see now why free weights are a better choice over machines.


    Sneaks up on you that does, you'll be better tomorrow (48 hours is always the worst for me)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    corazombie wrote: »
    Ohhhh now it makes sense. Thank you. How do you calculate the amount of calories burned when strength training?

    It's pretty much minimal- and if you use the TDEE method- you won't be including exercise directly- I log it merely to acknowledge the workout- but I log "1 calorie burned" and I make up my own entries
    "beast mode engaged" = strength training
    "stairmaster of doom" = cardio/stairmaster

    all of which wind up being exactly 1 calorie- no matter how much work I do- because- it's accounted for in my TDEE total calories.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    PS when you're ready for barbells and squats (no rush)

    Start by sitting on a box and getting up again
    Then empty bar and work on form with lighter weight

    programmes like starting strength or stronglifts 5x5 are great for beginners

    Rippetoes squat video on form is excellent IMO

  • corazombie
    corazombie Posts: 84 Member
    I was just about to ask a question but figured out the answer while I was typing it.

    I like your approach on logging in the exercises @JoRocka , Ill try it out this way.

    And thanks again @Seud0nim
    Ill check those out so Im ready when I decide to take that next step. Its a self confidence issue, and I know if I jump into that now, Im going to think myself into failure. I woke up sore and still feel it, but I cant wait for tomorrow when I hit the weights again.