Aspertame = Sweet Saliva?

Has anyone else experienced this? I drink a diet coke or coke zero and then suddenly I have a really sweet tasting saliva. It's happened about 4 times and the diet drink is the only thing that I can think of. I have gotten paranoid and asked my fiance to smell my breath (much to his dismay lol) to see if it smells fruity, as that is a sign of diabetes, but it doesn't. And it has never happened until I started eating healthy and I don't have any other diabetic symptoms. Diabetes isn't in my family and I am not obese.

Any thoughts?


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Drinking a 'diet' drink or anything full of artificial sweetener, aspartame, saccharine, all that chemical junk - that is not my version of eating healthy :(

    If you are very worried about an onset of diabetes, please see your doctor.

    My best suggestion to you is to try and ween yourself off of the 'diet' drinks and have some water instead. Much healthier for you.
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    Your diet affects the smell of your breath, among many other things. I wouldn't be surprised if your better diet was at least partially responsible for this.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I drink diet coke all the time and never had that
  • nikkirosem
    nikkirosem Posts: 63 Member
    I don't drink diet pop. I tried this stuff called Zevia, but I am not cut out for pop anymore.
  • Danahimself
    Danahimself Posts: 279 Member
    Donald Rumsfeld is to blame

    Yeah I would drink something else especially if you feel this liquid is not good for you.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I only have a diet drink maybe once a week, and it doesn't happen every time.

    I am not worried about diabetes as per the reasons in my first post. I mentioned it because its a common symptom that many would know, and that I have thought about before dismissing.