20-somethings Week Two



  • casirdms
    casirdms Posts: 145 Member
    My current weight (as of 07/8/2011) is 160.3.
    My goal for this week is to lose 1.3 lbs
    This week I am going to focus on: Doing some sort of exercise at night in addition to the 30DS that I am already doing in the morning
  • rachjones2011
    rachjones2011 Posts: 19 Member
    My current weight, as of (7/8/2011), is173
    I did not meet my goal.
    I believe I met my goal because:
    I believe I did not meet my goal because: i didnt exercise like i needed to and i overate once.
    My goal for next week is to lose 2.5 lbs. (Your goal does not have to be about lb.s lost!)
    This week I am going to focus on: eating right and exercise more often.
  • HalloweenNinja
    Looks like most people met there goals for last week. Good job and well done to everyone that did! =]

    My current weight, as of 09/07, is 150.8 lb.
    My weight last week was 148 lb.
    My goal for last week was to gain at least 1 lb. without gaining % body fat.
    I met my goal.
    I believe I met my goal because I ate a lot more protein than before signing up to MFP and, for the most part, had been able to stick to my INSANITY workout session.
    My goal for next week is to GAIN 1 lb. while maintaining or reducing my % body fat.
    This week I am going to focus on: keeping to my INSANITY workout schedule.. [/u]

    My current weight (as of __/__) is _________.
    My goal for this week is to lose ____ lbs. (Your goal does not have to be about lb.s lost!)
    This week I am going to focus on: ____________________________________________________
  • rure13
    rure13 Posts: 86
    My current weight (as of 7/8) is 179 lbs.
    My goal for this week is to lose 1 lbs. (Your goal does not have to be about lb.s lost!)
    This week I am going to focus on: trying to eat healthy this weekend and continuing 30 day shred(on level 3 day 2)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    My current weight, as of 09/09, is 189 lb.
    My weight last week was 190 lb.
    My goal for last week was to lose 2lbs.
    I did met my goal.
    I believe I did not meet my goal because although I was more or less good about my calories, I did not make as many healthy choices (ate fewer veggies and more rice than last week).

    My goal for next week is to lose at least 1 lb. with the ideal being 2.
    This week I am going to focus on: Adding some sit-ups or other tummy excersise into my week and eating more veggies.
  • SKelley1218
    SKelley1218 Posts: 43 Member
    I didn't get a chance to do this on Friday or Saturday but I did check my weight on friday so here it is.

    My current weight, as of (7/8), is 182 lbs
    I did meet my goal this week.
    I believe I met my goal because: I brought lunches to work and did not eat junk food for lunch. I also tried to minimize the amount of chocolate I ate because I do have a sweet tooth :)
    My goal for next week is to lose 1 lb
    This week I am going to focus on: drinking more water and getting back to running
  • Bruzzeseangel
    Just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I did okay this weekend. Noy GREAT but MUCH better than last weekend. Getting back to the schedule of things and working hard to reach my goal :)
  • canadasaurus
    canadasaurus Posts: 30 Member
    My current weight (as of 7/11) is 160.
    My goal for this week is to lose 1 lb (since it's already Monday, it's a short week!)
    This week I am going to focus on: Getting back into a routine of logging everything I eat (no exceptions)
  • sweetsapphire85
    My current weight (as of 7/15) is 147
    My previous weight was 148.
    I did meet my goal of losing 1 lb.
    I believe I met my goal because I ate cleaner and ate less sodium by doing so.

    My goal for this week is to lose 1 lb.
    This week I'm going to focus on smaller portion sizes at dinner. (My mom cooks processed foods almost every night)
  • leslieanna15
    My current weight (as of 7/15) is 126.8
    My previous weight was 127.5
    I did not meet my goal of losing 2 lbs.
    I believe I did not meet my goal because I ate out a lot and fell into stress-eating while helping my best friend with her wedding plans.

    My goal for this week is to lose 1.8 lbs, making it an even 125. This week I'm going to focus on lots of exercise and making healthier food choices when I go out to eat. I'm going on vacation this week, so this will be a tough one!
  • lawilgus
    lawilgus Posts: 21
    Hey guys! I'm in! I need something to hold me accountable!

    My current weight, as of (7/15), is 166.2
    I met meet my goal (didn't really set one I just try to eat right and hope to see weight lost by the end of the week).
    I believe I met my goal because: I have been really good about counting calories and making good choices when eating out (such as making my roommate split an entree with me instead of ordering two. We are poor too, so that helps)
    My goal for next week is to lose 1.5 lbs.
    This week I am going to focus on: working out some more, using that gym membership I paid for, and trying not to be so stressed out!
  • rococo11
    rococo11 Posts: 49 Member
    My current weight is 174...
    I did not meet my goal last week of losing 1.5 lbs because the weather only let me bike to work 2 days instead of my usual 4 and a certain time of month showed up a week early. And it was a friend's 21st birthday... I didn't actually gain weight though so that is a plus.
    My goal for next week is to lose 1 lb...need to get back on track
    This week I will focus on doing an exercise that makes me sweat 6 out of 7 days
  • rure13
    rure13 Posts: 86
    My current weight, as of (7/15), is 176
    I met my goal (:
    I believe I met my goal because: I added some more workouts to my normal routine and I ate the right amount of calories.
    My goal for next week is to lose 1 lbs.
    This week I am going to focus on: adding even more workouts to my routine and eating well during the weekend.
  • pjrisher
    pjrisher Posts: 152
    My current weight, as of (7/15), is 141.8
    I did not meet my goal :/
    I believe I did not meet my goal because: I got a bit care-free with eating.
    My goal for next week is to lose 1 lb.
    This week I am going to focus on: Waking up earlier to be more active before work.
  • canadasaurus
    canadasaurus Posts: 30 Member
    My current weight, as of (7/15), is 159
    My previous weight was 160
    I met my goal of losing 1lb since monday.
    I believe I met my goal because: I was diligent with recording my calories, and made sure I hit the proper numbers. I did not go over my calories goal at all since Monday.

    My goal for next week is to lose 2 lbs.
    This week I am going to focus on more of the same. Being consistent with my calories, and trying to add in more exercise where I can. (My dog is loving all the walks she is getting!!!)
  • PurpleCoookie
    My current weight, as of (7/15), is 328.
    My previous weight was 332
    I met my goal.
    I believe I met my goal because: I worked out and avoided the late night snacking
    My goal for next week is to lose 2 lbs.
    This week I am going to focus on: eating more fruit.
  • brianna626
    brianna626 Posts: 156
    My current weight, as of 7/15, is 133.1 (1.4 lb gain thanks TOM)
    I /did not meet my goal.
    I believe I did not meet my goal because: (this is about learning from our mistakes) I did not do the 30 day shred everyday but I did better than last week with it. I did better with not eating carbs after dinner.
    My goal for next week is to lose .5 lbs. (Your goal does not have to be about lb.s lost!)
    This week I am going to focus on: Counting calories consistantly and doing the 30DS daily until I finish it!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    My current weight, as of (7/15), is 186.2
    My previous weight was 189
    I met my goal of losing 1lb since last week.
    I believe I met my goal because: I don't believe in it at all right now. I think its a scale fluke. If it says the same or lower next week i'll believe it.

    My goal for next week is to lose 1 lbs.
    This week I am going to focus on adding more veggies to every meal, even if that means i have to eat a lot more salad instead of what i really want to eat. Also next weekend I am eating very lightly - veggies, fruit, nuts or nut milk only starting friday and continuing through to sunday night..
  • sweetsapphire85
    My current weight, as of (7/22), is 146
    My previous weight was 147
    I met my goal of losing 1lb since last week.
    I believe I met my goal because: I've been reducing unhealthy eating of processed foods and going to the gym every day.

    My goal for next week is to lose 1 lbs.
    This week i'm going to try to switch up my workout routine to keep me more actively engaged in cardio exercise. Hopefully running outside (I have coordination problems on the treadmill) or maybe spending a few more dollars for a kickboxing or ab busters workout class.
  • carmcd
    carmcd Posts: 115
    My current weight as of 7/22 is 188
    My previous weight as of 7/8 was 192
    I haven't checked in for awhile but I have been making progress!
    My goal next week: To remember to check in and continue with the C25K program :)