Binge Eating!

I need some advice on how to stop Binge eating!


  • jayjay_90
    jayjay_90 Posts: 83 Member
    Address the issues that are causing you to binge. Next time you feel a binge coming on ask yourself:
    How am I feeling right now? Am I stressed or worried about something?
    Busy your mind with something you enjoy for 20 minutes, go for a walk. As yourself afterwards if you still feel like binging?
    If you do, is there something else weighing on your mind? If not, have you been too restrictive in your diet? That will also cause the insufferable desire to binge because your body is lacking nutrients.

    Binging stems from psychological issues, so it's often not as simple as "well, just, stop." You have to start asking yourself some questions.

    I hope this helps a little. I have the same problem and those kinds of things I just mentioned have been helping me regain control.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I agree with jayjay that binging is mostly mental. I agree with her also that the most effective strategy for you will depend on the conditions that lead you to binge. Can you say more about that, OP?

    Speaking for myself, and only myself, the conditions that lead me to binge are severe calorie restriction. As long as I have a reasonable caloric intake (maintenance or reasonable deficit, not an aggressive deficit), I have no binge problem. I can go a day or even two really low (e.g. 1200), but longer will catch up with me eventually.
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    I used to binge A LOT when my carb intake was high. This is true for some but not for others. It was definitely true for me. Perhaps keep track of your carb intake and tweak it. See what happens when you lower carbs and upping your fat intake.
  • JessicaB523
    JessicaB523 Posts: 70 Member
    Definitely agree. I am a binge eater. I have made a ton of progress by talking about it, meditating, getting out of the house, and asking all of the questions @jayjay_90 listed. It goes way deeper than just making yourself stop.

    Keeping the foods I tend to binge on out of the house helps. And when at the store and tempted to buy those things, running through some mindfulness questions and bringing some awareness as to why I am tempted to buy them to the forefront of my mind has been life-changing. It's absolutely psychological. No amount of motivation or will-power will work until the underlying issues are being addressed.
  • sachasalviax
    sachasalviax Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks a lot guys!
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    A few things work for me: I ask myself, Am I hungry or bored? If I'm truly hungry I measure out a serving of whatever I'm craving and that's it. If I'm bored, I drink a bottle of water. I tend to binge eat late at night... so I'll go to bed when I'm having these cravings/thoughts. Or, I'll go brush my teeth and lay in bed and watch tv (away from the food). Also, I tend to binge a lot when I'm drinking. So, basically avoiding behavior or situations I know lead to a binge/overeating. Good luck!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Thanks a lot guys!
    I need some advice on how to stop Binge eating!

    Can you share a little more, please? Some people see going over their 1200 calories as binge eating, others are talking about 2,000 over their TDEE several times a week.

    So, perhaps you aren't really eating over your TDEE but eating above your deficit calorie goals, so that would just take learning new habits and not restricting yourself too much, and perhaps raising your calorie goal to lose less weight over longer time. Perhaps you are depriving yourself of your favorite foods.

    On the other hand, if you are eating hundreds or thousands of calories over your TDEE, then that might qualify as bingeing. In that case, I would suggest professional help because of possible binge eating disorder.

    The more information, the easier it is to help. :)
  • duddysdad
    duddysdad Posts: 403 Member
    If you have a legitimate BED, you need to talk to a doctor. They can help with either medicine or therapy. You don't have to live like that, there are options.