Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones/ Banish Fat Boost Metabolism Results

Hi All

Was just wondering if anyone had any success stories or results they'd like to share after working out to JM's No More Trouble Zones (NMTZ) and/or Banish Fat Boost Metabolism (BFBM)

I'm going on holiday in 6 weeks and have decided to alternate each DVD with a rest day, weekly until I go. I'm doing it first thing in the morning and am trying to have smaller portion sizes and cut down on sweet things and booze during the week.

I'm 5ft 3in and weigh approx 160 lbs (73kgs). It's mainly sitting on my tummy, bottom and upper thighs. Unfortunately the last 6 months of 2015 were incredibly stressful at work and I drank lots of wine and gave up exercising and put on about 14 - 21lbs which I'm now struggling to lose. I quit my job and got my head into a better place and now it's time to get my body there too.

The reason I ask for success stories or results is that I've searched the net for info on NMTZ and BFBM however they're both such old DVDs that there aren't many new blogs/discussions about them and anything I have read relates to people starting the dvds but not really the outcomes and how long it took to notice changes.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and if you have any advice that would help me, that would be great too.




  • butcher494
    butcher494 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey there I alternated with these two workouts 6 years ago after the birth of my second child i was 33 at the time I would give the dvd's 10/10!! the results I achieved supassed my expectations my whole body was lean and toned all over within 6 months I did them both twice a week so 4 total workouts a week I didn't diet I just ate when I was hungry and only then no snacking but I did enjoy the foods I like no food was off limits if I had been strict I think I would have had results quicker i went from 154lb to 126lbs and maintained give or take 5lbs untill Feb 2016 I gained weight because I met a man lost time for jillian and started to eat out and drink to much wine!! I'm now 151lbs again :-( however iv just started doing these workouts again 5x a week for the last 3 weeks and I can already see my abs coming back!! I want to be in shape by next summer if you want inspiration go on Amazon.com and read the reviews for these workout that's what I did they really make you want to do it!! people get the best results and I know I did!! ☺️
  • a_candler
    a_candler Posts: 209 Member
    I used banish fat, boost metabolism and really liked it. Now I can't find it for free anymore on amazon or youtube :(
  • nebisg
    nebisg Posts: 2 Member
    a_candler wrote: »
    I used banish fat, boost metabolism and really liked it. Now I can't find it for free anymore on amazon or youtube :(

    It's on youtube. Under Befit in a Jillian Michaels playlist. The circuits are seperated but in order so if you set to autoplay each circuit will follow the previous one so you still get the full workout.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    I just finished a 4 week rotation doing these two workouts every other day with one rest day per week. I had amazing results. I am doing shred it with weights right now just to mix things up but I will go back to those two workouts again soon. I started my weight loss journey in July of this year at 155 lbs. I'm now at 124.4 lbs. I'm 5'6". I started with beginner shred for 30 days. Then did 30 day shred for all 30 days. Then did BFBM/NMTZ for 4 weeks. Now doing shred it with weights for 4 weeks. I am religiously logging everything I eat and staying within my calories. Love Jillian Michaels!