
Hello im back for the 100th time it feels like. Im so scared of failing at this and falling off the wagon again. I started this journey in September 29 2014 at 212 lbs and now im 207.8 not much of a lose but happy where it is bc that is all on my own will power. I have notcied im out of breath a little bit and I dont like it im healthy other then that issue and I want to keep it that way. Please add me to help me stay motivated and show my sons u can do anything u set your mind to and nothing is to big to do .


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    Congrats for making it back. Take your fitness journey one day at a time. You'll lose the weight and you'll get healthier, bit by bit. Don't worry about falling off the wagon - worry about staying on it, just for today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. You've got this. :flowerforyou:
  • MrsWebb02
    MrsWebb02 Posts: 4 Member
    Aww thanks so much I needed to hear that . I hope your right . I know I got this just scared a little bit I wont be able to commit like I should.
  • furry180
    furry180 Posts: 31 Member
    ...........m in same fear of not losing weight but losing motivation & relapsing. however this time i just want to follow MFP system..
    you can add me as friend ...
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    welcome back.... stick to your program and you will make all kinds of good gains..... all kindzzzssssss
  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    Just my opinion: if you face a challenge with the sentence "I'm so scared of failing at this" I think you are setting yourself up for failure. Jump in with both feet. Take the plunge. Embrace the fear. Cliches I know - but don't be timid about weight loss or any other new adventure you are facing. You're young....go for it!!!!
  • MrsWebb02
    MrsWebb02 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for support and kind words.
  • spngnetwork
    spngnetwork Posts: 41 Member
    While I never told anyone, I was scared about my overall health. I got winded very easily, started getting huge swollen ankles, and would eat anything in sight. This is my 100th attempt as well :) and I'm 4 weeks strong and no longer have these issues. My officially weigh-in is next weekend, and I'm super excited to see where I'm at
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    MrsWebb02 wrote: »
    Aww thanks so much I needed to hear that . I hope your right . I know I got this just scared a little bit I wont be able to commit like I should.

    You don't have to commit. Just learn what your calorie deficit needs to be and learn how to plan your meals with a view toward ending the day in an appropriate calorie deficit for you. That's easy. We'll help.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. And it's more like a marathon than a race. Don't set your goal weight unrealistically low, don't set your rate of loss to anything faster than 0.5 to 1 lb per week. If your calories somehow come out to 1200 set them higher. Don't try to undereat your calories further, the deficit is already built in. Too few calories is as bad as too many! Don't try to exercise for 3 hours a day every day, start with walks and light body weight exercise every other day maybe. Don't cut out all the foods you love, just the ones that are excessively unhealthy, and make a few treats still fit into your daily calories. Plan ahead- pack lunches, make snack baggies of veggies, nuts, jerkey, dried fruit, pick up some fresh fruits like apples & bananas, get some individual portion yogurts, batch cook some things on the weekend and refrigerate some and freeze some so you have quick healthy meals on hand when time is tight during the week... just some tips to help make this more doable.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    As far as mental state, try to think of this as a lifestyle change and focus more on improved health & well being, not a race to lose as much weight as possible as quickly as possible, or as something temporary you must suffer through until you are thinner. Think "I'm doing this" not "I'm trying to do this". It's an important distinction.
  • MrsWebb02
    MrsWebb02 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank I everyone I got this is postive people and support along the way. You guys are awesome.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    All the above advice is positive but don't throw in the towel if you have an off day. No one is perfect and most people have ups n downs in weight. My weight can fluctuate several pounds in a day or two. Look at the overall picture and review, but don't dwell on it.

    Look for ways to move more..if you sit at a desk all day, talk a walk or stairs on your break.. you don't have to go to a gym, unless you want to. Walk, dance, swim, walk the dog, play tag with the kids, try a class. For me it's not so much the extra calorie burn..although that's a plus, I enjoy breaking a sweat and it motivates me to eat better.

    For me, i find it helpful to increase my vegetable and water consumption along with fiber. But that's me. I also make a lot of soup and bean based meals. Cheap too!!

    Good luck!

  • Red_Pill
    Red_Pill Posts: 300 Member
    Stick at it. It's only difficult for the first few weeks. Soon it becomes second nature. Good luck.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Nothing to be scared about at all
    Most important thing is to stick at it and be patient
    Good luck