What is your biggest SUCCESS with your eating habits?

lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
edited October 2016 in Motivation and Support
Let's start a positive and motivating thread. Instead of focuising on our downfalls of eating, let's share our successes, no matter how small. You are what you think, so let's think about eating successes.
One success for me has been using the Foreman grill many nights for dinner. I marinate or dry season my protein, such as chicken, fish, porrk chop, inxpensive steak, etc. Toss it on the grill while I cook veggies in the micorwave and hubby makes a salad. Bang! A healthy low cals dinner in about 10 minutes.


  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    I finally got the art of meal prep down! From grocery list to freezer, it is a smooth process. When I talk about my weight loss on here, I always say MFP, family support and meal prep are what made it happen!
  • jah0001
    jah0001 Posts: 21 Member
    I can finally refuse chocolates, chips and ice cream! I binge sometimes but I can do it in moderation. ❤ lost 11lbs in 6weeks and 50 left.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited October 2016
    ds41980 wrote: »
    I have been successfully prepping and taking food to work for the past 13 weeks and have been able to avoid falling into compulsive eating behavior. As of today I have lost 18.5 pounds. I take it one day at a time and feel that I can sustain this way of eating.
    joans1976 wrote: »
    I finally got the art of meal prep down! From grocery list to freezer, it is a smooth process. When I talk about my weight loss on here, I always say MFP, family support and meal prep are what made it happen!

    Can you tell me a little bit about what you prep & how u do it &how long it takes you? Thx! Aside from making big batches of soup etc I don't do much organized prep & I don't want to spend half of sunday afternoon doing it.
  • saudiasanture617
    saudiasanture617 Posts: 1 Member
    I have found two things are changing my life- 1. Packing a lunch (and plenty of snacks), and 2. Adding a protein shake in the morning. I find it very hard to wake up and eat immediately. Adding the shake gets my protein numbers up and something started in my body.
  • jasinwilliams
    jasinwilliams Posts: 6 Member
    A success I've had is replacing highly-processed sugary things with not-processed/less-processed sweet things. I used to eat honey buns, oatmeal cream pies, and ice cream; now, I drink chocolate soy milk and eat fruit with Nutella. So, that's an improvement.
  • LiiLii1987
    LiiLii1987 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been sucessful by cutting down my portion sizes and ignore my cravings for sweet foods.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    For the past three weeks I have managed to shop at the dollar store and haven't picked up treats, I have an assortment of ones that fit my calories that I like at home.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    @lorrpb long or short version? I'll just list what I prep and if anything interests you I can tell you how. Also, I meal PLAN every week but I meal PREP every 3 weeks and it does take me about 4 hours on a Sunday. However, it feeds me for weeks so I'm okay with the time investment.
    -breakfast burritos
    -chicken/bean burritos
    -turkey burgers
    -shredded chicken (various flavors)
    -spaghetti sauce

    I should add every week I hard boil 5 eggs and portion out 5 servings of almonds for the week but that takes me very little time.
  • Acrosno
    Acrosno Posts: 20 Member
    Cheeseburgers are my kryptonite. 2 years ago I lost 30ish #s with MFP... then I met my chef boyfriend ... now up 50lbs and I've come back to the flock.

    The first thing I did was decide to go Vegan until I drop 15 at least. 3 weeks in 11 lost. I must admit I've slipped up a few times.(I'm the Sommelier at a country club ... long hours + hard physical work + forgetting to bring food = eating that burger in the cafeteria to not pass out)

    But overall this has helped me make better food choices and avoid charcuterie, cheeseburgers and other "trigger foods"

    The best part: I'm proud of me for the first time in a long time! :)
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 644 Member
    I have successfully refrained from overeating at restaurants for 2 months now. It's deeply engrained in me to clear my plate, but really breaking that habit. I eat out a fair bit with work and not usually at places with nutritional info available. Some examples of success lately:

    - Eating half the serving of pasta (it was wonderful, it came in its on little bowl on the side of the dish itself so I could easily add just a bit.)
    - Stopping my dessert when I felt satisfied (about 75% eaten)
    - Not getting dessert for the sake of it, there has to be something really catching my eye (declined 3 times this week, had 1 dessert today)
    - Leaving about 20% of my pizza
    - Not eating the bread on the hamburger if it's not super nice (brioche, I'm looking at you)
    - Only eating half the fries served with said burger
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    LiiLii1987 wrote: »
    I have been sucessful by cutting down my portion sizes and ignore my cravings for sweet foods.

    You make such a good point that sometimes we just have to IGNORE those cravings!
  • mattro7703
    mattro7703 Posts: 33 Member
    Gave up beer and chilli chips. Weight seems to be falling off me atm.
  • hope2005r
    hope2005r Posts: 19 Member
    For me pre-tracking my day to match my macros as close as possible!