Weight loss and PCOS

Any tips and advice is welcomed! When I was 16 I gained 40 pounds in only 3 months, went to the doctor and he told me I have PCOS, and it will make it very hard for me to lose weight. When I graduated highschool, I was able to lose 20 pounds, because I had more time to excersise.
Now I am 21, and working full time as a sales specialist, and am costantly on my feet, so when I come home from work, my feet ache and I lose the motivation to excersise.
I am 5'9" and currently 178lbs that I can't seem to bring down. Because of PCOS, I feel like I need to work 3x harder than someone without it, and I find myself getting frustrated and giving up, and asking, "Why me?" a lot.

I don't "appear" over weight. However, I know that I am. I have a lot of fat in the lower belly area (dangerous fat) and the arms.

I was able to lose the weight before, but now I can't.

Any advice, especially from those that also have PCOS, I would greatly appreciate.
I've used this app for years and this is the first time I am actually reaching out.


  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    edited September 2016
    I have PCOS and am pre-diabetic and yes it makes losing weight for us more difficult, but it can be managed with a low carb diet if you want to go that route. I am following keto and have lost 60lbs so far. Here's a bit more reading if you want to look into it:

  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    I have PCOS and while I can't give some magic advice, I feel your pain. It's easy to get defeated when you work hard and nothing comes off. I have always been advised to follow the low carb diet and also because I'm insulin resistant I'm supposed to consume even a couple hundred calories less than the average woman. It's no fun and discouraging to say the least. Hang in there!
  • GoodbyeFatAmie
    GoodbyeFatAmie Posts: 6 Member
    I had PCOS a few years ago. I started Metformin but was allergic so I did some research and started taking Spironolactone. The cysts were gone in months and have not come back.
  • Lovelylivie
    Lovelylivie Posts: 18 Member
    I had PCOS a few years ago. I started Metformin but was allergic so I did some research and started taking Spironolactone. The cysts were gone in months and have not come back.

    My Gyno put me on Metformin to help me with my weight and it hasn't done much. I haven't heard of Spironolactone. I will look into that. Thank you.
  • Lovelylivie
    Lovelylivie Posts: 18 Member
    Sarahb29 wrote: »
    I have PCOS and am pre-diabetic and yes it makes losing weight for us more difficult, but it can be managed with a low carb diet if you want to go that route. I am following keto and have lost 60lbs so far. Here's a bit more reading if you want to look into it:


    Thank you soooo much!
    I know everyone keeps telling me "No Carbs!!!" But like honestly, what else am I going to eat? I don't like meat really, so what else is there. I looked at both those sites and foundsome useful info. Thanks again
  • cassiehintz
    cassiehintz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I suffer from PCOS. I have had it since puberty started. I am just now at a point in my life where I am wanting to seek treatment. Does anyone have any good books to recommend for following a diet plan?
  • Lovelylivie
    Lovelylivie Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I suffer from PCOS. I have had it since puberty started. I am just now at a point in my life where I am wanting to seek treatment. Does anyone have any good books to recommend for following a diet plan?

    I just started the keto diet! Ive already lost 3 and a half pounds in 2 days
  • Lovelylivie
    Lovelylivie Posts: 18 Member
    I just started the keto diet. I've lost 3 and a half pounds in 2 days
  • sangeetaiqbal
    sangeetaiqbal Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there hope your well....I have had pcos since I was 18 now....33 so I know how hard it is to lose the weight I lost 2 stones but gained some back....just hope this helps will keep up with it as long as possible can add me .... :)
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sarahb29 wrote: »
    I have PCOS and am pre-diabetic and yes it makes losing weight for us more difficult, but it can be managed with a low carb diet if you want to go that route. I am following keto and have lost 60lbs so far. Here's a bit more reading if you want to look into it:


    Thank you soooo much!
    I know everyone keeps telling me "No Carbs!!!" But like honestly, what else am I going to eat? I don't like meat really, so what else is there. I looked at both those sites and foundsome useful info. Thanks again

    What else can you eat? Tofu I suppose, you could have protein shakes too. Eggs are great if you're not vegan. There's loads of info on Reddit under /r/keto. There's lots of veggies you can eat - broccoli, romaine, cauliflower, zucchini, spaghetti squash, cucumbers, etc!


    There's a MFP low carb group here too you can join :)

  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    I just started the keto diet. I've lost 3 and a half pounds in 2 days

    Fantastic! Keep me updated :)
  • diggy747
    diggy747 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I too have pcos. I've been on and off my fitness pal for a couple of years. I start to diet, so pretty well and then loose heart and give up. I don't talk to people about my weight, and my family don't know about the pcos so they try to be supportive but don't understand why it's extra tricky.
    I'm looking for some support on here from others in the same situation. I'm hoping that with some people to talk to I'll be more likely to stick to it and really make this lifestyle change permanent.

    I'm looking at low carb diets currently. If anyone has any suggestions I'm pretty much open to anything
  • HeftyHeather7
    HeftyHeather7 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi my name is Heather and I am jumping back on the weight loss band wagon. I was diagnosed with PCOS after I had my daughter 7yrs ago. I struggle with not only my weight but some of the uglier sides of PCOS like hair growth under my chin and on my stomach. My PCOS isnt managed well right now I havent had a cyst / or a period in over a month I never know the difference anymore. I was prescribed Metformin but quit taking it as I spent to much time in the bathroom. I'm looking to lose over 100 pounds and sure could use any help or encouragement I can get.
  • Lovelylivie
    Lovelylivie Posts: 18 Member
    Hi my name is Heather and I am jumping back on the weight loss band wagon. I was diagnosed with PCOS after I had my daughter 7yrs ago. I struggle with not only my weight but some of the uglier sides of PCOS like hair growth under my chin and on my stomach. My PCOS isnt managed well right now I havent had a cyst / or a period in over a month I never know the difference anymore. I was prescribed Metformin but quit taking it as I spent to much time in the bathroom. I'm looking to lose over 100 pounds and sure could use any help or encouragement I can get.

    My doctor put me on Metformin and it didn'tdo what we wanted it to. I hope it helps you. Really you just got to stick with it. When I first got diagnosed, I lost 30 pounds by excersising. But I gained it all back once I started my new full time job that doesn't motivate me to workout afterwards. Just find something that works and stick to it!
  • hope2005r
    hope2005r Posts: 19 Member
    I have pcos and have yo-yo'd a lot over the years! I gain weight soooo easily and I've struggled to lose it many times! I now count my macros and this seems to be the best I have ever done. I'm finally figuring out how my body works! I eat high protein and fat with low carbs! I'm never starving and finally feel like I'm getting somewhere!
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    I too have PCOS and no thyroid and a heart condition and my weight has yo-yo'd a lot. This time I am taking it slow and having some success. Like you I find I don't want to workout when I get home, so I push myself and get up early and go before work (5am comes really early). I got a personal trainer and He has me really concentrating on strength training and conditioning rather than cardio (which was always my go to before), and it is working. I have only lost 20lbs since Christmas but I have lost 21 inches and gone down almost 2 sizes. I probably would have lost more but have struggled with my eating at times. You can do a lot at home with just body weight exercises and some dumbells.
  • jellis1388
    jellis1388 Posts: 47 Member
    Good luck to all you ladies with PCOS. I have found it to be helpful to watch carbs and SUGARS! Even adding sugar substitutes can delay weight loss. Also, soy products have seem to be helpful for me. I find myself do well with soy based products and using soy flour. Corn/potato/rice startches can also delay weight loss.

    Good luck... it's difficult :/