anyone else?

I find it extremely difficult to meet my 1200 calorie goal... everyday I find myself lying to it.. especially when I do exercise...


  • jess427
    jess427 Posts: 36 Member
    Lying to it? Like when you log are you having issues with being under or over
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    well, dunno if you are going under or over - if over I'd not be surprised because I don't know how people manage to eat only 1200 cals. I tried once and was starving all day long lost weight and then got fat again plus a bit more.

    perhaps review your goals, work out your TDEE using another calculator, eat back calories if you need to, and well... I dunno - but don't lie to it. No point in that at all. Even when I go stupid I log everything. As soon as I find myself thinking about "not posting this snack here" I shake myself and go "no no no!" and go and log it.

    Today I stuffed a nutella donut in my gob instead of going to the gym. I not only logged it but took a photo and uploaded to my newsfeed for accountability. I ate the donut - yes I did - just means I'll have to own it and keep going!

    Anyway - good luck :)

    And if you can't eat 1200 because you're under and 1200 is 'too much' ... then I don't know how to help you I'm sorry!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I find it extremely difficult to meet my 1200 calorie goal... everyday I find myself lying to it.. especially when I do exercise...

    Lying to your diary doesn't really help you use it as a tool effectively.
    If you are under your calories often you might try eating more calorie dense foods.
    But you might first check your logging accuracy weighing all solids with a food scale and measuring liquids. Check the correctness of the entries you are choosing as well. 1200 is not a lot of calories. Obviously you were consuming much more at some point so you are capable of getting more than the minimum recommended 1200 calories and you probably are if you are not starving all the time.
    My goal is 1200 and it is extremely easy to go over that. I prelog my food in my diary every day so I know I'm eating enough calories and protein.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    I find it extremely difficult to meet my 1200 calorie goal... everyday I find myself lying to it.. especially when I do exercise...

    If you exercise, you have more calories to consume ... right?
  • kristenchambers88
    I'm sorry I was too vague.. I just can't seem to make it to 1200.. 950 is the closest I can make it without getting sick.. and then I get the you might not be eating enough message.. ugh.. Yes in the past I ended up eating my problems away.. now eating is the problem.. I very afraid of food and avoid it as much as possible
  • kristenchambers88
    And adding exercise is the worst thing for me as it says I have to eat more and I just can't
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    And adding exercise is the worst thing for me as it says I have to eat more and I just can't

    Yes, you can. You ate more than that to end up overweight and you can eat more now. If your problem is that you feel too full, eat full fat or higher fat versions of the foods you are already eating (e.g., full fat yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.)