Getting Started... Again



  • adalcour70
    adalcour70 Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2016
    Umm, I think this is my 3rd attempt at losing weight...again. in 2012 I lost 20 lbs but lost a lot of inches. I am working very hard to get my mind in the right place, my mouth says yes all the way, but my mind hasn't totally caught up. I will be 50 in a few years and want to be the healthiest and fittest person that I can be by that time. I don't' have much of an appetite anymore, but when I do want to eat, I want roasted potatoes, almost any kind of fruit juice and chips (which I've never ate much of), so this whole change in my body is totally foreign to me. My total goal is to lose 60 lbs. My immediate goal is 15 to 20 lbs by end of year.
  • aamberrr
    aamberrr Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome back. I'm working on attempt # I don't even know anymore but a lot, and many of my friends have gone quiet after my long period of inactivity. I'd love to have this be the attempt that sticks for me, and I recognize a lot of what I've done wrong in the past. I keep my diary open. You can send a friend request if you'd like :) I want to be more active socially this time. Best of luck!
  • Ginslim
    Ginslim Posts: 3 Member
    Aloha and congrats on making it past your 30 day mark! I too am re-starting this journey after re-gaining nearly all the weight I lost about 8 years ago. I am looking for accountability buddies as well so I will friend request you. This is the first time I'm posting in the community which is a bit scary since it's putting myself out there. However, after reading so many articles about the importance of having weight loss buddies, I know it's a step in the right direction. Let's do this!!
  • phil4v7
    phil4v7 Posts: 68 Member
    edited April 2022
    There's no point in me adding another separate post, but here I am again for round four I think. I just keep losing it, getting distracted / unmotivated, and gaining it all back. I could definitely use some friends to keep me accountable as the bulk of the folks on my current friends list have disappeared from the site as well.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,448 Member
    phil4v7 wrote: »
    There's no point in me adding another separate post, but here I am again for round four I think. I just keep losing it, getting distracted / unmotivated, and gaining it all back. I could definitely use some friends to keep me accountable as the bulk of the folks on my current friends list have disappeared from the site as well.

    You can do this, come on stay focussed.