Weight loss and burning fat

Hey guys I'm 6'1 my body weight fluctuates between 175 and 180 I cant seen to lose more weight I'm stuck all the sudden I used to be 280 my goal weight is 165. I work as a gas station attendant I pump gas and walk 34 miles a week what other excersises should I be doing to help me lose the extra weight and what foods should I eat to help me? My bmi is 15% body fat most of it is in my gut and I want to tone out what advice does everyone have to offer? I go to the gym when I feel like it other than that I do pull ups at work to go with the walking let me know guys thanks!


  • thegson2030
    thegson2030 Posts: 2 Member
    start doing strength training. the best way to burn off fat is to have your body require more nutrients which having more muscle would accomplish.
  • ticiaelizabeth
    ticiaelizabeth Posts: 139 Member
    Hey, good work on coming as far as you have, that's a huge accomplishment! I would suggest adding in some more strength based exercise, the extra muscle will help you burn more calories at rest. Also, just keep a closer eye on your food intake. I have lost 60 pounds and it stalled all summer, turns out I was becoming a little too lax with my diet and tracking accurately. I reigned this in about a month ago and the scale started moving again.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    You're eating more calories than you are able to use. Check out how many calories you are eating and find out your TDEE. If you eat the TDEE amount you will maintain your current weight. Eating less than that, you lose, eat over thwt amount, you gain.
  • dcmckee1
    dcmckee1 Posts: 4 Member
    Wouldn't that burn up muscle if I go on a deficit diet?
  • dcmckee1
    dcmckee1 Posts: 4 Member
    By the way what is TDEE
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    dcmckee1 wrote: »
    By the way what is TDEE

    TDEE = total daily energy expenditure. In other words, the total number of calories you burn all day long doing everything from breathing to digesting to checking your email to running around the block.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    dcmckee1 wrote: »
    Wouldn't that burn up muscle if I go on a deficit diet?

    if you went from 280 to 180 you have been on a deficit diet. IF you combine strength training with a small calorie deficit (250 calorie deficit) and keep your protein intake high (around .7 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight) then you can lose body fat and maintain some muscle.

    if you are new to lifting you may get some "newbie gains" where you actually add some muscle while in a deficit...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    dcmckee1 wrote: »
    By the way what is TDEE

    Total Daily Energy Expenditure....

    essentially this is the number where based on your current activity + intake you do not gain or lose any weight AKA maintenance calories
  • dcmckee1
    dcmckee1 Posts: 4 Member
    Well thank you everyone! If anyone has more advice please don't hold back haha