Vegetarian Diet Transition

I've just started moving into a vegetarian diet, at a very slow pace. At the moment I'm trying out different meat replacements and just generally swapping products containing meat for vegetarian products.

I'm trying also to lose perhaps up to another stone (14 lbs) and tone so perhaps I won't lose that many - I'm yet to decide as I progress.

Can anyone give me tips on making the transition easier - or perhaps useful resources and recipes?

Thanks :)


  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    Why are you going vegetarian? Let's start there
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    If you're going vegetarian because you think it'll be easier to lose weight, it's probably not a good idea. Been there, done that, gained weight, back to eating meat because I was sick of all of the meal prep and casseroles.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I'd recommend sticking with the egg whites and maybe some fish here or there.

    What plant do fish come from?

    You're not being serious right?
    She said "vegetarian". Not vegan. She could be Flexitarian, Pescatarian, Lacto-Ovo, Ovo, etc.

  • veggie16mfp
    veggie16mfp Posts: 114 Member
    Hi there. I have been vegetarian for 30 plus years now. I recommend the meat substitute products (my favourite is quorn, the range is really good) as they are a very good source of protein especially when you are starting off. They are also tasty so make the transition easier.
    I also cook a lot with beans, lentils and peas, quinoa, tofu nuts, seeds etc.

    I am from Ireland so my biggest challenge is finding nice places to eat out, that cater well (& healthy) for vegetarians.
  • xaryo
    xaryo Posts: 104 Member
    Why call it vegan, when the real word for that is herbivore?

    Because it would make people think of themselve as a cow?
  • butterbuns123
    butterbuns123 Posts: 150 Member
    Just take it slow. Try not to rely on dairy for protien or you might feel sick.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    xaryo wrote: »
    Why call it vegan, when the real word for that is herbivore?

    Because it would make people think of themselve as a cow?

    "Herbivore" refers to those creatures that are physiologically adapted to a plant diet. Humans aren't herbivores, we're omnivores. As omnivores, we can choose to eat a plant-based diet and we can thrive on it . . . but that doesn't magically transform certain humans into herbivores. Some vegans, however, do use it informally to refer to themselves (which I don't have a problem with, I even do it myself sometimes).
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I would suggest introducing more purely vegetarian dishes to your diet. Include the staple vegetarian foods like legumes, grains, vegetables..etc in recipes that don't need meat replacements. I'm not against meat substitutes, but it's good to have a solid base of vegetarian to-go recipes and preferences for when a substitute is not easily available. You'll be surprised how amazing some vegetarian dishes taste without needing to add any meat or meat subs.
    I'd recommend sticking with the egg whites and maybe some fish here or there.

    What plant do fish come from?

    You're not being serious right?
    She said "vegetarian". Not vegan. She could be Flexitarian, Pescatarian, Lacto-Ovo, Ovo, etc.

    Vegetarians don't eat fish. Pescatarians do. Just trying to nip this in the bud. I'm vegetarian and when people find out the first question is if I eat fish.

    Vegetarian is commonly used by people as an umbrella term for all plant based diets. I wouldn't get hung up on definitions. Most people just don't feel like keeping up with the names of all the different diets, some of which can be too foreign sounding. "Vegetarian" is just fine in my opinion.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'd recommend sticking with the egg whites and maybe some fish here or there.

    What plant do fish come from?

    I know quite a few vegetarians who also consume eggs and dairy...what plant do eggs and dairy come from...they also don't feel the need to go around calling themselves octo-lacto vegetarian, they just call themselves vegetarian. Also, in many cultures and religions, fish is not meat and would be perfectly acceptable in a vegetarian diet.

    As to the OP, my wife and I never fully made the transition, nor will we. We started transitioning months ago with meatless mondays and then added other days...ultimately we decided that what we were doing was pretty good for us and didn't see the need to fully transition...we eat vegetarian 3-4 days per week..."meat" days are usually fish and sometimes chicken...we don't eat much beef, but I do enjoy a good steak or burger from time to time.

    I'd suggest just transitioning slowly and keeping an open mind as to what exactly you're trying to accomplish, why you're considering vegetarian, etc and whether or not a different WOE would work better for you. Also, if you're doing this to lose weight be forewarned...many of my vegetarian dishes are more calorie dense than my meat, poultry, or fish dishes.
  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    I'm sure if you're not vegetarian then the fish thing seems like splitting hairs but when it comes up weekly in person, it's pretty annoying especially considering I didn't even eat fish before becoming vegetarian because it grossed me out. I can count on one hand the number of times I ate fish when it wasn't a fish stick broiled to an unrecognizable crisp.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm sure if you're not vegetarian then the fish thing seems like splitting hairs but when it comes up weekly in person, it's pretty annoying especially considering I didn't even eat fish before becoming vegetarian because it grossed me out. I can count on one hand the number of times I ate fish when it wasn't a fish stick broiled to an unrecognizable crisp.

    perhaps you should broaden your cultural horizons...
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I'd recommend sticking with the egg whites and maybe some fish here or there.

    What plant do fish come from?

    I know quite a few vegetarians who also consume eggs and dairy...what plant do eggs and dairy come from...they also don't feel the need to go around calling themselves octo-lacto vegetarian, they just call themselves vegetarian. Also, in many cultures and religions, fish is not meat and would be perfectly acceptable in a vegetarian diet.

    As to the OP, my wife and I never fully made the transition, nor will we. We started transitioning months ago with meatless mondays and then added other days...ultimately we decided that what we were doing was pretty good for us and didn't see the need to fully transition...we eat vegetarian 3-4 days per week..."meat" days are usually fish and sometimes chicken...we don't eat much beef, but I do enjoy a good steak or burger from time to time.

    I'd suggest just transitioning slowly and keeping an open mind as to what exactly you're trying to accomplish, why you're considering vegetarian, etc and whether or not a different WOE would work better for you. Also, if you're doing this to lose weight be forewarned...many of my vegetarian dishes are more calorie dense than my meat, poultry, or fish dishes.

    So you are basically a flexitarian! Just wanted to use the term because someone called me that and I had no idea what it meant. I found it fascinating.

    As for the bolded, you are very correct... Most of the calorie dense foods I absolutely love are vegetarian. I'm assuming she is trying to transition while losing weight, not for the purpose of losing weight if I understood correctly. OP, if you are doing this for the sake of weight loss, know that it's not necessary and that you will have to control your intake either way. Vegetarian does not automatically mean low calorie.
  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I'm sure if you're not vegetarian then the fish thing seems like splitting hairs but when it comes up weekly in person, it's pretty annoying especially considering I didn't even eat fish before becoming vegetarian because it grossed me out. I can count on one hand the number of times I ate fish when it wasn't a fish stick broiled to an unrecognizable crisp.

    perhaps you should broaden your cultural horizons...

    I don't travel out of the country much so why? And after going to Canada and how it sucked trying to find food there, I'm not looking to venture much further as much especially in countries that don't speak English.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I'd recommend sticking with the egg whites and maybe some fish here or there.

    What plant do fish come from?

    I know quite a few vegetarians who also consume eggs and dairy...what plant do eggs and dairy come from...they also don't feel the need to go around calling themselves octo-lacto vegetarian, they just call themselves vegetarian. Also, in many cultures and religions, fish is not meat and would be perfectly acceptable in a vegetarian diet.

    As to the OP, my wife and I never fully made the transition, nor will we. We started transitioning months ago with meatless mondays and then added other days...ultimately we decided that what we were doing was pretty good for us and didn't see the need to fully transition...we eat vegetarian 3-4 days per week..."meat" days are usually fish and sometimes chicken...we don't eat much beef, but I do enjoy a good steak or burger from time to time.

    I'd suggest just transitioning slowly and keeping an open mind as to what exactly you're trying to accomplish, why you're considering vegetarian, etc and whether or not a different WOE would work better for you. Also, if you're doing this to lose weight be forewarned...many of my vegetarian dishes are more calorie dense than my meat, poultry, or fish dishes.

    So you are basically a flexitarian! Just wanted to use the term because someone called me that and I had no idea what it meant. I found it fascinating.

    As for the bolded, you are very correct... Most of the calorie dense foods I absolutely love are vegetarian. I'm assuming she is trying to transition while losing weight, not for the purpose of losing weight if I understood correctly. OP, if you are doing this for the sake of weight loss, know that it's not necessary and that you will have to control your intake either way. Vegetarian does not automatically mean low calorie.

    Ah...yeah, I guess so...

    I enjoy my veg days, but in doing this for several months, I've realized that I could never really be full on vegetarian. My uric acid levels are in check though which is what I was shooting for.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I'm sure if you're not vegetarian then the fish thing seems like splitting hairs but when it comes up weekly in person, it's pretty annoying especially considering I didn't even eat fish before becoming vegetarian because it grossed me out. I can count on one hand the number of times I ate fish when it wasn't a fish stick broiled to an unrecognizable crisp.

    perhaps you should broaden your cultural horizons...

    I don't travel out of the country much so why? And after going to Canada and how it sucked trying to find food there, I'm not looking to venture much further as much especially in countries that don't speak English.

    I'm not sure where you were in Canada, but I was there a few years ago and had no trouble eating (and I'm vegan).

    I mean, it's your life and your loss, but the world outside the US is full of awesome places and there is food for vegans and vegetarians in the vast majority of them.