Muscle milk thoughts??

What are everyone's thoughts on muscle milk? Could it be used as a snack? Mainly for post workout? I'm asking bc after my workouts I am starving and I want to refuel my body properly. I have never tried it before so I need opinions. Please and thanks! :)


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2016
    I drink muscle milk almost daily when I am going to be short on my protein for the day..

    Fuel your body after the workout WITH FOOD.. Use the protein shake to meet protein, these things ARE NOT filling at all. I can drink it in 4 gulps and its gone!!!
  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    Never been much of a MM fan personally. I think its overpriced and there are better choices out there you can make that not only cost less but give better value nutrition wise.

    IMO and as stated by RoxieDawn whole foods are likely a better choice to satiate as drinkable forms of protein/carbs, and fats tend to only satisfy for a very short period of time (unless your making a gainer shake which is likely not the best post w/o choice).

    Also just as a foot note in 2010 Muscle milk was banged pretty hard on some test results on heavy metal contents in the samples taken. No idea if formulation was changed since or not. May want to research that especially if your diet is also heavy in other foods that provide the similar heavy metals.

    It was also found to not contain the "healthy fats" it claimed , but more so saturated fats (said to be equal to a Krispy Kreme donut). I believe they lost a law suit over that one and/or a claim to being a "healthy" choice , but the healthy arguments more centered around people with Kidney issues that were drinking it due to its claims to be a healthy choice when in reality it was bad for someone with that condition to drink this let alone any protein powder based product.

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    rebel_26 wrote: »
    Never been much of a MM fan personally. I think its overpriced and there are better choices out there you can make that not only cost less but give better value nutrition wise.

    IMO and as stated by RoxieDawn whole foods are likely a better choice to satiate as drinkable forms of protein/carbs, and fats tend to only satisfy for a very short period of time (unless your making a gainer shake which is likely not the best post w/o choice).

    Also just as a foot note in 2010 Muscle milk was banged pretty hard on some test results on heavy metal contents in the samples taken. No idea if formulation was changed since or not. May want to research that especially if your diet is also heavy in other foods that provide the similar heavy metals.

    It was also found to not contain the "healthy fats" it claimed , but more so saturated fats (said to be equal to a Krispy Kreme donut). I believe they lost a law suit over that one and/or a claim to being a "healthy" choice , but the healthy arguments more centered around people with Kidney issues that were drinking it due to its claims to be a healthy choice when in reality it was bad for someone with that condition to drink this let alone any protein powder based product.

    A major yikes on the consumer I am very afraid..

  • LPflaum
    LPflaum Posts: 174 Member
    I use the light version. i like it because it tastes good. It is worth noting that because its Casein and not Whey, it absorbs more slowly in the body. It will keep you full longer than a whey protein, but its not necessarily ideal for muscle rebuilding after a really heavy lift.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    edited October 2016
    I use Tera's Whey protein powder, chocolate flavor (which is grass fed and organic, has very few additives nothing artificial & is sweetened with just stevia), and I mix it with coconut water (nature's Gatorade and also a great flavor combo) for post workout. It gets me 20g of protein, natural electrolytes, & tides me over until I can get a real meal in. I sometimes also eat a banana along with the protein shake if I'm not going to eat a meal right away. The muscle milk is probably ok- I have a very fit friend who drinks 3 a day- but it takes just a little more planning to make your own somewhat healthier shake & bring a banana.
  • jennimacias
    jennimacias Posts: 18 Member
    @rebel_26 I have considered drinking protein shakes as snacks or meal replacements, possibly for breakfast but I don't know which protein is best to take that doesn't have too many carbs in it. Any suggestion? My ideal goal is to have more lean muscle, not to necessarily be skinny, but fit. I've heard it was bad to do cardio only everyday and that weight lifting is essential for weight loss, is this true?
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    @rebel_26 I have considered drinking protein shakes as snacks or meal replacements, possibly for breakfast but I don't know which protein is best to take that doesn't have too many carbs in it. Any suggestion? My ideal goal is to have more lean muscle, not to necessarily be skinny, but fit. I've heard it was bad to do cardio only everyday and that weight lifting is essential for weight loss, is this true?


    I like Tera's Whey but any good whey protein concentrate or isolate that is sweetened with stevia and doesn't have a bunch of additives should be good.
    Avoid ones with additives you can't pronounce or that are sweetened with sugar or corn syrup.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ...I've heard it was bad to do cardio only everyday and that weight lifting is essential for weight loss, is this true?

    False. Weight lifting is not essential for weight loss. A calorie deficit is the only thing essential for weight loss. With that said, weight lifting/strength training (along with adequate protein intake) will help you preserve lean body mass (maybe even possibly build a slight bit of it under certain conditions) while losing weight.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,987 Member
    I bought 12 lbs of chocate Muscle Milk Cytosport Whey Protein Isolate at Costco for a little over $6/lb, which was a great deal.

    Tastes great. Drink 1 scoop of it it each morning w/1 cup soy milk, a banana, a whole egg, ground flax seed and psyllium husk each morning. Makes for a quick high protein/fiber start to the day.
  • jennimacias
    jennimacias Posts: 18 Member
    @AnvilHead So it's all about the calorie intake? So I could do 45min of strength training or cardio a day and I will lose weight either way as long as my calorie intake and protein intake are adequate? Right now, I work out 5 times a week for 40min. 3 times a week cardio..2 times a week strength training. My daily calorie goal is 1,200 a day, on average I consume about 70-80 grams of protein per day.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    edited October 2016
    @AnvilHead So it's all about the calorie intake? So I could do 45min of strength training or cardio a day and I will lose weight either way as long as my calorie intake and protein intake are adequate? Right now, I work out 5 times a week for 40min. 3 times a week cardio..2 times a week strength training. My daily calorie goal is 1,200 a day, on average I consume about 70-80 grams of protein per day.

    Do you mean you net 1200 calories or that you only eat 1200 calories? "net" means that you take into account that exercise burns calories and you eat more to compensate. For example if you burn 600 calories from exercise you would eat 1800 calories to "net" 1200. If you only eat 1200 calories and you exercise that much you are going to hit a wall pretty hard.
  • jennimacias
    jennimacias Posts: 18 Member
    Sorry, I net 1200 calories. So if on average I burn about 420 cal on the elliptical, I eat some more to compensate for that calorie loss. @AnvilHead
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    rebel_26 wrote: »
    Never been much of a MM fan personally. I think its overpriced and there are better choices out there you can make that not only cost less but give better value nutrition wise.

    Agreed. The only thing a manufacturer needs to do to place their product in the same isle as the other health food supplements is advertise it's protein content it seems. Hell, a Hershey bar with almonds has something like 4g of protein. All they would have to do is take the same bar, bold out the Protein content on the front label and they'd probably sell the crap out of them next to the protein bars. Be sure to compare what you buy to other products, and watch out for sugar content and lower protein content. Muscle Milk is no different than sweetened flavored whole milk imho. There are plenty of protein drinks, even pre-mixed whey drinks, that are better for you.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    What are everyone's thoughts on muscle milk? Could it be used as a snack? Mainly for post workout? I'm asking bc after my workouts I am starving and I want to refuel my body properly. I have never tried it before so I need opinions. Please and thanks! :)

    If you're hungry after a workout, why not just eat. Protein shakes are just supplements...nothing more, nothing less...they are not meal replacement shakes...meal replacement shakes have other nutrition in them that makes them viable meal replacements...a protein shake is pretty much just doesn't have much in the way of other requisite nutrition to be viable for meal replacement.
  • rachel29hart
    rachel29hart Posts: 23 Member
    Because of my schedule and commute, I usually get home around 7PM-8PM and then work out immediately. Afterwards, I'm pretty hungry but ready to shower and go to sleep. I usually have muscle milk and huge bottle of water post-workout as a dinner substitute. I've seen great results and don't feel hungry going to sleep or feel like I'm starving in the morning.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    As a general rule, premixes are trash. Buy a good powder (I'm a fan if MyProtein's whey and casein lines), mix with water or whatever fits your macro profile, win. Much cheaper, and you have more control over what's in it.