Looking for some new friends

Timm089 Posts: 16 Member
edited October 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi guys I'm Tim I've been on a weight loss journey for a couple years now which has been bit of a roller coaster ride for me with my weight going up and down. Just started going hard again would be cool to get some new friends on here mainly for motivation purposes so please feel free to add me would be cool to get to know some new people and make some friends who are also working towards the same goals. Thanks!!

Want to look good for my wedding coming up


  • craig_meyers
    craig_meyers Posts: 13 Member
    I'll add you if you set me up with a red stag hunt there in New Zealand haha
  • Timm089
    Timm089 Posts: 16 Member
    I'll add you if you set me up with a red stag hunt there in New Zealand haha
    Haha still trying to find a red stag myself. Where you from?
  • craig_meyers
    craig_meyers Posts: 13 Member
    Michigan, U.S.A. That's always been my dream to come there and hunt a red stag.
  • Timm089
    Timm089 Posts: 16 Member
    Michigan, U.S.A. That's always been my dream to come there and hunt a red stag.

    Oh nice one mate. Coming all the way from there you want it to be garuanteed that you'll get one so a guided hunt in a private block would be best option. I can send around a few emails for you and get some prices if you like? Quite pricey though I think
  • craig_meyers
    craig_meyers Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you but Im not ready to fork over that kind of cash yet haha. That's gonna be a 2-3 year goal for me with how pricey it is.
  • Timm089
    Timm089 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you but Im not ready to fork over that kind of cash yet haha. That's gonna be a 2-3 year goal for me with how pricey it is.
    No worries mate. I feel your pain haha