Not eating enough on Keto

I'm on day 5 of eating a keto diet. Keto sticks show that I am excreting a small amount of ketones. My issue is that I can't seem to eat enough. I start my day with bullet proof coffee, have some type of egg dish for my first meal, then a protein with a fatty salad for dinner and I have zero desire to eat any more than that. My calories end up being around 800-1000. I'm 24 yrs, 5'6 and 143 pounds. Should I eat even though my body isn't telling me I'm hungry?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    The first question is how are you measuring your intake? It's likely you're eating more than you think. But yes, you should be eating more than that, especially as you're already at a healthy weight. A half a pound deficit is going to be your best bet.
  • jmarie1025
    jmarie1025 Posts: 114 Member
    If you are hungry, eat. As your body adapts your appetite will naturally decrease - one of the perks of being in ketosis.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    That's pretty common at first. I wouldn't force feed yourself but if calories stay low, you may want to "sneak" in more fats so you aren't under eating. My guess is that you'll probably start getting hungrier days soon.

    When I was losing my caloric intake was usually in between 500 and 2500 kcal, with an average of about 1500kcal. I may only eat 500kcal one day but I had hungry days that balanced it all out. It sounds like keto has cut your appetite, but when you get hungrier, go with that cue (as long as it isn't excessive).
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Are you weighing every thing? High fat foods tend to be the most calorie dense foods so you may be off by a couple hundred calories if your aren't weighing your food.
  • lisamerrison
    lisamerrison Posts: 90 Member
    DreFitt wrote: »
    I'm on day 5 of eating a keto diet. Keto sticks show that I am excreting a small amount of ketones. My issue is that I can't seem to eat enough. I start my day with bullet proof coffee, have some type of egg dish for my first meal, then a protein with a fatty salad for dinner and I have zero desire to eat any more than that. My calories end up being around 800-1000. I'm 24 yrs, 5'6 and 143 pounds. Should I eat even though my body isn't telling me I'm hungry?

    You are a stone under the top end of your healthy weight for your age, height - why would you go so drastic to put your body in ketosis to lose what must only be a few pounds?? Are you sure you need to lose weight, have you considered just toning up (which in fact might make you heavier). I have done a diet which put me in ketosis, I lost all my muscle tone and it is very dangerous.

    Ketosis is actually a mild form of ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis mostly affects people with type 1 diabetes. In fact, it is the leading cause of death of people with diabetes who are under 24 years of age. You are forcing your body into a state that people with diabetes would love to avoid!!! Perhaps short term for very obese people but certainly wouldn't say this was the most sensible strategy. But then, if someone told me the same when I was 24 then I wouldn't have listened. After 25 years of trying every diet under the sun, I have now resolved to a simple formula of a balanced diet - calories in/calories out and it is working for me and I can lead a normal life and know that my eating habits are for the rest of my life, and things happen in life which means you cannot keep to strict diets. Whatever you choose to do needs to be sustainable over time. It's up to you what you read into my post. good luck!!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    DreFitt wrote: »
    I'm on day 5 of eating a keto diet. Keto sticks show that I am excreting a small amount of ketones. My issue is that I can't seem to eat enough. I start my day with bullet proof coffee, have some type of egg dish for my first meal, then a protein with a fatty salad for dinner and I have zero desire to eat any more than that. My calories end up being around 800-1000. I'm 24 yrs, 5'6 and 143 pounds. Should I eat even though my body isn't telling me I'm hungry?

    You are a stone under the top end of your healthy weight for your age, height - why would you go so drastic to put your body in ketosis to lose what must only be a few pounds?? Are you sure you need to lose weight, have you considered just toning up (which in fact might make you heavier). I have done a diet which put me in ketosis, I lost all my muscle tone and it is very dangerous.

    Ketosis is actually a mild form of ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis mostly affects people with type 1 diabetes. In fact, it is the leading cause of death of people with diabetes who are under 24 years of age. You are forcing your body into a state that people with diabetes would love to avoid!!! Perhaps short term for very obese people but certainly wouldn't say this was the most sensible strategy. But then, if someone told me the same when I was 24 then I wouldn't have listened. After 25 years of trying every diet under the sun, I have now resolved to a simple formula of a balanced diet - calories in/calories out and it is working for me and I can lead a normal life and know that my eating habits are for the rest of my life, and things happen in life which means you cannot keep to strict diets. Whatever you choose to do needs to be sustainable over time. It's up to you what you read into my post. good luck!!

    This isn't right. Ketoacidosis occurs with high blood glucose AND high ketones. When people experience nutritional ketosis, they have lowered blood glucose and low to moderate levels of ketones. It's perfectly safe.

    I've been in ketosis for about a year and a half, and it's the healthiest I have been in years. Very sustainable. Very safe. Just not for everyone.
  • Basilin
    Basilin Posts: 360 Member
    DreFitt wrote: »
    I'm on day 5 of eating a keto diet. Keto sticks show that I am excreting a small amount of ketones. My issue is that I can't seem to eat enough. I start my day with bullet proof coffee, have some type of egg dish for my first meal, then a protein with a fatty salad for dinner and I have zero desire to eat any more than that. My calories end up being around 800-1000. I'm 24 yrs, 5'6 and 143 pounds. Should I eat even though my body isn't telling me I'm hungry?

    This happened to me as well when I went into ketosis for a few days (on accident, lol). I no longer felt hungry, but I ate a little more anyway, at least to 1200 cal. I knew I was still hungry because my mood would suddenly change to highly irritable, rather than any physical sensation of hunger, and then after I ate a little I wasn't mad about everything anymore. It was odd. Not that this is informed medical advice, just personal experience.