10 week plan

Hi guys, need some buddies as I have just started my Christmas countdown with a 10 week plan. After a 2 month summer break (literally.... broken elbow mountain biking) I'm back on plan to say goodbye to another 8kgs. I need some like minded friends to help motivate and focus each other. :)


  • MaggzSC
    MaggzSC Posts: 3 Member
    What does your 10 week plan consists of?
  • haywood_m
    haywood_m Posts: 16 Member
    Staying on 1200 cals per day, not eating rubbish, drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of sleep and exercising (Spin& Gym) 4 times per week.
  • chrisallaire1
    chrisallaire1 Posts: 4 Member
    I started the same thing last week. It surprisingly hasn't been too difficult adjusting to the lower calorie intake. I'm hoping the more friends I see with success on here will keep me motivated. Feel free to add me!
  • rebeccamia1
    rebeccamia1 Posts: 5 Member
    I don't understand how you guys are doing 1200 a day? Please enlighten me... the more I workout the hungrier I am! I feel like I ate pretty healthy today and I only have 500 calories left for dinner... problem is I'm starving!!!!
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited October 2016
    haywood_m wrote: »
    Staying on 1200 cals per day, not eating rubbish, drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of sleep and exercising (Spin& Gym) 4 times per week.

    A man should consume, at least 1,500 calories daily! 1,200's the minimum, for women!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    haywood_m wrote: »
    Staying on 1200 cals per day, not eating rubbish, drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of sleep and exercising (Spin& Gym) 4 times per week.

    1200 calories for a man is considered a very low calorie diet by MyFitnessPal, which is highly frowned upon. It's nearly impossible to meet your body's macro and micronutrient needs on such a low calorie intake. Add in exercise to that and you will lose lean mass, meaning when you reach your goal your body fat will be higher than you anticipate.
  • stationlouisa
    stationlouisa Posts: 150 Member
    Im doing a 10kg in 10wk challenge through a local gym, its really just for motivation they provide ideas for meal plans, and workout routines. Also introduced me to this site. I pay $200au at the end of 10 weeks for every kg lost I get $20 back. Lose it all get it all back. $$$$ and a public weigh in always a good motivator.
    MFP suggested a 1200cal day I dropped it to 1000 and thats fine.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Im doing a 10kg in 10wk challenge through a local gym, its really just for motivation they provide ideas for meal plans, and workout routines. Also introduced me to this site. I pay $200au at the end of 10 weeks for every kg lost I get $20 back. Lose it all get it all back. $$$$ and a public weigh in always a good motivator.
    MFP suggested a 1200cal day I dropped it to 1000 and thats fine.

    No, it's not fine to lower your calories below 1200 as a woman. I stated above that it's extremely hard to get appropriate nutrients when you lower your calories too far. MyFitnessPal also has rules about using the site to achieve very low calorie diets. Under 1200 for women and under 1500 for men is considered very low calorie. Unless you have a physician monitoring you closely it could actually cause more harm than good to cut your calories that far.
  • rozebud1
    rozebud1 Posts: 3 Member
    Has anyone in this group considered the keto diet? I started mine 2 days ago, this time as a way of life. Calories are not counted, only net carbs (10%), protein (20%), and fat (70%) roughly, daily. I love it, and it is scientifically the healthiest way to lose fat, lower cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and much more. In fact, it's even used to treat childhood epilepsy. Plus, you can drink alcohol if you want. The calorie counting thing didn't work well for me, as I was always hungry. I'm always full now, and who doesn't love fatty foods? All you can eat, As long as you watch the carb intake!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    rozebud1 wrote: »
    Has anyone in this group considered the keto diet? I started mine 2 days ago, this time as a way of life. Calories are not counted, only net carbs (10%), protein (20%), and fat (70%) roughly, daily. I love it, and it is scientifically the healthiest way to lose fat, lower cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and much more. In fact, it's even used to treat childhood epilepsy. Plus, you can drink alcohol if you want. The calorie counting thing didn't work well for me, as I was always hungry. I'm always full now, and who doesn't love fatty foods? All you can eat, As long as you watch the carb intake!

    You've been on the diet for two days, give it some more time. Calories still count. The first week or two of a keto diet results in rapid weight loss due to depleted glycogen (which means lots of water weight gone). Some people have good results on keto diets because it satisfies them at a lower calorie level. Also, the science doesn't support some of your claims. Give it more than a couple of days before you think it's a miracle.
  • haywood_m
    haywood_m Posts: 16 Member
    edited October 2016
    Maybe I need to add more detail as some of the 1200 calorie bashing is a little on the extreme. My intake is a nett 1250. The more i exercise, the more i eat. On days of spinning classes (4 per week) followed by some resistance training, I take in approx 1650 calories but burn around 400. The 1250 cals is aimed at the days i dont exercise..... this app keeps me in control. Have your comments, you are entitled to an opinion but this works for me and im feeling good, eating healthy, improving my cardio, maintaining muscle and losing fat at a consistent a steady rate.
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    haywood_m wrote: »
    Maybe I need to add more detail as some of the 1200 calorie bashing is a little on the extreme. My intake is a nett 1250. The more i exercise, the more i eat. On days of spinning classes (4 per week) followed by some resistance training, I take in approx 1650 calories but burn around 400. The 1250 cals is aimed at the days i dont exercise..... this app keeps me in control. Have your comments, you are entitled to an opinion but this works for me and im feeling good, eating healthy, improving my cardio, maintaining muscle and losing fat at a consistent a steady rate.

    No bashing, just concern about your health; via facts. The 1,500 calories for men, is the minimum before exercise. Therefore on the days that you don't exercise, you should still be consuming 1,500 calories! However because exercise calorie burns, tend to be unrealistically high; it's recommended that only 50% ~ 75% of them're consumed. Consider this fact, that a toddler needs at least 1,000 calories daily ~ 1,400 (depending upon activity levels). Doesn't it make sense that, it's necessary for a man; to consume significantly more?
  • haywood_m
    haywood_m Posts: 16 Member
    I agree, to a point. I can't live on 1250 calories per day if I'm also training 4 days per week but on my training days its more like 1650 per day and 1250 when in not training. Everybody is different. No medical facts on calorie minimums can apply to the varied matabolisims, shapes, sizes, lifestyle, stress and attitudes human beings have. The real secret is finding the correct plan that suits the individual and their lifestyle. People should be free to find the plan that suits them at that time in their life when they need to feel better about themself. Let's be realistic, calorie counting, logging meals and adding calorific burning is control. We need control to stay on plan. My control is unique to me, it's my plan, it works and I feel good.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    haywood_m wrote: »
    I agree, to a point. I can't live on 1250 calories per day if I'm also training 4 days per week but on my training days its more like 1650 per day and 1250 when in not training. Everybody is different. No medical facts on calorie minimums can apply to the varied matabolisims, shapes, sizes, lifestyle, stress and attitudes human beings have. The real secret is finding the correct plan that suits the individual and their lifestyle. People should be free to find the plan that suits them at that time in their life when they need to feel better about themself. Let's be realistic, calorie counting, logging meals and adding calorific burning is control. We need control to stay on plan. My control is unique to me, it's my plan, it works and I feel good.

    There's a limit to how much body fat your body can utilize per day. If your body needs 2600 calories and you're eating 1200 calories your body needs to make up for 1400 calories. Your body can only utilize about 31 calories per pound of body fat daily. If you have 50 pounds of fat that could be possible, but if you lose 5-10 pounds you're now forcing your body to start using muscle to fill that calorie gap. So yes, calorie minimums can be applied to humans if you are hoping to lose fat and not just weight.
  • haywood_m
    haywood_m Posts: 16 Member
    I appreciate you have knowledge of this subject from an educated reply (which I do appreciate) but why do you assume my body needs 2600 calories per day ? That's too much for me...
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    haywood_m wrote: »
    I appreciate you have knowledge of this subject from an educated reply (which I do appreciate) but why do you assume my body needs 2600 calories per day ? That's too much for me...

    She said "if" as an example, without knowing your stats; she's unable to know exactly!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    haywood_m wrote: »
    I appreciate you have knowledge of this subject from an educated reply (which I do appreciate) but why do you assume my body needs 2600 calories per day ? That's too much for me...

    I'm not assuming anything, it was a random number I put out there. It's actually the amount of calories my body burns per day. It's also a good example of why 1200 calories can be way too low for a female, not just men.

    By all means it is your body. I just happen to know that it is very common for people to come here at the end of their weight loss and tell us that they are not happy because their body fat is still high despite being at a normal weight. That could have been prevented. As a man in your mid 40's it's easier for you to maintain muscle than it will be to rebuild it later on.