Black Coffee



  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I'm not picky. I use kcups and drink it black. I got a 48 pk of peppermint bark flavor (Victor Allen's brand)from Christmas Tree Shop for like $12.99 and they are delicious. I also like Brown Sugar Crumble Donut, Island Coconut, and Cinnabon Classic Cinnamon Roll ( all Keurig/Green Mountain brand). Mind you, I'm someone who used to be unable to drink coffee without adding enough half & half and sugar to make it taste like coffee ice cream.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    edited October 2016
    I just buy a bag of whatever is on sale or catches my eye.

    Right now, I have a tasty bag of HEB's "mystery blend" as a regular blend and some decaf from a brand called Un Momento- not the best.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    A tip ... it's got to be fairly strong. Not so strong that it sends you into heart palpitations, but just about that strong.

    Travelling through the US, I encountered some of the weakest swill ever served up under the name "coffee" in hotel complimentary breakfasts, at service stations, at McDonalds, and other places a person might pick up a quick cup of coffee.

    Weak coffee is foul and disgusting ... really, incredibly horrible.

    Here in Australia many places serve instant coffee ... you'll get instant coffee in the workplace, in service stations, and so on. We don't have the brewed coffee found in workplaces, service stations etc. in Canada. That was a bit of an adjustment for me!

    In order to make that instant coffee halfway decent, I need 2.5 teaspoons of grounds for a little over a cup of water. Some will try to serve it with just 1 teaspoon, and that's just not strong enough ... too weak, too yuck.

    On the other hand, bakeries, cafes etc. here will usually serve some incredibly strong, heart palpitation inducing Italian coffee. I usually need to add a dab of water to those coffees to make them just a tiny touch weaker.

    So it's a balancing act to get the strength just right. :)

    As for brands, at home our instant coffee of choice is Moccana, in the Caramel or Hazelnut flavours.

    We will also do a French Press and will use one of Gloria Jean's infusion coffees ... English Toffee is nice, as are some of the Hazelnut flavours.

    Or, if we can get it, we'll use Cafe Palazzo infusion coffees ... just about any flavour is good.
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    I mostly buy brands that are locally roasted and available. I prefer dark or medium roasts. Illy is widely available, decent, and not too expensive. I'd go to your local non-chain coffee shop, and ask what ground coffee is their most popular or what they'd recommend and try a few different varieties.

    Also, how you brew it affects the taste so you might want to consider a different method than what you're currently using. I prefer a French press.
  • ldnewlady
    ldnewlady Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everyone. I was using 7 tablespoons of French vanilla cream in my coffee. No sugar. The cream was sweet enough. This week I cut it down to 5. Next week I am aiming for 3, the week after that just 1 tablespoon. Then, from there I will decide if I can stay with 1 tablespoon and still see results weight loss wise or if I need to cut it all out all together.

    I will try different brands until I find out I really like. I do drink Tea for those who mention Tea, but I still want the coffee as well. I tried giving coffee up before and failed miserably. I lasted about 3 weeks and that was it.