General exercise

taralou20 Posts: 30
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
Im really finding it dificult to motivate myself to exercise!

I'm not a very active person and this is all really new to me, so are there any exercises i can to that wont be too difficult to start off with that i can build and progress on?


  • In my opinion, the excerise would be walking. You could perhaps start off doing what you find comfortable, and then increase the time you walk for bit by bit.
  • teelt13
    teelt13 Posts: 100 Member
    I agree..walking is the easiest thing to start with.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    what do you like to do?
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    Start by walking, progressing rto jog 30 secs walk 1 minute and repeat

    gradually increase running and reduce walking.

    Whatever you do chose something you enjoy, exercise can take many forms, dancing, gardening etc. Increase your general activity to start with.

    Remember though generally The less "difficult" = less impact
  • JazzyDiva
    JazzyDiva Posts: 7
    Good morning,

    I would like to suggest Lesle Sansone's WALK AT HOME program. You can goggle her and on her website is a one mile walk you can try. Also you if you have COMCAST cable you can do the one mile ON DEMAND. If you think you would be interested I will walk you through the easy steps to get started. I love it!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • appleskye
    appleskye Posts: 54
    Walk! It's easy and free and you can do it anywhere. Just start off slowly and do a bit more every time! If you feel ready, add in some jogging, but walking itself is great for weight loss too. If you can't get out, I think there are DVDs you can buy to do in your house. Swimming is a fun low-impact exercise too, if there is a pool near you. Good luck!
    [EDIT - the above post is exactly what I was talking about with the walking DVDs - I forgot the name!]
  • rocklion
    rocklion Posts: 69 Member
    A year and a half ago, I hated to exercise. But then I eased into it slowly. Not sure if you belong to a gym or have a gym, but what I did is just start getting on an eliptical trainer and doing it for a few minutes a day. I started at 15 minutes and then progressed to 20 minutes. Just ease yourself into it. If you aren't in a gym, then start doing some walking or just something easy.

    But I'll tell you the hardest part. At least for me. It's knowing when to go from being a turtle to a rabbit. I did that 20 minute workout on the eliptical for 20 minutes for a long, long time. I lost 15 pounds at first. But then after awhile, I started plateauing and ultimately gained all 15 pounds back over the winter. This February, I decided I needed to start increasing what I was doing. I slowly started making my workouts harder and harder. The results have been fantastic and I love to exercise now.

    Once you start doing it, it becomes addictive as you feel so much better and find you can do things you haven't done in years, if at all.
  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    I say walking is a good form of easy exercise - take an ipod, walk a dog, or take a friend for company...

    If you have a wii or xbox, you can get good games which are good fun and exercise, like Biggest Loser or Zumba or Wii Fit.

    I was never active myself but I found myself eventually enjoying exercise and enjoy going to the gym, and once you get in to it, you'll find you will want to get stuck in. You should become a gym member and when you pay all that money you HAVE to go!! If you go to the gym, treadmill or the bike would maybe be a good way to start off and see what catches your eye from there. You might find using the equipment hard at first but the more you do it, the easier it gets. I agree with rocklion it becomes addictive and you do feel so much better and this is coming from someone who hated exercise!!
  • Norty7
    Norty7 Posts: 9
    I find any workout or exercise is better with music! Just load up an ipod or mp3 player with all your favourite songs and get moving :)
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Hey! Im the same!! Im sooooo lazy its unreal!

    If im not up for a goood workout, then i just lie on my back on my gym ball and do stretches with my legs! Like leg raises and hold them for a few seconds and that! :smile:

    Erm try doing some squats? There not that hard. Lol

    And these leg excercises do work because my legs are pretty sore today after doing them yesterday! But they will get used to it :D

    Hoped this helped you x
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Im really finding it dificult to motivate myself to exercise!

    I'm not a very active person and this is all really new to me, so are there any exercises i can to that wont be too difficult to start off with that i can build and progress on?

    Agreed walking, but you have to bare in mind that if you really want to do this you have to start being comfortable with sometimes being uncomfortable. This isn't a quick fix, it's not a little magic pill in a box, this is a lifestyle change and it can be hard and it is work and you have to find the joy and accomplishment in that.
  • taralou20
    taralou20 Posts: 30
    Thank you all so much for your suggestions! Looks like walking is the way to go! Probably even better if i take my dog with me! Thanks so much guys!
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