
I have noticed a difference in inches (haven't measured myself though) but the scale still says the same thing. Where is everything going if I'm not losing lbs.? Also I've been trying to figure out exactly how many calories I should be eatting but every site I look at says something different. It ranges between 1,309 and 1,716! If anyone could help that would be great. thanks


  • Suzex
    Suzex Posts: 28 Member
    I don't know of this will help but i have set my activity level at sedentary so that is the worst case so when i move about during the day i must be burning calories, i weigh 180lbs and i'm 5ft 3 and my calories are set at 1410 and that's set so i will lose 1lb per week, don't know if this helps you but i hope it will
  • Skinnymomsoon
    Don't worry about what the scale says. Go by what you see in yourself. Last year I busted my butt and ONLY lost 10lbs in 6 months, BUT I went from a size 16 down to a 12. Your probably burning fat and building muscle and that's why the scale isn't moving. Stick with what you're doing and the scale numbers will come down. Good luck!!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    As for caloric intake, keep in mind MFP gives you an intake but ignores your planned exercise. Only when you do exercise the calories get added in.

    So in your example I will assume MFP gave you 1309/day, now if you plan on burning 500 cals 5 days per week your weekly intake would be 11,663 (1309*7 + 500*5), whereas the site that gave you 1716 is taking into account exercise, so for the week you would have 12,012 (1716*7) which for the week is only 349 more or 50 cals/day.

    This is why MFP tells you to eat your exercise calories, because the intake it gives you is lower than what a trainer or other site would suggest, as MFP will allow you to lose your goal amount of weight with no exercise.
  • darcyrobillard
    Right now you are turning fat into muscle. You are acheiving definition. muscle weighs more than fat...the weight will come off. Be patient, do not give up. The same thing happened to me. People see me and say WOW you've lost a lot of weight. I answer, no not really but I've dropped 2 pant sizes! I am totally happy with that. Best wishes:happy:
  • NeoGirl30
    NeoGirl30 Posts: 3
    Actually my goal on here is 1200. I see that everyone gets good complements if they get under that goal. but theres always a little sentence under it that says its not good to eat less then 1200 but we also kind of get scolded if you eat over 1200! i put my activity level as light work. I probably do more then that but the description just fit better. thank you for your advice :) so true that muscle is heavier then fat. can't wait for the the lbs to go!