Struggling Mommy!

Hey everyone!

My name is Amanda and I'm 34 years old. I'm a Mama to a very spicy 18 month old little girl. She is my miracle and my reason that I will never give up achieving my goals.

I'm struggling! I'm a graduate of the C25K program, and I once lost close to 40 pounds. I've gained almost all my weight back, and I'm having a very hard time finding the balance between being a Mommy and taking care of myself.

I'm looking to start fresh and do what I can to make time for myself so I can be there for my family. I'd absolutely love some motivation, shared stories and friendships!



  • drockncrisso
    drockncrisso Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 37 and a mommy to a 5 year old girl and 2 year old boy. It's REALLY hard to make time for myself. I focus SO much on my work and my family- that I leave myself on the back burner. I found myself spiraling into depression as I tried to take care of everyone around me.. Finally, I got some help- refocused on ME a bit and realized JUST how important it is to take care of myself. I now work out at least 3 times a week. I squeeze in 2x at work (by spending my lunch break at the gym- then eating at my desk) and once on the weekend.
    I used to feel like, taking time to work out was selfish- time I was taking away from work or family- but now I see I NEED it in order to be a better mom and healthy person. You CAN fit those workouts in :)
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,394 Member
    I work full time so I go to the gym before work and sometimes on the weekends because my gym has daycare. When my son was younger we used the jogging stroller several times per week then I always let him play at the park afterwards (or sometimes before). I was so sad when he finally outgrew the stroller. I also bought some 5 and 10 lb dumbbells for working out at home when I don't want to leave the house.

    Calorie deficit wise, you should be able to control that by utilizing MFP.
  • Mrs_413
    Mrs_413 Posts: 8 Member
    I am a new mommy to twin girls. They are 5 months and between them still not sleeping through the night AND working full time as a 9-1-1 dispatch (crazy hours)... I have been finding it difficult to work out! My husband is a police officer and also works crazy hours (night shift) so it is super difficult to find time for myself... you are NOT alone! I always make an attempt to run on our treadmill while the girls nap or after they go to bed. More often than not they won't nap at the same time and I am way too exhausted to run after I have been up with them all night (my husband works 6 days a week on night shift so I do it by myself at night).

    All I can say is that you are trying and that is better than doing nothing at all! I found my saving grace by counting calories or I never would have lost my baby weight. I have to be super careful with what I eat because most of the time I don't have time to work out! If you stick with a calorie deficit on MFP you should be okay .. of course this is sometimes easier said than done :)
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Add me as a friend! I'm the mother of a six month old miracle baby myself. I'm 40 years old and just starting getting back to trying to eat right and exercise. I get up at about 5 a.m. before my hubby and baby are awake and get my work outs in at that time. I don't want to take any time away from when we are all together, b/c he and I both work full time and she is in daycare from 7:30- 5 Monday-Friday.
    You are not alone, losing the weight is so hard, compared to how easy it is to gain.
    calorie deficit is where to begin, then get those work outs in when/where you can. Like I said, for me, getting up early and doing it while the house is still asleep is how I get through the day without the mommy guilt that I'm taking time away from anyone else.
    I was a runner before baby and hope to get back to that, but for now i'll do what I can. I've got about 17 lbs to lose to get back to pre-baby weight.
    I wish you luck and hope you'll add me.