New Moms...breastfeeding & trying to lose weight



  • slhaamid
    slhaamid Posts: 11
    Hello my name is Shavonna....we are 3 months into breastfeeding and just started working out again. Yes I am always hungry!!!
  • Know the feeling. My kids are 13 and 8 years old. I breast fed both. The great news was that I trimmed back down to within 5 pounds of pre-pregnancy weight very quickly (Probably between 3 and 6 months without hardly trying) . That bad news was that I also developed eating habits that make trouble to this day. Too much food, too frequently and an intollerance for tummy rumbles of any duration (Morning Sickness stratagy). More bad news, I regained weight over time after the children weaned at around a year. More Good News! At least I didn't develop any deep junk food habits. I am hoping that bright spot will be a heavy hitter as I pursue this goal at 40 something years old.

    Bits of advise (If you want it) - Be gentle with yourself. You are in a time of amazing change on all levels.

    - Even if you can't completely tame the hungries, try to placate your appetite with great food and something you are happy to eat. Guilt is counterproductive, I've tried it. You'll feel better on a physical and emotional level which is good for you and baby.

    - In Chinese culture food must be fresh, fresh, fresh! Traditionally meals are eaten with great awareness at all of the sensory levels (smell, sight, texture, taste, even sound). We aren't taught this in American culture. I find when I follow this advise of my Chinese friends I can taste the difference between what I should be eating (and celebrate it) and what I shouldn't (It has actually killed my taste for bakery goods, chips and candy). They call it mindfulness.

    - Do your best not to let being mommy manuver you into eating as if you were a hyena on the plains. Hopefully you have a mate who can help you protect your meals (or at least dinner). Getting help around meals is strategically important, because it doesn't end with nursing. Self-feeding toddlers are an adventure as is learning to use a knife and serving yourself when they get older. I watched a man at a McD's actually sit and text while his partner simultaniously nursed an infant and ate a burger. I wanted to smack him in the worst way or offer to hold the baby so the poor woman could eat in peace. The second option would have been more productive, but I worry about interfering in today's world. My husband I would take turns eating when it was necessary and he was available (Believe it or not, we sometimes still do). Fortunately, most guys are willing to help if they know what to do, so are friends and relatives. Perhaps even this clueless soul would have pitched in if mom had said something. Sometimes if nursing and eating clashed it really was better for me to eat and drink a bit (even if they cried for a few minutes), nurse the baby, then sit down and enjoy my food properly. Personally, I couldn't nurse hungry (even hyena moms don't nurse pups and eat at the same time):smile: . I still ended up learning to eat too fast. Now I am relearning to slow down and enjoy my meals again.

    -You won't do any of it perfectly (eating or parenting) but that is ok. Keep the ideal in mind, do your best, the rest will work out ok.

    I know the day to day work of parenting can get a bit daunting, but from someone whose a bit further up the trail, here is a word of encouragement. The veiw from up here is wonderful and it is worth the climb! I can't wait to see the landscape from still higher up!

  • Moodymona
    Moodymona Posts: 46 Member
    hey im with you all my son is 4 months now and i breast feed also do you get extra calories if you breast feed? and i have pcos anyone else have it? well i wanna join ya girls! lol
  • Eribeth
    Eribeth Posts: 5 Member
    I am SO glad this topic was posted!! My little guy is 5 months old now, and I put on A LOT of weight during my pregnancy (about 55 lbs :p). I'm happily breastfeeding, but like some of you, I am hungry ALL THE TIME! I drink tons of water, and i've just started to try and be more consistent with my work outs.

    You can add calories to your day by looking up *breastfeeding* under foods-- I didn't know how to do that until 3 days ago, and I feel so much better about my calorie intake now that i've been able to adjust it (I think it was psychologically breaking me down to go over my cals every single day).

    Anyone else using bio-oil on their stretch marks? I've found it really helps, but my stretch marks are way worse on my thighs than on my stomach (not that stretch marks are good anywhere, hehe).

    I figure as long as we're trying to eat well and exercise, we should be proud of ourselves. Adjusting to motherhood is not as easy as the movies make it out to be-- emotionally and physically!!!

    Good luck ladies!
  • Eribeth
    Eribeth Posts: 5 Member
    I meant to ask a question....did any Moms find it almost impossible to lose weight while they were nursing, but when they stopped it came off easier?? It seems like for some moms, breastfeeding helps them lose right away, and for others (like me) we feel hungry all the time and our weight just stays the same.....any insight?
  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    I meant to ask a question....did any Moms find it almost impossible to lose weight while they were nursing, but when they stopped it came off easier?? It seems like for some moms, breastfeeding helps them lose right away, and for others (like me) we feel hungry all the time and our weight just stays the same.....any insight?

    Really it is kind of hard for me to say... With my first son I lost weight the entire way through nursing and afterwards. My family started to think I was starving myself as I got smaller than I was before I got pregnant. In hindsight I think this was due to the fact that I was eating really healthy, had a super active life as a single mom, and was going to school. Not to mention I believe your body recovers faster on the first baby lol. With my second pregnancy I gained even more weight (65 lbs), and then only lost 20 lbs while nursing. When I stopped nursing the weight stopped coming off. I was eating really crappy though and blaming it on a lack of time, while not being as active, and spending more time on the computer for school. With my third baby, I gained 46 lbs and a whole lot of inches, but this time around I am actively working towards healthy..... I know tht eating smaller healthier foods more frequently has helped with my ravening beast syndrome haha!
  • Mother4Jesus
    Mother4Jesus Posts: 38 Member
    It's easier for me to lose weight once I stop the feedings because then I can be more rigorus with my body. If I'm hungry , I can ignore it..while I'm nusring..I don't ingnore it. I try to make better choices which is why I'm here. I"m not good at that. :ohwell:
  • slhaamid
    slhaamid Posts: 11
    Hi ladies...does anyone know how to change or if we are able to change the settings indicating your breastfeeding? I know that we burn calories just by breastfeeding only.
  • LtAngela
    LtAngela Posts: 35
    Looking for new moms to join me in my "get rid of all this baby weight" journey. My son is 10 months and we are happily breastfeeding. The only "unhappy" side of bfdg is that I am ALWAYS hungry...can anyone relate? Advice?

    Here is RESULT!
  • lingual
    lingual Posts: 2
    Finding it really hard just cant seem to resist cake... after the birth of my son who is now 4 months, so really is time to lose the extra weight gained in this pregnancy arrrrrr
  • rachymoo
    rachymoo Posts: 6 Member
    How are we all doing today. I've done pretty well, I had a 'blip' yesterday though - went to my Dad's for dinner and he decided he would go to the chip shop for us - oops! Weirdly enough though I was still within my calorie allowance (just!) - gotta love this breastfeeding lark, lol!
    Hi ladies...does anyone know how to change or if we are able to change the settings indicating your breastfeeding? I know that we burn calories just by breastfeeding only.

    I just add it to my food diary - if you search for 'breastfeeding' as a food, there should be one that comes up that says 'Breastfeeding - Exclusive' and if you add that it basically puts -500 calories on, so you get an extra 500 calories per day.
  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    I do the same, meaning I add a -500 calorie nursing tag to my food diary every day. You can cruise by my diary and check it out if you like, that's why I have it on public =)

    I have been "blipping" sporadically the last few days too lol, but I blame my birth control pills, and have been winning the battle against temptation more often than not so I am okay with the few things I slipped on hehe. My doctor switched me over to the pill with the four little brown ones at the end that force your body into TOM and my body was like WTH?!? Lots of cramps and cravings and not much else.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    Ladies, I haven't read thru all the comments, but I have two thoughts to share:

    Join La Leche League for support on breastfeeding, mothering, & fitness -- there are a ton of moms on that site who love to help and share.

    Also, for those of us who have kids and not a whole lot of time, do quick circuit training workouts. I noticed a MAJOR difference after doing the 30-day-Shred regularly. Jillian's personality is a bit annoying to some, but her workouts are effective and get sick results.

    Love your DP, kids, and take care of yourself :)
  • jacknellis
    jacknellis Posts: 16
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    I have a 22 month old who still nurses like a newborn :)

    At this point I don't worry about extra breastfeeding calories although I definitely kept them in mind until she was about 18 months... I eat a well-rounded whole foods diet plus a good multivitamin, so I feel well-nourished despite somebody else getting first crack at all my vitamins and whatnot.

    For those of you still in the "omg I am staaaaarving!!" phase, for me it started to mellow out by 9-10 months, and my appetite was pretty much back to normal by 12-13 months. It goes away eventually, I promise!
  • My youngest is 23 months and still nursing... we are down to bedtime and early morning this last month or so. They only thing I can add that the other ladies havent said is to use your baby as you excercise. Its great fun and bonding time no matter how old they are. I can no longer lift my oldest 2 but the 6 litle ones I can do arm and leg excercises with. "superman" "leg flips" even piggy back rides or shoulder rides(with the 2 littlest) leg lifts with them holding onto my legs sitting on my feet etc Dance Parties are great cardio too and sine you guy is still little you caould hold him u dance! :)
  • My daughter is 3 months old today and I am just starting to try to lose weight for the 1st time in my life. How many extra calories should I be eating since I am exclusively breastfeeding her? Also does anyone have any tips on how to lose weight and not feel like you are going crazy with the whole thing? Thanks a lot for any help :) And anyone who is encouraging is more than welcome to add me as a friend.
    hey im with you all my son is 4 months now and i breast feed also do you get extra calories if you breast feed? and i have pcos anyone else have it? well i wanna join ya girls! lol

    You certainly do need more calories if you are breastfeeding. If you exclusively breastfeed you can burn anywhere from 300-500 calories a day. Since it isn't advised for a normal person to go under 1,200 calories, make sure you are eating at least 1,500=1,800 calories a day to lose weight! You can add this to your food diary by searching the food database for "breastfeeding" and selecting "breatfeeding - exclusive". good luck!

    So how is everyone else doing? This week I have lost 2.5lbs! Must be a lot of water weight, though because week before that I had a binge that lasted a few days...but I am glad to be back on track now! 1.5lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight!

    Now that I am so close, I have a question for any ladies who have come close to their pre-pregnancy weight. I finally fit into my regular clothes, but when I look in the mirror I do not look as thin as I used to. I feel like maybe my weight is distributed differently now. Does anyone else have this problem? It is mostly in the gut that I notice, so maybe it is the loose skin from having a baby?
  • I just found this website yesterday and have been checking it out!! I have a beautiful baby girl who will be 8 months on Friday and a 3 yr old son. I am still breast feeding the baby and need to get rid of this belly that I have never had in my life!! I even had a lady ask me today if my baby was going to have a baby brother or sister.....I think it is time to get my butt into gear!!!! How does this website work for you? What is most helpful?

    Please add me as a friend, I need the motivation!!!!
  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member

    So how is everyone else doing? This week I have lost 2.5lbs! Must be a lot of water weight, though because week before that I had a binge that lasted a few days...but I am glad to be back on track now! 1.5lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight!

    Yay for you for getting so far!! I am actually kind of worried by how fast I am losing this last 2 weeks all of a sudden. I was told by someone that losing too fast overwhelms your bodies ability to deal with the toxins that were stored in the fat, therefore it winds up in your milk. Not sure if this is true, but if the scale is to be believed I lost 2.4 pounds last week, and another 2 just since Monday..... Not doing a thing different either as far as I can tell.
  • lbehm
    lbehm Posts: 21 Member
    I have a 4 month old...started actively trying to lose weight when she was a month old and have lost 20 lbs since then, 35 total since I gave birth (I don't count the first 15 since that sort of fell off). I am watching what I eat and doing's been great!

    The only caution I have is for those of you nursing but have kids on food, I don't think you caN count 300-500 calories a day anymore since it isnt exclusive but I am not 100%