Goal 7 days of excerise for 60minutes...

Does any1think this is over doing it? or will i see faster results?
i haven't been excersing as much due to injury on my leg.. now feeling better i wanna do am/pm excerise everyday.. suppose thats over doing?but i go on vacation here end of week..


  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Listen to your body. Nothing wrong with rest days if you need them.
  • ardysedwardsmcgrath
    ardysedwardsmcgrath Posts: 120 Member
    ok thanks Chef :)
  • octopusplum
    octopusplum Posts: 46 Member
    Do what feels best for you. I have a right knee injury and some days I focus more on other exercises if it's bothering me. I feel better flung to the gym every day, but if I just couldn't I would listen to my body. You know yourself best!
  • ardysedwardsmcgrath
    ardysedwardsmcgrath Posts: 120 Member
    ok sounds good thanks octopusplum! :wink:
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Since you haven't been exercising much, why don't you build up gradually and see how your body responds? Start with 30 min 3x week.
  • lcbachman1
    lcbachman1 Posts: 4 Member
    Listen to your body.it will tell if you need to rest. I usually do 5days x60 mins intense activity, and usually 2 days some activity like walking dog or going for slow walk. Exercise has been my stress reliever and recovery from depression. So I know I have to move every day.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    what are you trying to achieve?
  • ardysedwardsmcgrath
    ardysedwardsmcgrath Posts: 120 Member
    my goal this week til vacation is am b4work&pm after work of 30 mins.. :) ive gain back 19 lbs.. soo wood luv to get that back off.Seems like ive jus been going UP hardly DOWn :(... trying to eat better too.. I get such a sweet tooth sucks. i wood luv to lose by end of year 30lbs.. wood that be even possible u think? I evenually wanna get back into lifting weights.i do have handweights but id like to have wts for bottom body..
    yes excerise sure does help with stress..
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Stick to your calorie goal. You aren't going to make any difference to your fitness level in a week so go easy, but move, and enjoy your vacation injury free.

    Once you return get back to your deficit and build your exercise gradually. Eat back your exercise calories if you are using MFP, it is the way it was designed, and you need the fuel for a happy healthy weight loss.

    Cheers, h.
  • ardysedwardsmcgrath
    ardysedwardsmcgrath Posts: 120 Member
    middlehaitch thank you! :) i hope to be injury free soo i can continue with my excerise.it does help me.. eating is hard for me cuz ive got problems with portion control&sweets.its a struggle@times.. i was doing soo well in the beginning now its like i can't get with it. &my jeans r gettin tight. Im not like that. proud of myself this am@4:15i got up &rode my bike around town bout 20mins.Parked far away@work&walk in. this evening after work.. even though i was soo tired i still went&did the ellipitcal@a friends house. Jus 20mins but she talk to me like 45 mins.. i should of jus stayed on machine.. i jus wanted to get home&do stuff.. b4bedtime. sometimes itshard to excerise when ur soo tired. but i figured ok i can do this im jus gonna do 20mins&then go home.. at least i got some excersing in. sure didnt feel like it.. lol i wanna be able to fit in the airplane seat&be able to buckle myself in with wat they have for a belt there not asking for a extension! lol