Starting Over... Would Love New Friends!


I originally joined MFP quite some time ago and lost 60 pounds (just 10 shy from my goal). Not sure what happened to my motivation at that point, but it was gone. Completely gone. I was tired of being "tied" to the app. I wanted to go throughout the day and eat without feeling the need to pick up my phone and log it. Fast forward a little more than 12 months and I have gained 40 of those pounds back. I've been toying with the idea of getting back on track for a couple months now, but know that when I do... it has to be for good. I can't stop logging. Something has finally clicked and this is it. I'm ready to get healthy again.

The first time I was able to make it happen because I had a great group of friends. We were there to motivate and support each other along the way. I am reaching out to see if there is anyone out there who needs the same.

Looking forward to getting to know some new people!


  • Naija82
    Naija82 Posts: 345 Member

    I first joined MFP a couple of years ago and I too got tired of logging the food. I've now been back and logging for more than 3 months now and it has really help me stay on track.
  • JanineWestman71
    JanineWestman71 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello fellow MFP peeps ,I've never succeeded at logging for any great length of time but I know that the success lies within it. I'm going to try and be consistent and I'm looking for a supportive community. So wish me luck and all the best to you :)
  • indahaurora88
    indahaurora88 Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome back! I'm here for the second time in several years, I'd love to be a motivator and share encouragement with each other.
  • Aydeejai
    Aydeejai Posts: 26 Member
    Starting over myself. Let's start over together.
  • TattyG40
    TattyG40 Posts: 3 Member
    Starting again this morning! I lost 47lbs two years ago and thought that I could then manage on my own. I am now back to square one and ready to start again. Would love some friends for motivation and support along the way.
  • Mr_StMartin
    Mr_StMartin Posts: 19 Member
    Am always looking for some more friends! Welcome back, I returned about a week and a half ago, myself, so feel free to add me and we will kick some butt together!
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    I have started over too, been starting over and then not getting there. I've always done low carb/atkins, but still I was over eating these last times I tried. So I bumped it to nutrisystem. I am 24 days on and have lost 10 lbs. I have a terrible sweet tooth and usually that sets me off but so far I have not had one cheat day. I'm now logging into MFP again, and also NUMI which is nutrisystem's site but they don't seem to have any buddies. So here I am, I hope I can offer support and give it too. I am also now a senior citizen and arthritic to bat so I think that makes it a bit more difficult to lose though I don't eat out very often, and right now I am not at all.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Welcome back! I just sent you a FR-hopefully it went through, I've been having issues with it.
  • Chula0910
    Chula0910 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm also back again after about 5 years and I have also gained back all of my weight. I hope to motivate as well as being motivated to continue. Let's get this done and have fun while doing it!!
  • Boogie_on_woman
    Boogie_on_woman Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome back! I'm starting over too. I lost 20lbs 4 years ago but it slowly crept back after crazy work hours. I would love to have a supportive group of peeps to keep me accountable and on track. :smile:
  • anabet88
    anabet88 Posts: 36 Member
    Today is my first day back! I've been on and off mfp for years...I do better when I log. I'd love some friends to help me stay on track!!
  • kfrysinger
    kfrysinger Posts: 1 Member
    First day back as well. Thought I could succeed without tracking everything I put in my mouth....wrong!! It's a bit aggravating to take time out to log everything but it's definitely worthy it if you want to lose weight!
  • TracyFit377
    TracyFit377 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also getting back on the wagon. I would love to participate in challenges and get some extra motivation to stay on track. Really need to lose 15lbs but I want to be healthy and do it the right way.
  • valwalter
    valwalter Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm back on MFP to get my weight/health under control. Need to be accountable to someone besides myself. Lost 40lbs a few years back and because of lack of discipline I gained it all back and then some. I've been logging for about a month (not totally honest some days :/ ) but I'm here. We got this - let's motivate each other!
  • bonnienicholson
    bonnienicholson Posts: 6 Member
    I am starting today for the first time with My Fitness Pal. I have done it with WW before, but I wanted to try something new this time around. I checked my weight, my blood sugar and my blood pressure this morning....all were bad!!!!
  • lecia125
    lecia125 Posts: 126 Member
    I am starting over today. I have been on here a couple of times over the years and have found success both times, losing nearly fifty pounds each time. I realize that I am always going to need to be accountable to myself and others and the tracking helps me. Without it, I don't pay attention and the weight creeps back up. Looking for friends to take this journey with. Feel free to add me.
  • KarenDeneen
    KarenDeneen Posts: 9 Member
    Coming back myself. Gained back 25 of my lost 60. Reassess and recommit. Add me as a friend....and anyone else too. I like being accountable to me motivation!
  • 3blues1978
    3blues1978 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm right there with you, lost 60, gained it all back. Back at it again.
  • EK2828
    EK2828 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in the exact same boat... Started over again today! It's worked for me before and I know it will again when I stick with it! Feel free to add me! Debating on making my diary public again, that helped me a bit last time too... I didn't want to be judged!
  • GlowSands
    GlowSands Posts: 5 Member
    I just lost my motivation. I've only just begun too. How sad. I did lose about 7 lbs but have been pretty inconsistent with logging. I have a ton of things going on, two toddlers, deployed husband, work, school, etc. so being stuck to the app is difficult. Anyway, best of luck to you. I'm glad you're back at it.