Why am I so awkward around people I have feelings for?



  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    Ohh girl I'm the same way. I tend to prefer men who are more aggressive in personality. Forces me out of my comfort zone and helps me open up.

    I would avoid your PM's for awhile. :noway:

    I didn't even think. Learnt my lesson :D

    You didn't even open mine....thanks @cee134 you *kitten* block

  • PowerMan40
    PowerMan40 Posts: 766 Member
    casivilay wrote: »
    I feel you. I'm 33 and it's still an issue with me. So I fake being cool and it comes off as me being cold, distance, unfriendly. Advice...um...take a valium? lol I'm kidding. I wish I had something helpful to say.

    Wow are you a Taurus too, we seem to have the same out look in life, and are perceived the same way. Most of the time people ask why Im angry all the time, Im not that just my resting Bit-ch face. Inside Im calm and happy. lol
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited October 2016
    This is normal. You value him and his opinion. You see the good in him. You get "butterflies" (and that's fun). I think it's ok. If he likes you, he will be ok with it (like other people said already). And you will slowly get more comfortable around him. And with more and more practice you will gain more comfort faster with people. Are there things you know of that put you in your comfort zone, relax you, give you confidence? For me that's dancing. If I can feel the music and get into my zone with dancing I feel relaxed, comfortable, confident. Some people drink for that reason. Or they drink to feel comfortable dancing. I don't drink. Just dancing is my thing. But, it's opposite of a lot of people. They feel uncomfortable to approach me and dance (they tell me this later). But, once a person does dance with me they see that I put us both at ease. And then they have their areas of comfort and can put me at ease when I am out of my confidence zone. It's a good balance. But, put me in a situation of just walking around and talking (without dancing) and I can come across as shy. So maybe you have something that helps put you at ease and into your comfort/confident zone. And maybe there is a way to incorporate that into your dates and social experiences.
  • How you feel around people you have feelings for is how I feel around practically everyone that isn't a close friend :p could be worse!

    I think you need to try to just not place so much pressure on yourself. Just know that there's no point putting up a pretence and acting like someone you're not, because if anything ever does happen between you, they're going to find out what you're really like anyway.
  • kmit96
    kmit96 Posts: 5 Member
    sorry just had to post this... :grin:

    u could also try just texting him and explaining that u get kinda nervous..(texting is easier), and if he replies and is chill about it then that's awesome.

    that way the ice will have been broken a bit the next time you see each other in person too.
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Because you have the desire to be "perfect" around them. That's so sweet xD But... It can bite you in the tushie :P
    Break out of the shell. It's not easy, but 1 step at a time. Try to distract your mind with conversations that don't allow you to think of your feelings for them, thus teaching yourself to be more of a "friend" around them :3