Halloween horror?

Hi everyone. Just wondering what your strategy is for Halloween, being as it's less than 2 weeks away and we're already being bombarded by candy in stores. I'm not usually a big candy eater and have been pretty good at staying away from sweets, but with literally bowls of it in the house that day, I was hoping to get some good advice on how to deal. Thanks all,. By the way, I was away for awhile and am back now and ready to do this! Looking for friends who want to help keep me on track and who I can help also - feel free to add me. :)


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    edited October 2016
    I pick out one piece to have at whatever time works best for me, like after lunch or right before bed. That time is when I have the most willpower to walk away after one. I make sure to plan my food ahead and log the treat. I also remind myself that even if my kids eat all the good stuff I can buy more when I really want it.
  • kavin_ni
    kavin_ni Posts: 3 Member
    I hide most of them in a drawer and ration out some in an easy to reach place.
  • LaReinaDeCorazones
    LaReinaDeCorazones Posts: 274 Member
    I regularly have a piece of candy daily, although the last couple of days I haven't seen been in the mood for them. ...as long as it fits in my cals for the day I'm good
  • LAMCDylan
    LAMCDylan Posts: 1,214 Member
    Throw it in the trash. Why buy it in the first place??
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    I keep mine hidden in boxes in front closet until halloween.
    1 kind I can't eat. Some of the others I can. I just ration what I eat.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    I have 240 small bars sat on the coffee table. I had forgot they were there until this post. Yeah they have been there a week, long enough to not notice them anymore.

    Mmmm. Maybe a coffee crisp with my coffee- naw.

    Cheers, h.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited October 2016
    lissmayer wrote: »
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    Throw it in the trash. Why buy it in the first place??

    Because you don't want to be the lame, curmudgeon dick who turns off his lights on the neighborhood children? It's called "fun."

    I dont find passing out candy to kids fun. I turn the lights off and watch a movie upstairs or go out for the evening.

    I'm okay with it, but I tend to leave my lights out as well. I don't know a lot of people on my street and am not thrilled by the idea of constantly opening my door at night for strangers..

    Anyway, if the candy is wrapped, keep it out of sight, out of mind. I have Dove dark chocolates that I keep in a closed dish in my living room as a general everyday offering for guests. I think I've reached for one exactly once in the past few months..it's not so bad if you don't give it power over you.
  • Chilli7777
    Chilli7777 Posts: 112 Member
    Ive had a huge costco bucket of candy in my wardrobe thats been in there for weeka and remains unopened. We bought it for halloween as the closer it gets they tend to run out of stock. My freezer is full of cinnamon donuts which the kids take to school and my husband has a snack stash cupboard. I never feel tempted and just don't eat it. My sugar cravings went away around week 2 as i eat really wholesome food now and am nourishing my body. If you still eat sugar, even if you stick to your calories, youll always struggle.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2016
    Chilli7777 wrote: »
    Ive had a huge costco bucket of candy in my wardrobe thats been in there for weeka and remains unopened. We bought it for halloween as the closer it gets they tend to run out of stock. My freezer is full of cinnamon donuts which the kids take to school and my husband has a snack stash cupboard. I never feel tempted and just don't eat it. My sugar cravings went away around week 2 as i eat really wholesome food now and am nourishing my body. If you still eat sugar, even if you stick to your calories, youll always struggle.

    This might be you, but this certainly does not pertain to everyone. I might add "sugar is not evil" in the least, now it might be in the case of Halloween if you eat all the holiday candy before you can give it out to the little ones dressed in cute constumes..

    I buy candy all the time not just around Halloween, so there is always a sweet treat around my house. Right now there are M&M's just feet from me, they have been there for a while too.. Honestly I know what and how much I can have, my goals really are the determining factor if and when I get to eat candy.

    Up until the day of Halloween, if you can put all the candy out of site, perhaps way up in a closet that you do not walk by often, might help..
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I still have some Halloween candy from last year in my closet. I just have a piece or two when I really crave it. Not too worried about this year! Otherwise, just buy stuff you don't like to give away.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I have 2 boxes of full-sized bars, a big Costco tin of pretzels and a huge bag of non-chocolate candy. I am not particularly a candy person so I can abstain, but my house is the go-to house for Halloween. Full sized bars FTW.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    We don't have trick or treaters. We buy a bit of candy for our family to enjoy. I eat it in small amounts and log it.

    You could give out non-food items like temporary tattoos, stickers, small toys, glow sticks, coins, pencils.