Trying again!

Kryssy7786 Posts: 11
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
I just turned 25. im a single mother of 2. just got laid off and need to get back on the wieght loss journey because i gave up. In Dec 2007 i wieghed in at 340lbs. By DEcember of 2008 i was 250. Then i stayed the same until jan 2010 when i commited myself agin and got to where i am now between 210 and 215...IM STUCK!!! I need motivation help!! i need something! im depressed becaus im alone which causes me to eat! If im busy i dont eat at all which i know is even worse but I need a text buddy or email buddy to push me through the last 80-100lbs!!!

Any advice is appreciated


  • starr68
    starr68 Posts: 62 Member
    All I can say is keep on doing what you are doing. Feel free to add me if you like and WAY TO GO!!! on the accomplishements you have already made!!!!
  • reenpayne
    reenpayne Posts: 21
    When Im stressed, I put on my workout clothes and go for a long run. It helps to relieve stress and it's relaxing and think about the calories you burn. So, instead of me staying in bed with the covers over my head or running to the fridge eating, eating , eating, I take control of the situation and go for a nice run. It works everytime.
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    You have done so good, keep on trying and get back on track. You never know, the rest from it will most likely boost the weight loss again. I know you can do it.
  • I like this idea!! Thanks!!
  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    This site is the best site you've ever been and just reading stories of so many of us dropping so much weight and getting their body where it never been before, then you gonna be so much inspired and thinking that you can do it like we all did. Just follow the MFP calorie intake drink a lot of water and start exercising a little bit every day and you will have the first results which will make you sometimes even happy-cry . Have a great trip with MFP family... :-)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Kryssy7786
    Kryssy7786 Posts: 11
    TY all for the kind words!
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