LOSE 30lbs by January 2017 CHALLENGE



  • mystic_elegance
    mystic_elegance Posts: 258 Member
    SW 8/30/16: 208.4 lbs
    CW 10/14/16: 198.2
    30 lb Goal: 178.4 lbs
    Ultimate Goal: 175 lbs
    19.8 lbs to go! <3
  • Sillybee727
    Sillybee727 Posts: 131 Member
    SW: 202.4, GW: 172
    Week 5 (Week 1 for me): 200.4
    Week 6: 198.2
    Week 7: 198.2
    Week 8: 198.0
    Week 9: 199.5
    Week 10: 198.4
    Week 11: 197.4
    Week 12: 195.0
    Week 13: 194.4
    Week 14: 192.8
    Week 15: 191.6
    Week 16: 188.8

    Lbs to go: 17.4
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Im super late but can I join? :)
    SW: 224lbs Oct 9
    CW: 222.4 Oct 12
    GW for this Challenge: 194lbs
  • I started this challenge at 199lbs (I started on my fat loss journey July 29 at 205.6lbs)
    As of Friday 9/30/16 I am 188.2lbs
    My january goal 169lbs.
    If I keep up the 1.5/2lbs loss each week I will make it! 24lbs to loose by January !
    My April goal is 140lbs or less
    I hit a bit of a lull since I was in a funk 1st week of Oct. and the 2nd week I had a foot injury... BUT I maintained my weight. I still did seated exercises & modified exercises to accommodate my injury.
  • L0veM3
    L0veM3 Posts: 63 Member
    I am coming gin a little late on this but I am going to give it a huge shot.
  • kkellz77
    kkellz77 Posts: 7 Member
    Starting late but I'm going to try.

    CW: 203 GW: 173(for this challenge)
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    SW with MFP: 257.8
    SW: 231.4
    LW: 210
    CW: 207.5
    GW: 200
    FGW: 140
  • marloularson
    marloularson Posts: 10 Member
    Team melt away. Sorry I missed last Saturday weigh in!
    Weight is stuck at 189.
  • Sillybee727
    Sillybee727 Posts: 131 Member
    SW: 202.4, GW: 172
    Week 5 (Week 1 for me): 200.4
    Week 6: 198.2
    Week 7: 198.2
    Week 8: 198.0
    Week 9: 199.5
    Week 10: 198.4
    Week 11: 197.4
    Week 12: 195.0
    Week 13: 194.4
    Week 14: 192.8
    Week 15: 191.6
    Week 16: 188.8
    Week 17: 190.8

    Lbs to go: 19.4
  • Yavi389
    Yavi389 Posts: 32 Member
    Starting late but I'm more than willing to give it my best shot.

    SW: 365
    CW: 365
    GW: 335 (for this challenge)
  • L0veM3
    L0veM3 Posts: 63 Member
    I was wondering are we weighing in weekly or bi-weekly or ...?
  • tonimpanoutsakopoulos
    tonimpanoutsakopoulos Posts: 3 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm so in! I really want to lose 30lbs and get into shape. Want this to become a lifestyle. I'm a stay at home mom to my 4 yr old twin girls and want to be the best role model I can be! I started my transformation 2 weeks ago. I've been following a 1200 calorie diet, drinking lots of water, and exercising 6 days a week. Tomorrow is my weigh in. This is last weeks weigh in. Lost 1.6lbs week 1! Let's do this lets motivate and cheer each other on!

    SW 163.4
    CW 161.8
    GW 130
  • Sillybee727
    Sillybee727 Posts: 131 Member
    L0veM3 wrote: »
    I was wondering are we weighing in weekly or bi-weekly or ...?

    Most are doing weekly weigh ins in Fridays
  • L0veM3
    L0veM3 Posts: 63 Member
    L0veM3 wrote: »
    I was wondering are we weighing in weekly or bi-weekly or ...?

    Most are doing weekly weigh ins in Fridays

    Thank you so much. I have one that weighs in on Monday that's why I was asking
  • kieta12
    kieta12 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm down 13lbs!!!!
  • Jacquitheelder
    Jacquitheelder Posts: 68 Member
    Haven't been doing weekly Friday but I'm down to my last 15!!
  • VertBert
    VertBert Posts: 34 Member
    edited October 2016
    Been a while since initial post:

    SW: 346.7 04/27/16

    CSW: 315 06/22/16
    CW: 289.3 10/23/16
    CGW: 285.0 01/01/2017

    25.7 Lost!
  • OkoleMaluna
    OkoleMaluna Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2016
    I am DOWN!!!! I know it's a late start, but I feel like I can do it. 30 down by 01/01/2017!!! I've lost major weight. Wrote and I know it's possible, it just requires dedication. Starting this desk job kills me and I'm ready to be sexy by summer! Let's get this done!!!!

    SW: 200 (01/01/16)
    CW: 240 (10/27/16)
    GW: 160

  • CrystalGiggles
    CrystalGiggles Posts: 9 Member
    How do you join?
  • Sillybee727
    Sillybee727 Posts: 131 Member
    How do you join?

    Just by posting here, that's it.