thanks for all of the support everyone, i really appreciate it. i had a HORRRRIBLE night, but also sort of a good night becuase i had a great talk with my mom. i bawled and bawled and pretty much outlined what i did in my other post, and told her how i feel sadder now than when i would binge and she told me to think about what i was saying.

so i did, and she's right (aren't mom's always?)

i used to eat and eat and eat with abandon, thinking that i was making myself feel happy and filling some unknown void. but i wouldn't be happy. she told me to remember how many times on monday morning i would call her in hysterics, riddled with sadness, depression and guilt becasue i had just spent the last 3 days in a food induced stupor. she suggested that i look at it as the less of 2 unhappinesses.

This is what i feel like when i binge:
- in control of what i put in my body.
- out of conrol
- happy momentarily
- depressed
- ashamed
- riddled with guilt
- alone
- full
- sick
- insane
- miserable

Here is what i feel like following my plan:
- proud of myself
- somewhat in control
- somewhat happy
- depressed
- free from guilt
- somewhat alone (thanks mfp friends)'
- hungry some of the time
- healthy
- somewhat insane (thinking about food all the time makes me CRAZY!!)
- less miserable

so all in all, even though it is a struggle and sucks quite alot of the time, in the end, the outcome is so much better. i might hate eating healthy most of the time, but i hated MYSELF when i ate poorly all of the time. i dont want to hate myself.

one thing she said that stuck with me, and i'm goign to remember anytime i feel this way again:

"Mild Deprivation feels alot better than Self-loathing".

even though i'm not really depriving myself, in my mind i am because i am not able to eat to the extent i used to. but it really is not worth it.

another thing she said (love you mom) was that eventually i'll get to the point where i'll be able to go out for dinner, or on a vacation and eat whatever i want and know WHEN TO STOP!! i dont fully have that capability right now, but i am learning. she said soon it will become second nature: i'll eat what i want, when i want and leave it at that. i'll enjoy my food, stop when i'm full and stop having any emotional attachment to it.

this was a breakthrough for me today. took a 2 hour conversation and buckets of tears, but i think i finally made some progress.

i didn't binge today, and i'm so proud. when i thought about what i would feel like if i did, it wasn't worth it.


  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    thanks for all of the support everyone, i really appreciate it. i had a HORRRRIBLE night, but also sort of a good night becuase i had a great talk with my mom. i bawled and bawled and pretty much outlined what i did in my other post, and told her how i feel sadder now than when i would binge and she told me to think about what i was saying.

    so i did, and she's right (aren't mom's always?)

    i used to eat and eat and eat with abandon, thinking that i was making myself feel happy and filling some unknown void. but i wouldn't be happy. she told me to remember how many times on monday morning i would call her in hysterics, riddled with sadness, depression and guilt becasue i had just spent the last 3 days in a food induced stupor. she suggested that i look at it as the less of 2 unhappinesses.

    This is what i feel like when i binge:
    - in control of what i put in my body.
    - out of conrol
    - happy momentarily
    - depressed
    - ashamed
    - riddled with guilt
    - alone
    - full
    - sick
    - insane
    - miserable

    Here is what i feel like following my plan:
    - proud of myself
    - somewhat in control
    - somewhat happy
    - depressed
    - free from guilt
    - somewhat alone (thanks mfp friends)'
    - hungry some of the time
    - healthy
    - somewhat insane (thinking about food all the time makes me CRAZY!!)
    - less miserable

    so all in all, even though it is a struggle and sucks quite alot of the time, in the end, the outcome is so much better. i might hate eating healthy most of the time, but i hated MYSELF when i ate poorly all of the time. i dont want to hate myself.

    one thing she said that stuck with me, and i'm goign to remember anytime i feel this way again:

    "Mild Deprivation feels alot better than Self-loathing".

    even though i'm not really depriving myself, in my mind i am because i am not able to eat to the extent i used to. but it really is not worth it.

    another thing she said (love you mom) was that eventually i'll get to the point where i'll be able to go out for dinner, or on a vacation and eat whatever i want and know WHEN TO STOP!! i dont fully have that capability right now, but i am learning. she said soon it will become second nature: i'll eat what i want, when i want and leave it at that. i'll enjoy my food, stop when i'm full and stop having any emotional attachment to it.

    this was a breakthrough for me today. took a 2 hour conversation and buckets of tears, but i think i finally made some progress.

    i didn't binge today, and i'm so proud. when i thought about what i would feel like if i did, it wasn't worth it.
  • meganlorraine
    You know what I say?? WAY TO GO LADY! It is a huge step in this whole process to examine our bad habits, though it most of the time really sucks to do so. Keep the wonderful thoughts of your mom and you with you and I know you will have more success than buckets of tears! You are wonderful, now it's time to start feeling that way. (That's what my mom says to me :smile: Aren't moms the best?)
  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    that list of pros and cons of eating is so true---I have never thought about it this way---I wish I had seen it just before I ate those Milano mint cookies.

    Just think though 2 pounds a week --we ill be 48 pounds lighter by June 30--that is a SACK of potaoes. I lifted 2 bags of 5 lb potatoes today and it was heavy!! WE HAVE LOST THAT ALREADY girlfriend. Next month another TWO BAGS!!!

    I like looking at it like Isaw in ?this post---like AA---just do it one day at a time--our addiction is food and just as sure as cocaine it is robbing us of a healthy fulfilling life!

    I am still trying to figure out how to get my calories in withoug overdoing the fats--I had 300 cals left today but was 12 g over in fat--yet I stuffed myself with veggies and blueberries----I jsut can't keep eating rabbit food---then I DO feel deprived---I REALLY enjoyed those Milano cookies!!!123504.png
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Well I am not lucky enough to have a mom anymore.....which is one of the reasons I am finally on this mom died when she was 35.....I am 6 months older then her when she died...right now......I understand the food rollercoaster you have been on.....I have been on it too. Life is so darn unpredictable, but controlling something like food is so it's time to take control over this part of your life........imagine hitting your goal........getting through to that.....imagine how you will feel then........imagine looking back and seeing how you fought and struggled on your own to get there....YOU DID IT! YOU CAN DO THIS.....WE ARE ALL DOING THIS WITH YOU! I am unemployed.....(yeah it sucks) and I am logged in here allday, because for me I have to be held accountable and my having MFP on and reading throughout the day I can get through.....You email me or post to me ANYTIME YOU NEED A HAND.......heck you email me now and I will give you my IM address you can IM direct real time.

    We have to get healthy, we have to get better and together.....all of us together will get there.......we cannot leave 1 person behind in this journey.

    Hang in on me anytime and often...

    Fightin' right next to you baby.

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    AMAZING job!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I'm so excited to see that you're down TWELVE lbs!! Great for Mamas and their sound advice!
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Lindsay, You are learning so much more about yourself than just how to control your food. I was going to write last night but you were getting some really good advice. Two I remember off the top of my head were Amynvegas and Arewethereyet. Though I know there were others. Those two really said all the things I would have said to you.

    I am glad that you did not give in last night. And that your mom could help you process some of your feelings. I think you'll probably have more days/nights like this but each time you make it through one is another victory and another time of learning.

    I hope today you wake up refreshed, ready to tackle another day and gain another victory!
  • Schaff
    Schaff Posts: 83
    You are truly an inspiration! So many people disregard how emotional eating is. Its wonderful to see someone not afraid to put it out there. Keep up the good work!