Starving After Dinner

For about two or three months i have had this problem where, about 20 minutes after eating a very full, nutritious dinner, I become very hungry. I literally get hunger pangs that feel like I haven't eaten in days. The only time I feel this way is after dinner, unless I eat something more fattening, then I'm fine. I can't take it much longer. It is literally painful. Last night I had chicken cordon bleu(not breaded), small serving of sweet potatoes, broccoli, and corn. Within 20 minutes I was so hungry. I always have grapes for dessert, but that does not help much. I have enough discipline that I don't go gorge, but that's what I want to do. I just want the discomfort to go away. I eat around 2000 calories a day, but workout a lot. I am 5'5" and weigh 125lbs if that matters. Does anyone else have this problem or know what causes it?


  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i now it sounds silly but eat slower and chew your food more i have also been through this stomache is not getting a chance to tell your brain you are full so it is still thinking it's hungry and so sending the hunger pangs!
    slow down.....
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Are you sure these are really hunger pangs and not some sort of digestive issue? I had my gallbladder out recently and I can tell you that if I eat a greasy meal, my insides will start gurgling and making all sorts of noises and it might or might not be painful. Not hunger pangs, but similar enough that it might be mistaken for them if I didn't know better. I get odd looks and comments, even, if I'm out. "You can't possibly still be hungry, we just ate!" Better they think I'm still hungry than know the truth, I guess. :laugh:

    It could also be that you aren't eating slowly enough. It takes about 20 minutes for your body to realize you're full. Try slowing down and really chewing everything you eat and see if that doesn't help the situation.

    My point is, it might not be hunger at all. It might, in either case, be something worth discussing with your doctor.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Try a mug of tea - I always have a decent green tea after food and it keeps the hunger at bay. Sadly, won't work for everyone, but worth a try (and doesn't need to be loose leaf green tea!)
  • hsmaldo
    hsmaldo Posts: 115 Member
    I'm curious to see what others respond to, because I'm the EXACT same way, but my worse time is after lunch. I've started brushing my teeth or chewing gum to get through it, but that barely works and I end up eating chocolate or something else. I'm sorry I don't have any answers or suggestions, but I feel your pain!
  • whisperingdragon
    The only time I feel that way is when I do a very hard workout. Other than that, I force myself to eat fruit after dinner if I feel starved.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    Can you redistribute your calories to save some for later on in the evening? Perhaps try some healthy fats like almonds? I had to break the habit of eating after dinner so I would retreat to the second floor of the house and busy myself with laundry or crafts or a good book. Would changing the time of day you work out be possible or helpful?
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    From what I can tell you need to add more protein and get rid of the carbs or just take a couple bites of them...the potatoes and corn will burn too fast and are wasted, empty calories that convert into surgar, once digested you will feel hungry again shortly, while foods high in protein and even vegetables will burn longer and leaner.

    Also if you exercise before you eat even for fifteen minutes and even a light routine or a walk once you eat your body will regulate hunger better...

    Take a short walk before dinner and start getting rid of the carbs.

    Good luck.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    From what I can tell you need to add more protein and get rid of the carbs or just take a couple bites of them...the potatoes and corn will burn too fast and are wasted, empty calories that convert into surgar, once digested you will feel hungry again shortly, while foods high in protein and even vegetables will burn longer and leaner.

    Also if you exercise before you eat even for fifteen minutes and even a light routine or a walk once you eat your body will regulate hunger better...

    Take a short walk before dinner and start getting rid of the carbs.

    Good luck.
    I have thought about cutting down on carbs but I love them so much, and I always thought it was okay to eat carbs as long as you burn them. I do have a lot of carbs, and one big reason is that I have constipation issues. Carbs are such a good source of fiber, and I love Fiber One Products. My hubby thinks it could be psychosomatic because it doesn't happen after a more fattening meal.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you're in physical pain after eating, I have a little difficulty believing that it's psychosomatic. I could believe that if you just got the munchies and wanted to eat, but audible noises coming from your digestive track aren't something likely to be triggered by your brain because you don't think you got enough fat in your diet. Don't let your physical distress be brushed aside as "psychosomatic". That smacks of a guy saying that menstrual cramps are all in our heads (which sadly enough used to be the prevailing theory).

    ETA: I'm stuck on the fact that it started happening a few months ago. Have you noticed any other changes that coincide with that time? Or anything that might have triggered it? Changes in diet, etc.
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    Katie...You need to substitute fiber for carbs...complex carbs like whole grains are fantastic and long burning...but potatoes and corn are not complex carbs...nor is wheat and white flour products like breads, pastas, or even white rice...

    I went out and bought some fiber one bars...

    Before I started my weight loss group I was a carb addict and didnt realize it...I do not eat junk or sweets as I am not into sweet flavors I am into savory flavors and salt...those too retain water..and burn way too fast with little to no nutritious value.

    Protein builds lean mass it burns to that is veggies (but not peas or corn).

    Carbs make you feel an instant sugar high which I thrived on to help with lethargy but they burn so fast and then you are hungry again for more...Protein on the other hand along with exercise leads to increased metabolism which is a long burning high...and less hunger...

    Good luck!
  • kscutie
    kscutie Posts: 32 Member
    I have a similar problem. After I eat dinner, I crave dessert or something sweet -- even if I'm stuffed.
    And it's no matter what I eat....lots of protien, fiber, complex carbs....or just cheese pizza.

    I think drinking something warm tea or caffiene free coffee.
    And doing someting to take your mind off of it helps too. Like chores or reading.

    Good post, btw....I'm interested to see what others have to say.
  • TamekaBohorquez
    TamekaBohorquez Posts: 36 Member
    OMG me too... I crave sweet stuff after dinner... how do I stop this...
  • devilblkdress
    I suffer from this to but its not just after dinner. I have a voracious appetite. My husband will literally tease me because my stomach will be growling as we watch TV and I will be so hungry but my calories are gone. However I have always been this way and since yours is just happening recently it is perplexing. I curb my cravings as much as I can by filling up on water, warm herbal teas, watermelon, carrot sticks, cucumbers, or other low calorie snacks but honestly more nights than others I go to bed hungry and wake up starving! I do follow a lower carb diet thogh and the days I have a higher protein dinner aren't as bad. Good luck!
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I have a similar problem. After I eat dinner, I crave dessert or something sweet -- even if I'm stuffed.
    And it's no matter what I eat....lots of protien, fiber, complex carbs....or just cheese pizza.

    I think drinking something warm tea or caffiene free coffee.
    And doing someting to take your mind off of it helps too. Like chores or reading.

    Good post, btw....I'm interested to see what others have to say.
    It's not a particular craving I have. I literally feel like my stomach is empty. I'm starting to think I might be hypoglycemic based on other symptoms I have.