A BIG wake up call...

Today I went to my doctors about my ingrowing toenail - I'm due for an operation in September. I'd had an operation last year and it returned and the dcotor said this time that the liklihood of it coming back was tiny so was very shocked at how bad this one is. He examined my feet and was worried about the poor condition they were in and said certain feet issues can be linked to diabetes. He reccomended that I go for a blood test but I'm just terrified of needles. So I told him about MFP and my weightloss and he said I don't have to have one for now but if the problems persist I will need one.

The thought of having diabetes terrifies me. I can't imagine it. Something I never thought I would get. So here's to truly sorting out my life and my health.


  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    You're on the right track! Stay motivated and keep that in the back of your mind when you feel like giving up!
  • Bumblebee26
    Bumblebee26 Posts: 118 Member
    Sorry for the luck and I hope this site does help and you can stay away from it thru physical activity and diet. I was over weight(still am) but visited a diaylsis center and KNEW that I had to get my weight under control. Don't want to be in those chairs for hours on end. Sometimes it takes a push to make us do better things! Good luck on your journey!
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    You are certainly on the right track. You can always to to Walgreens or CvS and have them check your blood sugar in the morning before you eat. If it is greater than 100 you need to really pull yourself together, because that is a sign that you have diabetes. It is a very simple finger stick, You won't even see the little needle. It will go so fast you won't enven know you had it done. It wouldn't hurt to do it and see were you stand.

    Keep an eye on your feet as well. Look at them everyday. If something doesnt seem right, go straight to the doctor.
  • DJParrish01
    DJParrish01 Posts: 38 Member
    Diabetes does not have to be a horrible thing. My mom has it, and for years, she simply had to control her weight, sugar intake and take her meds... Not all diabetics have to shoot insulin into themselves. One thing it did for her, though, (too late to avoid the diabetes unfortunately) is that it forced her to reevalutate all the crap she ate, and she lost weight. She's 74, and has had the diabetes for probably 30 years. She JUST RECENTLY began insulin shots. Her mother had diabetes, too, and lost a foot because of it. So, YES, go get the test, even if you are scared to!!! Keep up the weight loss and avoid those carbs and sugars!!! Good luck to you, and God bless!
  • Jessabelle12
    Jessabelle12 Posts: 145
    Thank you guys. Your words mean alot. I'm scared. I'm 20 years old I don't want this to be a burden on me for the rest of my life. I need to do it but what's good - I want to do it too.