Starting over....Again!



  • qthomas
    qthomas Posts: 30 Member
    Feeling the same. I lost almost 40lbs and have gained all back. Trying to get motivated to do it again. Add me. We can help each other.
  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    Same here! I want to get back down to my weight on my wedding day!
  • pmoran525
    pmoran525 Posts: 117 Member
    Same here! Starting again tomorrow. Was doing well for about 10 days then went off track anyone on this thread can add me.
  • francheskamojica
    francheskamojica Posts: 8 Member
    Gosh same here I had dropped almost a dress size and was starting to see definition on my abs
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    Me too!

    I originally lost 35 pounds and have gained most of it back.... add me!

  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    Im in the exact same boat! Ive been overweight since childhood and my whole life my weight has fluctuated constantly. I tend to binge eat and unless i carefully track calories i pack on pounds. I had just gotten to my goal weight at the beginning of the summer and ive gained 20 pounds since then!! How do you guys keep yourself on track and resist cravings?

    All I can say is I have a goal n I don't want to be as heavy as I am it's up to me to stay on track and focused!
  • melodiebouse
    melodiebouse Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me. Together we can be successful!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    Me too! Regained 17 pounds. Again. Feel free to add me.
  • dmpolansky
    dmpolansky Posts: 38 Member
    Same here! I lost some weight & it all came back. Ugh! Started back on MFP this week. Add me so we can motivate each other! :wink:
  • melodiebouse
    melodiebouse Posts: 11 Member
    When I first started regaining my weight, I would say I needed to lose 5 pounds. People would just chuckle and say "big deal, 5 pounds!" But it was a big deal! Eventually, 5 became 10, and now it's 20. I've been overweight since childhood. It's a struggle everyday. I promised myself I would never be that heavy again. And, I can't fit into my clothes and I refuse to buy bigger!
  • ShinyFraga
    ShinyFraga Posts: 132 Member
    Hi there. I'm starting over again myself. Five days in and trying to overcome my urge to slack already. :/

    Five years ago I used this app to lose 65 pounds, and I was feeling amazing. I really loved myself. Then the holidays hit, and it was all downhill from there. Over the past 5 years I gained back 57 pounds. :(

    I'm down 3 from that since starting back on MFP, but it doesn't really feel like much of an accomplishment yet. I have a lot of self hate to deal with, and I know it's going to take a lot of time, hard work, and dedication to get through all of my obstacles.

    But I think I've hit the point where I'm ready to really try again, and I'm hoping to find some supportive friends to keep me company on this long, long, loooooooooong journey. :)
  • melodiebouse
    melodiebouse Posts: 11 Member
    edited October 2016
    Didn't do very well this week. But it's a new week and I'm going to stay positive. I hope everyone else was successful!
  • shannonerb822
    shannonerb822 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the same boat here. Did really well and lost almost 30 pounds in 2015, and have gained it back since then (plus a few). I have a very hard time staying motivated. Feel free to add me and let's support each other!
  • melodiebouse
    melodiebouse Posts: 11 Member
    No good news to report here. Starting over AGAIN!
  • jenlei7231
    jenlei7231 Posts: 23 Member
    edited October 2016
    Feel free to add me. Stopped smoking in February and gained every bit of my weight back plus a few.
  • Baddogbeanie
    Baddogbeanie Posts: 210 Member
    This is so common, "Me too" I wonder why? I hate the gaining, then losing battle. I could use some motivating friends as well (add me :) ). What is the secret to permanant success? We are all in it together, (forever)? Ok, time to change it up! We can do this, lets get it together and get our skinny on.. I got your back, what do ya need, do you got mine??? (Damn) I wish typing burnt more calories.. LOL
  • jkquinn13
    jkquinn13 Posts: 203 Member
    Hey folks. I am in the same slump. Down 35 and stalled forever it seems. Need to kick it up and would like some friends. Please add me
  • I used this app to lose 60 lbs a few years ago, then I lost my IRL support system and my motivation, and gained back 20 lbs. So here I am, starting over again. 40 lbs-ish to lose and really struggling. I have no irl support system and I really need some friends to cheer me on when I'm doing good and kick me in the *kitten* when I need it (which is more often than not). I'm not so good at kicking people when they need it, but I'm great at cecelebrating victories. I don't cut anything out of my diet, just try to be a bit smarter and exercise portion control.
  • kristinswims
    kristinswims Posts: 14 Member
    Me too. I'm starting tomorrow. I have to lose these last 10 lbs....and I will.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    Here we go again!

    My goal is to track everything today. Bring it on.
    Happy Halloween!
