What do you eat for breakfast?

I am trying to overhaul my diet one meal at a time and take this step by step. I am starting with working on breakfast. I have a few healthy ideas in mind for myself but I am curious! What is your go to breakfast? Does it keep you full? Curious!


  • weightforme8134
    weightforme8134 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you! Im thinking along the lines of eggs and veggies mainly and oatmeal on some days.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    siggi's skyr yogurt with a cup of berries added in
    2 hard boiled eggs
    egg cups made in a muffin tin, using eggs, cheese and crumbled turkey sausage, veggies
    anything high in protein that keeps me full
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    Almost every single day I eat 5 egg whites scrambled with .5 oz of low fat cheese, 1 serve for bran buds with 3 oz. skim milk, and either two turkey sausage or 2 microwave cooked bacon slices. 300 calories, 37 protein, 13 fiber. It keeps me for a few hours.
  • Meowler
    Meowler Posts: 115 Member
    I find it most filling when I use wholegrain items or if I bulk out the meal with fruit. We grow apples in our garden and recently had a lot to use, so I would put 1-2 in with my granola and it bulked up the meal nicely without adding too many calories. You could probably cook it in to porridge too and add a hint of cinnamon and vanilla to taste. I'll usually make something quick with eggs if I want to start the day with protein.
    • Granola with natural yoghurt, bulked out with fruit (e.g. apples, bananas, etc.).
    • Overnight oats (oats and natural yoghurt) with berry jam or honey.
    • Porridge with cinnamon and raisins.
    • Fried/poached eggs on wholegrain crispbread with caviar paste.
    • Boiled eggs with soldiers.
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    Eggs and veggies can be filling (more of veggies less of eggs). If you're not averse to adding beans (someone above suggested) or lentils, that makes for filling breakfast! Cottage cheese (also above) could help as well.
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    You could try almonds in your oatmeal, nice crunchiness (plus filling)
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Lately, a bowl of Chex chocolate cereal....who knew chocolate for breakfast could be so RIGHT!!! I like that my iron count goes way up after I eat this!
  • ariela569
    ariela569 Posts: 22 Member
    Banana and blueberry smoothies with rice/ soya milk pinch of cinnamon delish and really filling
  • janekana
    janekana Posts: 151 Member
    Oatmeal anything! I usually eat oatmeal with honey + flaxseed, my boyfriend eats oatmeal with blueberries + banana + flaxseed. Super healthy and super filling, I don't even get hungry if I eat oatmeal before and go to the gym afterwards!

    It's actually so filling that I'm considering eating oatmeal for lunch too, because it's very low calorie and is far more filling than a smoothie or another low-calorie food, I find.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    edited October 2016
    I've been having porridge for the last 9 months. It is of the flavoured variety and I make it with almond milk.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Thank you! Im thinking along the lines of eggs and veggies mainly and oatmeal on some days.

    Oatmeal (by itself) isn't filling for me. I make it with milk for added protein, and stir in some chopped nuts for fat. Then it has staying power.

    I also like Greek yogurt "parfaits." Fiber One cereal, nuts & berries.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    40g porridge oats, 200mls semi-skimmed milk, 10g dried fruit of some kind, 10g honey. Microwave. And two big mugs of coffee with 100mls each semi-skimmed milk and 1 teaspoon each sugar (this is non-negotiable).

    That's it for me most mornings though on very warm mornings during summer I switched to granola with greek yoghurt.

    This morning I had 3 slices back bacon, two potato farls, Tiptree ketchup, two slices Warburtons Farmhouse loaf. A bit of a calorie bomb but that with two big mugs of coffee has kept me full all damn day!
  • lissmayer
    lissmayer Posts: 86 Member
    Smoothie every single day (whole milk, frozen banana, frozen berries or chocolate, or pumpkin, sometimes nut butter if I'm super hungry). 250-350 calories. I never get sick of it.
  • mengqiz86
    mengqiz86 Posts: 176 Member
    edited October 2016
    I have a Starbucks grande latte at 8am for breakfast. Lol. Works for me though. 170cal and holds me over till about 11. Then I have an apple and then lunch at 12:30.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited October 2016
    I am another who has 3 go-to breakfasts (obviously, I eat only one per day). ;-) All of mine are 350-400 calories.

    2 egg vegetable omelet (at least two vegetables, one of which is a green like spinach or kale, sometimes more), with either smoked salmon, cottage cheese, or low fat Greek yogurt on the side, sometimes berries too.

    Steel cut oats with protein powder and berries (or occasionally banana or apple or pear) with some sauteed or raw veg on the side.

    Smoothie (got obsessed with these over the summer and carrying them into the winter) with a mix of vegetables, protein powder, dairy, sometimes nuts or seeds, and some fruit (in season in the summer, frozen now). I play around with different combos that sound good, for example lately they involve spinach or kale, lots of spaghetti squash, green pepper, homemade cashew milk, some Fage greek yogurt, protein powder, and frozen strawberries and some sage.
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    amfmmama wrote: »
    siggi's skyr yogurt with a cup of berries added in
    2 hard boiled eggs
    egg cups made in a muffin tin, using eggs, cheese and crumbled turkey sausage, veggies
    anything high in protein that keeps me full

    Love Siggi's too!!
  • weightforme8134
    weightforme8134 Posts: 53 Member
    I am so grateful for all of these suggestions!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    My typical breakfast I'd a bacon and gouda breakfast sandwich or ocassionally sausage sandwich. If it's a more grab and go situation I'll have a protein bar. I find the sandwiches filling....the protein bar is adequate but not as satisfying.