Does your job contribute to your weight gain?

Hi all, does anyone feel their job contributes to their weight gain? I teach however I am a lone worker so I find I don't eat at set times but end up eating lots when really hungry and if I find I've had a bad day I end up reaching for sugary foods! How do you manage your eating and exercise alongside your demanding jobs?
Thanks in advance!


  • rebbrebb
    rebbrebb Posts: 7 Member
    I work at a movie theater so I definitely feel that my job has contributed a lot since I always go for popcorn and a small courtesy cup of soda during my breaks. What helped me was to start packing my own lunches and bringing my own water, it helped me to stop eating so much of the bad stuff there!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    My previous job always had lots of treats sitting around and I found it hard to avoid them. My current job isn't nearly as bad.

    If you teach at a school they should be allowing you a few minutes to eat a lunch. There are teachers unions out there that have put policies in place to ensure the mental and physical health of teachers. Talk to whoever is in charge about your need for a set eating time. Eating a hearty breakfast may help hold you over as well.
  • JLG1986
    JLG1986 Posts: 211 Member
    edited October 2016
    I actually think my current job has been helpful with my weight and fitness (they bought me a standing desk, and the company has several miles of walking trails on the property) but I can definitely commiserate with you based on past jobs where the stress, inactivity, or just plain exhaustion drove me to make poor food choices, overeat, and not work out.

    Hope you can negotiate with your job to get better meal and break times! Or...sometimes...we just need to take these things - you say you're a lone worker, so I'm not sure if you're an independent contractor or teaching for a regulars school, but if you have an employee handbook that would help know what you have a right to as far as meal times and breaks. I have to force myself to take the breaks that I am entitled to at work, and trust me, no one is stopping by to say "remember to take your 20 minute P.M break!" (wish they would. volunteers?)

    One thing I find helps is a small low-carb breakfast with plenty of fat and protein (easiest weekday favorite? Cold grilled chicken and a sharp cheddar cheese stick with an apple) - it slows down my hunger until I eat a good lunch, and then look forward to a hearty, stick to your ribs dinner. I know this is totally backwards to conventional diet wisdom, but hey, CICO!
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    I am a teacher as well but on mat leave. I have a really hard time sticking to things when I am teaching. My days are so full and even breaks are rushed cause there is so much to do. Add in the birthday cakes and baked treats in the staff room almost every day and it is a recipe for weight gain. I am hoping that once I go back I stick to my healthy habits. I strated meal planning and prepping and freezing things in bulk to make healthy choices a no brainer.what I will have to do is figure out how to get my but put of.bed earlier to fit a workout in before having to get my kids ready for the sitter and school which is a big challenge. For now I am happy to have the time off to get back into shape. Stay strong and remember the goal whenever you feel lack of motivation.
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    My job itself isn't a problem but the people I work with look for any excuse to bring in food to share with everyone (birthdays, new babies, new puppies, new cars, work anniversaries). Almost every day there are bagels, doughnuts, cookies, etc. sitting on the counter. Rarely do people bring in fruit or veggie trays. I used to sit a lot closer to the food counter and would find myself grabbing things just because they were there. Now I avoid the counter but I still have people come by my desk and say "you'd better go get some of the food before it's gone!" and I'm always telling them I'm fine without whatever food because I pack my own lunch or already ate breakfast.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    My job isn't a problem. I'm a teacher too, but I walk to school and there is quite a distance from my classroom to many other places I need to go. There is a lot of food provided throughout the day, but there is a healthy option and it's up to me whether I take it or not.

    My job is one reason why I choose a small deficit, as I don't want to be in a hunger-induced bad mood when I'm at work.
  • kschwab0203
    kschwab0203 Posts: 610 Member
    brynnsmom wrote: »
    No, work is not my problem. I walk in the tunnels before the day starts and at lunch, and avoid the cookies, cakes and candy dishes. My weight problems are more due to wine and PM snacking. And wine.

    Ahhh! This is my problem too!!! Wine and eating late or eating crap on the weekends after wine.
  • marsocwarrior
    marsocwarrior Posts: 4 Member
    My biggest problem for sure. Truck driver so I know it was due to my work. Luckily I'm back in the game and at a healthy weight just takes a ton of motivation
  • sharunza
    sharunza Posts: 32 Member
    Kind of. I am a lawyer, and often I am in court all day. No time to pee, much less get lunch. So I'll get home and eat whatever's in front of me. I've had success with bringing almonds to eat at lunchtime, and it helps keep me from bolting down food later in the day.

    As for wine, I also find that can derail me. I'm doing Sober October to try and get away from liquid calories.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,885 Member
    I work in an office and have a desk job ... so no, it doesn't contribute to my weight gain at all.

    Why not? Because I am free to eat what I want to eat, and I'm free to get up and climb the stairs several times a day, and I'm free to go for a long walk at lunch as well as walking as part of my commute to and from work. Plus I can do whatever I want after work so I choose to exercise with a portion of my evening. :)
  • kekeke123
    kekeke123 Posts: 19 Member
    I feel like all my jobs have helped me lose weight. I currently work at mcdonald's so it keeps me on my feet/walking/not eating for several hours.
  • EricaH7
    EricaH7 Posts: 74 Member
    I feel that my job definitely contributed to my weight gain, but not because of the job itself, because of the workgroup I am in and the need to feel included. I am the only girl in the group and the whole group goes out for lunch to different bars everyday. I probably gained 15 pounds over a year of working here. When I started my weight loss journey I definitely started missing out on the eating out and bar food everyday. But now that I am down 20 pounds I am happy I made this decision. I still go out with the guys on special occasions and I actually have had a couple guys join the weight loss journey with me after seeing my progress so now I have some people to sit in the lunch room with. :smiley:
  • Nads36
    Nads36 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks for everyone's responses...its good to hear many of you have stratagies in dealing with weight loss at work and well done to those of you who are persevering despite work being an issue. Keep up the fab work guys! :)
  • failte32
    failte32 Posts: 3 Member
    yes, the stress then you come back tired it is cold outside...
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm a stress eater and there's always food around at my job and I do have to go out to eat with people as part of it sometimes, so... no, it absolutely doesn't.

    My job doesn't force me to eat; I'm not a professional eater. If I choose to eat something, that's on me, not my job. Sure, like other parts of life my job and workplace pose certain challenges, but I think this is going to be the case no matter what.
  • Tyrannasaur
    Tyrannasaur Posts: 10 Member
    I sit at a desk all day so perhaps in the sense then I don't move around much. But i'm also so busy most days that I don't have time to think much about food. When I'm at work food is purely a fuel, i eat to keep my mind and body working well for the rest of the day, so i don't care what i eat. Also my workplace has a great canteen with a salad bar which is really cheap and has a different variety every day.

    Dieting during the week is easy for me. The weekends are where i struggle!
  • RosyTea
    RosyTea Posts: 49 Member
    My current position as a receptionist has me much more conscious of all my life choices in a very positive way. I work in a spa and it has really opened my eyes to the concept of self-care. A lot of our clients that come in inspire me to take better care of myself inside and out so I can feel my very best. I also don't feel as much stress which I believe helps as well. My previous position certainly had me eating a lot more as I was in a high-pressured sales position located in a mall with a fast-food food court. Very hard to stay balanced when you have 1.5hrs of break there.
  • inkedShimewaza
    inkedShimewaza Posts: 536 Member
    Yup. Not making excuses. I know what I have to fix. But my job is 50% travel and I have been really struggling with eating well when I am on the road. I am working HARD to try to get it under control, but in the time I have been in my current job, I have definitely gained a considerable amount of weight. BTW ... you ladies that are posting that have your pics as the profile pic ... you look amazing! You don't look like you are having any issues at all!!!!!