How do you avoid pigging out when friends are over?

I have now beeen logging my foods for 25 days though mfp and have managed to lose 3 kgs whilst learning quite a bit about my diet. By and large I have developed some good discipline and habits too. But yesterday I had unexpected friends come over for dinner and the quickest available option was to get pizza. Then I realised one of my problems. I knew if I kept portion sizes low, I wouldn't necessarily blow my daily calorie budget. But I couldn't stop at one slice, nor two, nor three... Yep I pigged out. Now I only intend this to be a temporary set back. Nevertheless I don't want to pig out next time I am in a similar position. So here's my question to all of you, particularly the more experienced members. How do you stay disciplined on such days? Any tips? (particularly assuming pizza is back on the table again due to popular demand...)


  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I bring/make snacks that I would eat. For example I am going to a gathering tomorrow night and I opt'ed to bring fresh veggies and hummus because I will know it's there and I can eat it. Plus I'm making the hummus so I know that it will be better vs store bought.

    Try filling up before you go, I went to a play date today with pizza's for kids and Moms and I filled up on high fiber & protein foods before I left the house. It made fighting the pizza's a little easier because I wasn't that hungry.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Eat before you go and/or drink lots of water. Both will help.

    Rember to log no matter what you do and drink lots of water the next day to help flush out what you can!

    Have fun!
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    Order a salad or veggie sticks to go along with it? Then try to only eat half as much as you might otherwise.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Life happens. It's only one day.
  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    I tend to think about..... is that second or even third slice of pizza gonna be worth the hours of exercise I will have to do to burn it off, or the extra time its going to take to get to my goal weight if I keep eating like this?? Think of that skinny pair of jeans in your closet that you cant fit into now but want to get into someday. it will help motivate you to not take the extra slice of pizza.
  • fcj1976
    fcj1976 Posts: 23 Member
    I always have healthy snacks in reserve for such occasions and when take away food is being ordered I either go for something healthy or if that's not possible I go without! I'm sure in future your friends will understand. If not just be stubborn about it!

    Works for me! :-)
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    It's always good to keep frozen veggies or bagged salad around for this very situation. You could have had a slice or two and then had the veggies so you would be full. Just be more mindful next time.
  • AdorablePanda
    AdorablePanda Posts: 125 Member
    If it's something spur of the moment, try to plan ahead...I know sounds funny right?
    Have healthy available options. Maybe instead of ordering pizza out of ease and convenience, take the same 20-30 minutes and save the money by making your own foods. Have some easy to whip up, tasty dinner ideas (you can find cook books for this, or go to online recipe banks), know what satisfies you. Or make some salad to go with the pizza. That way you can eat one slice or two if you really want to go crazy but fill up the rest of the way with salad. that way you are still participating in the eating, but with the healthier option. You might be surprised that your friends will dig the salad too.
  • AdorablePanda
    AdorablePanda Posts: 125 Member
    It's always good to keep frozen veggies or bagged salad around for this very situation. You could have had a slice or two and then had the veggies so you would be full. Just be more mindful next time.

    AWESOME! Great minds think alike. lol
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Just eat two pieces and stop. Any more is an excuse to complain to others about. Two pieces of pizza are very filling. We can all eat more then we need but thats why there are so many fat folks. They do just that.
  • merrycat
    merrycat Posts: 131 Member
    I agree with those who said keep filling, healthy snacks on hand. What works for me is to snack on veggies etc. while we're waiting for pizza. Filling up on veggies, etc. *before* the pizza gets there makes it a lot easier to stop at two slices.