foods that make you less hungry ?



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I agree with the warning about almonds. They are great for a calorie boost and I eat a lot of them when hiking but that's when my TDEE is super high and ai struggle to get enough calories. Almonds are calorie dense and you could probably have two slices of pizza for the caloric cost of a large handful of almonds and I'd say the pizza would be more satisfying.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    I was gonna say protein and fiber. Any high fiber veggies are low calorie, allow me to eat plenty to get full, and they keep me full. Processed carbs are the exact opposite. I will be hungry again in no time. I have never really noticed coffee affecting my appetite. I just drink it because it is delicious.
  • natasha_hal1
    natasha_hal1 Posts: 30 Member
    I eat greek yogurt and edamame (green soybeans) between meals and this keeps me from getting hunger pains. I also recommend drinking lots of water throughout the day and green tea!
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    Follow up...Just getting back to the almonds. I'm looking at a store bought bag of plain roasted almonds. a serving is 1/4 cup (or 30 g for those with scales). The 1/4 cup serving is 170 calories. This is what I eat (or even half a serving) to curb hunger before a meal. I've personally found it very helpful, so I don't over eat the meal (eg if I still need to cook & so the meal could be a half hour or more away).
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    edited October 2016
    nowine4me wrote: »
    Perhaps a healthier option than Cheetos might be sriacha and/or wasabi almonds. Both delicious, but high in sodium. You can also make turkey chili or shrimp creole crazy hot.

    Along the line of wasabi almonds, you can find Thai spicy almonds at Trader Joes (&many other snacks )....if you like popcorn, they have snack size bags (150 calories per serving). I read somewhere that popcorn has fiber? Popcorn hasn't worked for hunger, for me, but if cheetos work for you the bag of popcorn may do the trick. I've used both (cheetos &popcorn) for @work snacks.
  • pinkste78
    pinkste78 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks guys for the advice!! I had some pizza today, it was nice :) I overate today but I was still under my tdee so it wasn't bad or anything again thanks!!
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    Thumbs up!!

    Ps: Hope you take the advice above to spread out your calories instead of one big meal which could potentially throw you off your program.
  • jolive7
    jolive7 Posts: 283 Member
    Generally high fiber foods
  • mengqiz86
    mengqiz86 Posts: 176 Member
    edited October 2016
    Honestly, y'all should check out dried edamame. 1oz has 130cal, 13g of protein, 3g of carbs, 7g of fiber. The wasabi flavor is super
  • LauraAnderson187
    LauraAnderson187 Posts: 1 Member
    I find that foods that are nutrient dense satisfy my hunger more than calorie dense foods. I could probably eat several bowls of refined cereal in just a few hours and still feel hungry. But a full-fat, grass-fed yogurt or a couple of pasture-raised eggs scrambled in avocado oil will hold me for several hours. In our over-fed society, what we're starving for is actually nutrients!
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    It's very individual as well. The Cheetos would make me more hungry, personally. It's a learning process, you have to get to know your own appetite.
  • jolive7
    jolive7 Posts: 283 Member
    mengqiz86 wrote: »
    Honestly, y'all should check out dried edamame. 1oz has 130cal, 13g of protein, 3g of carbs, 7g of fiber. The wasabi flavor is super

    where do you get it??
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    pinkste78 wrote: »
    I do like spicy thai food :) thanks for the suggestion. I don't eat breakfast though, I know its the most important meal of the day and blah blah blah. I just notice I tend to be More hungry throughout the day if I eat breakfast. Idk why :/

    What do you have for breakfast? My smoothie has a lot of protein and fiber, and takes me hours to consume and feel hungry for lunch.

  • Sara1791
    Sara1791 Posts: 760 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    A peanut butter mayonnaise, and sardine sandwich helps me be less hungry.

    Just thinking about it makes me quite a bit less hungry. Thanks for the tip!
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    I think the foods that make you feel full is more individual. I found that a high fibre meal in the middle of the day will keep me going. Like another poster I've reduced breakfast to just a tea on some days. I can't go without anything, but keeping it small seems to help. I really encourage playing around with different things. I tried eating lower fat, higher fat, IF. And I found that including a more moderate amount of protein & fat and keeping my fibre up made the most difference, and meal timing is actually huge for me. I feel better if I have my dinner much later than my family does. But that only works if I have a high fibre lunch! Which is kinda random & very different from a lot of posters I think, fruit smoothies didn't help me at all - in fact I often ate more. & every protein powder I tried made me gag. lol.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    jolive7 wrote: »
    mengqiz86 wrote: »
    Honestly, y'all should check out dried edamame. 1oz has 130cal, 13g of protein, 3g of carbs, 7g of fiber. The wasabi flavor is super

    where do you get it??

    Walmart among other places
  • janekana
    janekana Posts: 151 Member
    I have found that white rice (for some reason) makes me feel hungry quickly recently, so I'm thinking of switching out my lunch with oatmeal, since I eat oatmeal for breakfast every day and it still makes me feel full even after I go to the gym! Of course, I don't eat oatmeal just by itself, I also add in berries and fruits and honey, but it's so much more filling than anything else I eat and it's very low calorie! :)
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    A huge portion of broccoli, kale, carrots or other fibrous vegetable. Like an entire bag. Not hungry for ages and super nutritionally efficient.
  • jopalis
    jopalis Posts: 238 Member
    breakfast that helps is old fashioned oats with chia and a protein like a boiled egg. Beans are great for being filling. Bean soup.... Cooking Light has lot of great recipes. Go for fiber and protein...
  • jopalis
    jopalis Posts: 238 Member
    mengqiz86 wrote: »
    Honestly, y'all should check out dried edamame. 1oz has 130cal, 13g of protein, 3g of carbs, 7g of fiber. The wasabi flavor is super

    where to find this? Great suggestion.