Trying to get back into exercising and eating right

Hey everyone, I just figured I'd come out here and share what I'm feeling/going through right now as I could use a little support. I'm just starting to get back into logging this week and trying to get more consistent with exercising again. Today was day 2, but man was it hard! I'm struggling through workouts that was once I breeze. Before my precious ( and sometimes monstrous lol) 2 year old came along, and before this super demanding job of mine, I was working out every day and felt very in shape even though my weight hardly was moving, but it barely crept up.

NowI've gained all the weight I've once lost, all back and it sucks.

Now, I'm barely making it through my workouts. My legs feel like bricks, if that makes any sense and I get tired so quickly. I know I have to get used to working out again as I haven't really done it in so long, but it makes me feel a little frustrated. However, I know I can't compare myself to then...and just have to keep going with it to get better. That's the only way.

I'm trying to also reel my eating back in and adapt better habits again as I've been so stressed out mostly everyday between my demanding job and my child, I've realized I've taken on a horrible habit of stress eating. I try to just drink water or pop a mint instead of grabbing chips or sweets, which is what I turn to. I've also been trying to get back into the habit of taking more foods and snacks to work as we now have this store that makes all the delicious (yet bad for you) junk foods available.

I guess I could use a bit of a support buddy perhaps? :)


  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    oh my gosh... as I was reading this I wondered if I had written it! I am in the exact same boat. Lost 125 lbs (took 2 1/2 years). Got injured and changed careers, went through a divorce and then met my current live in bf of 3 years. Guess what happened? ALL the weight came back on. I joined back up with the same bootcamp I was going to before and have literally cried during workouts because they were SO difficult when they never used to be. Even though I decided to take it back up this summer, my eating remained not healthy. This week marked my return to myfitnesspal and some serious meal planning. SO I'm hopeful.

    Just know you are not alone and if you ever need support or want to chat, I'm here.
  • cutelilusagi
    cutelilusagi Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Vox! It's nice to know I'm not alone out here. I'm starting slow to ease back into logging each day. First by just logging anf slowly tweaking what I eat. I kept picking up trying to track foods, then fall off the wagon. I refuse to this time.

    Just like you, I'm nearly in tears during workouts. I love love love Turbo jam. I have to stop a lot and pause, but I've pushed myself through it. Next week I'll try adding in strength training again.

    I'm very hopeful myself. Here's to us both!
  • You know what to do! Keep at it and it will come. I recently decided to get back on a bike after years and years (and pounds and pounds) and it was so sad at first. I must say that it has gotten easier as time has gone on. Almost like it was like riding a bike :wink: