Looking for woman in their 20's to loose weight with!!!



  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    why did I get a venti starbucsk?? Seriously! 500cals!!! FIRST one in almost 2 months, and i just wanna dump it down the sink! Guess I am for sure working out tonight!

    I love their skinny vanilla only 130 for a grande!

    I'll join in too. I'm 23 and I need to lose a daunting 150 pounds. eek.
  • I'll join, I'm 24 want to lose 100+, lost 15 so far, finding the motivation on here really helping
  • I am 20 and working towards a better stronger skinnier body!!
  • 22....with 50 lbs to lose
  • I'm 21 and trying to lose 50+ lbs in the long term, I'm right here with ya! Feel free to add me, OP or anybody :)
  • kittley
    kittley Posts: 73 Member
    Hi! I'm 24, have lost 4 lbs in 3 weeks so far and is working on losing the other 16 pounds. I will assess from there if I think I need to lose more. :-)
  • tara4487
    tara4487 Posts: 118 Member
    I was thinking of making a facebook secret group.. anyone interested in joining that? Its a little easier to keep track of everyone.

    love that idea 24yrs 35lbs more to loose
  • SomeVegansAreChubby
    SomeVegansAreChubby Posts: 39 Member
    hey!! I am 24, and am losing to lose sixty pounds. I could really use some girls to be friends with on here in similar situations! :)
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    25 with 45lbs to loose. I need inspiration!!!
  • kirsty0911
    kirsty0911 Posts: 54 Member
    21 here ...almost at goal but i'm with you!
  • bloodlesscoup
    bloodlesscoup Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 26 with about 74 lbs to go. Please add me if you're interested!

    Side note - vegan! Anyone else?
  • ME. I am 22 and 68 more pounds to go! Looking for all the support and motivation I can get!
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I'm 26 with 40lbs to loose to start with anyway...the more the better though! Feel free to add me anyone!
  • 23 and looking to lose 20 more lbs at least!
  • mtalle3
    mtalle3 Posts: 11
    24 next month and I want to lose 20 pounds
  • holli3586
    holli3586 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm 25 and have about 30 lbs. to lose.
  • I'm 21 with 30-40 pounds to lose!
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    Hi! I'm 24 and trying to drop about 60 pounds. I got down to 193 from 236 and then did the whole graduate college into a recession/can't find a job/move in with parents things and promptly put on 15 pounds. I got complacent about the weight loss and stalled out this last year, but am back for good. I signed up for my second half marathon to get my running again and am trying to be consistent on here as well.

    I'd love to have some more friends in this age bracket dealing with the craziness of being a young adult/early career/student/etc. :)
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    just turned 24. I have about 40 some odd lbs to lose :)
  • AmyNaylor7205
    AmyNaylor7205 Posts: 45 Member
    23 with 75 lbs. to lose!