Binging for 2 weeks because of loneliness



  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    Like getting a job, expanding your social circle takes effort. Use a variety of techniques to meet new people. To stay on track with your MFP goals & meet new people try joining a coed sports team. Also check out a website called
  • DisruptedMatrix
    DisruptedMatrix Posts: 130 Member
    I'm sorry sweetie -hugs-
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    PixelPuff wrote: »
    I'd say you need to work on yourself, first. You seem very down on yourself, which may not be good when starting a relationship. Maybe join some local meet-ups, some form of games, etc? I've made a looooot of friends through Pokemon Go. I'm usually a nervous wreck with new people, but the common ground is amazing.

    Tabbycat00, since you brought it up, I'mma comment. I dislike when people try to push their religion onto others unprovoked. Especially vulnerable. If someone is to enter into something like such, it should be because they genuinely believe it, not because they feel it will get them in touch with more people. Maybe recommend things said religion would recommend him to do, instead, such as volunteer work, etc. Without pushing the religion itself.

    I don't think she was trying to push a religion, but rather offered some reading that makes one feel part of something special. Since she is most familiar with the Bible, that was offered. Perhaps she could have phrased it in a way to seek something outside of one's self, like a greater good, thoughts of peace and love...he certainly needs to feel peace and love...of himself... anyway....

    OP....I feel sadness when I hear of someone in your situation. You are probably a very fun, interesting person to be around but the energy you are sending out does not reflect that. What kind of person do you want to attract? What you put out into the universe is what you get back. And yes, being of a larger frame sends out signals...
    my health is not important to me,
    my looks are not important me,
    my energy is not important to me,
    my future is not important to me,
    leave me alone....
    same energy I was sending out....
    and you know what, it worked......
    so what kind of person do you think would be attracted to that? Would you even care about that other person if you don't even care about yourself...harsh truth.

    What part of you do you want to share with others? How do you show that? You have to fake it till you make it. Do you smile? When you smile, people smile back. Do an experiment...Get as many frowns as you can each day, and challenge yourself to get even more the next day.

    This whole weight loss thing takes work....we watch on TV how things happen seemingly overnight...but it doesn't ((behind the scenes they have to work incredibly hard)....we play games on our game systems and instantly something manifests to make a figure be invincible and pretty good looking...guess what....not real....It takes work. If you want what you say you want. you have to work for it. It use to be a man would not consider a relationship with someone until he had his ducks in a row. And he would expect the same from his intended. In fact most men will not consider a woman for his home if she is not showing she is capable of taking care of his children, and him.

    I don't know what male figure you have in life, but that is first place you should become men in the presence of men.

  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    Unless you're happy to accept sympathyshags, you're going to have to work on your confidence. Every day, find something new to like about yourself. Even if you can't find something (and I guarantee there is something likeable about you, even if you can't find it yet), fake it until you make it.
  • DEBOO7
    DEBOO7 Posts: 245 Member
    I can empathise. I live alone - but that in itself doesn't bother me. However it can be lonely but I work on not allowing myself to become absorbed by the loneliness as that's a path down a dark hole.
    There's no magic wand that will fix it.
    People are attracted to those who are positive and have an aura of being in control of their lives.
    Focus on being positive about where you are going and what you want to achieve.
    Believe in your own greatness and ability.
    Focus on you.
  • MiniMansell1964
    MiniMansell1964 Posts: 188 Member
    lonelyness is not forcing you to eat more.
    lack of willpower is.

    seperate the two
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    Stumbled upon this thread, whoa....

    Is OP still out there somewhere?

    I found the post sharing experience of weight loss from 493 pounds really informative. OP are you facing similar challenges? I think he also mentioned therapy.

    OP have you tried to find a therapist that you can talk to about all the issues you may be having?

    It's great that you're reaching out to mfp community for support. Depending on how vulnerable you may be, it may be hard to sort through the different kinds of we'll intended responses that may be too wide, too general to adapt to your unique circumstances. The suggestions to serk therapy are to help you find a unique individualized support system. Of course mfp community has shown it will be there for you.

    The responses and various suggestions in the thread are pointing out some actions or steps you can take to move towards the life you want.

    OP have you thought about what you'd like to do next?
    Are you logging your food entries daily? All it takes is one day at a time. If you follow that every day, and eat the calories mfp says, then mfp guarantees you will lose weight. Are you ready to make that commitment for yourself to improve your life?

  • magsyman33
    magsyman33 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there OP. I am new here and I saw this thread. I have been where you are now. Back then, I was overweight. I weighed 320 lbs but my confidence was still there. Growing up my defense mechanism was (still is) to make people laugh. I eventually got used to it where every time someone makes a joke about my weight, I just make a joke back and laugh it off. But it would still hurt. I probably made a lot of friends because I was thinking positively. I did nothing to lose the weight because I was happy at the time.

    Then, I got in a fight with my family, lost my job, and everything was spiraling down. When I questioned my self-worth, I lost my confidence. I went into a cycle of eating to make myself happy but would feel bad about myself because of my weight. I gained weight to about 410 lbs. I was so depressed to the point of thinking about doing self-harm. This went on for a year.

    I got out of my depression because I had enough of feeling bad about myself. I didn't want it to rule my life anymore. It was hard to break free from that cycle. I decided to take up Boxing. It was fun. My coach was very supportive. I lost 70 lbs in two months. It took some time to get my confidence back but I was happy again. Oh, and I was single when all this happened. I understand how hard it is to not have someone to confide, to hug, or to cry on. But I relied on myself to pull through.

    Now I'm here because I want to shed some of this weight and get to under 200 lbs. I know I can do it. I just have to remind myself to stay strong and never go back to that depression again. I hope this can help you in some way, OP. I know that you have it in you to get out of that negative mentality. I am here to make friends, get support and give support to people. So if you want someone to talk to, you can message me.

    Ganbbatte! OP!
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    Awesome post thanks for sharing your personal struggle, I hope OP reaches out to you. So glad you found boxing and stuff to make you see life can be happy
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'm probably going to feel like a meanie 15 minutes from now, but poor impulse control.

    lonelyobeseguy, i'm not in a sympathy mood. the question is: take a wild guess at how long you'll probably live and then subtract your age now. are you willing to spend that many years feeling the way you do now? or even able to? because if not, you'd better do something.

    people do live their entire lives or large parts of it without being seriously loved, or getting happily laid. just supposing you're one of them, imo you need to make a plan.
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    Curious post.

    Did the OP leave mfp?
  • tinamarie6624
    tinamarie6624 Posts: 182 Member
    You have received some great advice. You will find that as you work on yourself and your weight issues (whatever those might be) that the other stuff will start to fall into place.

    I am no expert and I can only offer my own situation as an example. In January 2016 (10 months ago), I started this journey at 378 Lbs. I am now down 131 Lbs. Prior to starting to this journey, I was massively overweight and felt awful about myself. When my family and/or friends would ask me to do something fun or to try to help me in any way, I would say no to everything. I didn't think I was depressed at the time but looking at it from a new perspective, I know that was my main problem. I had a friend say the other day that not only do I look different physically but that I also now seem to be happy all the time. I have to agree that I am now happy and it's because I feel good about myself. I know I am still obese and have a lot more time to devote to reshaping my life. (Pun intended!) I now work out every day in a way that makes sense to me. I go and do fun things with family and friends and it has made a huge difference in my life and what makes me happy.

    I went to Six Flags a few weeks ago, something I wouldn't have done a year ago and it was great fun. It wasn't all perfect, especially when the attendant had to take off a ride because I was too fat. What I told myself was that hopefully by next summer, I will be able to ride and how good that would feel to have accomplished that much.

    The difference is inside me because I know I will complete this journey and that keeps my head on straight and happy. What I get to the end of the journey doesn't matter because I have already changed my life completely. I know it's hard to accept but nobody can make you happy except yourself.

    Surround yourself with supportive people, like the ones here at MFP, who will encourage you in your moments of self doubt, depression and loneliness as it will help you to cope.
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