Amusement Parks & Six flags Magic Mountain , any one exercise there ? ? ?

hunkofmexican Posts: 128 Member
How you doing ?

My name is Nick , and i am going from Chunk to Hunk walking the Magic Mountain. B)
To lose 40 to 60 pounds is what i am still aiming for and getting closer to it with every attempt.

I have in the past looked for friends in the community and in real life to hang at the best amusement park in Southern California. I go 2-3 times a month , by the end of the day , i will have walked any where from 6-8 hours up stairs & slopes and down , slowly working my legs solid.

My Calories i keep at 1300-1500 and vary times ... This is ok , but with out exercising , i will not lose much ... So now that i can , i am really trying to do something every day extra , like a walk or exercise for 20 minutes , every bit helps as you know.

Besides losing , i am gaining , muscle that is ... so my weight number is not really reflecting my true loses ... ok with me on that , i feel my core once again building firmer , and all i have been doing is walking That Amusement park consistently.

Anyone else do this ?

I am looking for new friends who do exercise at these types of places , and since there are so many around the world , i figured the same for people like us :)

by this posting in Chit Chat , i am hoping to find just that , others who know what i mean about exercising hard while chit catting in support by becoming My new MFP Friend <3

If you would , please intro your self and the Park you exercise at , Maybe the name of the ride you like most or favorite place in the park you like to eat at ... I :p have a food pass , that entitles me to 2 meals and a snack , also a 2017 drink cup which keeps my cup'eth , Full Throttle with plenty of ice & H2o , i have been having a new problem tho , i tend to get Lemonade which is sometimes diet or with the corn syrup. i was never a sugar person when it came to sodas . Just now starting to see i need to make a easier choice on that , but the Tap water taste Awful :s plain , so i 50/50 my water with it ...

Whale there it is , if you can relate , drop me a message ... or add me , Thanks , Nick...


  • JRD09
    JRD09 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Hunk!! Your Best Dude Brah!! Hit me up on the friend request
  • JRD09
    JRD09 Posts: 3 Member
    As you may tell from my avatar... I pick good one!!
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    As a guy, you shouldn't go below 1500 kcal a day. Especially during your exercise days. You'll do better if you slow your weight loss. The reason is, you will be able to sustain it and keep it off once you hit your goal weight. Get your TDEE, you might find much better results. It is harder to keep the weight off then lose it if you don't have the habits to back it up.
  • DisruptedMatrix
    DisruptedMatrix Posts: 130 Member
    I would if I could afford to! That's a great idea.
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    edited October 2016
    It'd be far more efficient if you worked your arms as you're working your legs, otherwise you'll be the dude that did NOT miss leg day, but all other days.. o.o