Calories in Starbucks skinny mocha syrup

Tatarataa Posts: 178 Member

does anyone know the exact calories of Starbucks skinny mocha syrup per pump? In the database there is an entry with 5 cal per pump (it has more than the other skinny syrups because it is made with real chocolate powder), but I asked a Starbuck's person today and he told me that it has got "something around 10 cals" per pump...(Shock I drink a lot of venti americano with 4-5 pumps of skinny mocha....)...what is the "true" nutritional value of 1 pump of skinny mocha syrup at Starbuck's? Many thanks any advice!


  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member

    Can't see a skinny mocha syrup, however I remember reading for the skinny mocha they use the mocha drizzle, which is 5 calories.

    It's a mystery!
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Starbucks syrups (the ones they pump) have a standard amount they use based on size.

    Tall=3 pumps
    Grande= 4 pumps
    Venti= 5 pumps

    This is the standard for all of their espresso recipes, with the exception of the caramel macchiato which uses one less pump of syrup but adds caramel sauce. Speaking of which, if they use a a SAUCE (caramel drizzle, mocha drizzle) it varies widely, they are supposed to make a specific design but everyone just wings it (and usually puts a ton) Also, frappuccino and blended beverages are made differently, I believe 1-2-2 (tall, grande, venti)

    To find the answer to your question go on the website and look at the nutritional info for a tall latte, and a tall skinny latte. Subtract the difference and divide by 3 (3 pumps) and that is your calories per pump!

    Source: 7 years of experience slinging coffee at Starbucks
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Also, if I remember correctly, all the skinny syrups were the same calories (or similar) so you can just use the skinny vanilla, caramel or cinnamon
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    What is this? The sugar free syrups?

    Sorry. I have literally gotten 150 dollars worth of starbucks in gift cards this christmas season and it's not really my thing. Now intrigued.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Yup, sugar free syrups and skim milk. Personally not a fan. But light frapuccino are the sh*#
  • Rinkey78
    Rinkey78 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm a Starbucks manager and can tell you a tall skinny Mocha aka sugar free non fat is around 100 calories.
  • Tatarataa
    Tatarataa Posts: 178 Member
    Many thanks for your answers! So I guess I will go for the 5 cal skinny mocha drizzle (anyone else can confirm that value-maybe devoneyvalente, please?) and as I usually ask by myself will ask for 4 pumps (=20 cal) and add the coffee calories (in the future normal coffee instead of espresso-25cal just for the espresso is not worth it)....what do you think?
  • nlopezusc
    nlopezusc Posts: 2 Member
    Tatarataa, espresso only has 5 cal per shot with only 1 carb.
    LINIA Posts: 1,140 Member
    I do enjoy Starbucks but since the chain switched from Soy to Vanilla Soy, I don't enjoy the drink as much. Food and milk allergies, nut I ordered skinny mocha and Blonde ( or decaf expresso pour) and it was delicious. milk of any kind. My question is, how many calories do you think I am drinking? Thanks.
  • Beauxbarker
    Beauxbarker Posts: 1 Member
    Guys, calories are good for you. You need calories to burn fat and have energy. Calories from fat is a good thing. It is normally nutrition dense where calories from sugar are empty. To lose weigh you don't even need to count your calories... actually you should probably stop. Start eating real food. Look at the added sweeteners, look at the fibers in the food. If you started eating real food now, without even working out you would lose a lot of weight. By real food I mean not insanely processed. 80% of the grocery store has food with added sugar. Our peanut butter, tomatoe sauce, bread, just about everything does. Start paying attention to what good and bad is going into your body. Non fat milk is terrible for you. Don't even get me started on non fat. Drink regular milk you'll feel more full and it is packed with great nutrition. All of these things people are marketing is simply to make money off of the ignorant. Most people don't study nutrition. Even in nutrition class people are still being misinformed. I have done many self studies. No one in the 40's went to gyms, type 2 diabetes wasn't even a thing for children, and now you see it left and right. The sugar industry is paying lobbists to keep their crap in food. Start watching added sweeteners (not just sugar but any sweeteners ) your body responds the same way to regular sugar as it does with artificial. So drinking that diet soda is doing you no good lol. Same with juice and Gatorade. This may sound impossible which it actually is this day in age but you can start living healthy now simply by reducing your sugars. You don't need to count and there is no right number. Just try and eat real food. Avoid foods marketed to being healthy or low fat. They are normally filled with sweeteners.
    LINIA Posts: 1,140 Member
    #Beauxbarker -- are you a 30 year old male, that is what your profile states.

    At any rate, is there any chance that you may not be giving good advice to a 55 year old woman who is menopausal? Is there any chance that your advice may work for you now but will not carry you thru to 55 or 60 years of age.
    (i do agree about the marketing of sugar and snacks, the companies are basically pushers)

    I'm not saying your advice isn't great advice...for certain ppl.