Looking for a few dependable people like me.

Hi. I am a married, 35 year old stay at home mom. I currently weigh 234 pounds and I'm 5'5. I'm looking to start the couch to 5k program and do some basic no equipment exercising at home.I really tend to struggle with emotionaI and boredom overeating. I currently am diagnosed with hypothyroidism which makes losing weight even harder. I have also just been put on cholesterol medicine. My goal is to get in better health and get off of these medications, lose weight and be more physically active. I would like to find a few people similar to me so that we can really get to know each other and motivate and encourage one another on a daily basis. So if there is a few people interested, please let me know. Thanks everybody


  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Wishing you all the best on your journey.
  • DaytonaTheHousecat
    DaytonaTheHousecat Posts: 37 Member
    Once you lose 20 pounds there will be a dramatic difference in your health. My husband had high blood pressure. No meds but it was always high. He lost 15 pounds and now his blood pressure is always normal. He was like 60 pounds over weight.
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    My starting stats were similar to yours. I'm 41 and a little over 5'5" and weighed 236.8 lbs. I've lost about 84 lbs so far, so it can be done. I'm 11 lbs away from my goal of 145 lbs. C25K is a great program and is what got me running regularly.

    Good luck with your weight loss. Feel free to add me if you want to have a friend who was where you are now two years ago.
  • pdo27789
    pdo27789 Posts: 120 Member
    Running has always intimidated me, but every time I look into couch to 5k, I read success stories.

    So what's the plan? Add each other as friends and post every day? I'm up to that. I'll get proper running shoes tomorrow and install a training app on my phone.

    I too am susceptible to quick binges here and there, ie eat healthy all day but grab 2 doughnuts on the way home. I need to implement exercise to get off the plateau!

    I'm not sure what info people can see about me yet (just started getting into the mfp forum a few days ago), so:
    41 year old father of 2 girls (3 and 5)
    Ontario Canada
    First started healthy changes about 5 months ago. Initial weigh in 276lbs. I was down 33lbs at one point but I've crept back up the past couple months to about 248.
  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    I'm 41 and 5 feet tall and 171. I'm far more likely to lurk and stealthily like posts than be chatty, but you're welcome to add me. I admire you for trying couch to 5k! I just joined MFP and am walking as my main exercise.

    Boredom/distracted eating is a problem for me, too. One of the rules I just set myself is "no snacks at the computer." If I open a bag of chips or something while I'm online, the entire thing is just gone. If I'm hungry I can actually stand up for a few minutes and go eat! Between that and tracking my food making sure I get enough protein I noticed I'm not feeling nearly as bored-hungry.